《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 50: Perilous battle


A man is hidden by the shadows in his room is silently contemplating what went wrong. With the light of the moon hitting his back, his face is completely hidden in darkness. A large open window is situated behind him, letting the light of the moon enter his lightless room. The door facing him slowly creaks open as a familiar child walked through with a seemingly careless and uncaring attitude, a large sword barring its weight on his small shoulder as his white hair is flowing with the wind. He stands there silently after closing the door with a smirk on his face.

“Why the bad mood leader?” Kavel asked with a teasing tone as a deep sigh emanated from the shadowed figure.

“Kavel….my only pride and my strongest champion. Why are you here? Did you finish what i asked you to do?” the man’s rough and deep voice echoed through the room as Kavel shrugged before a thud followed. Blood started flowing through the wooden floor as the leather covering the thing that’s inside the bag is soaked with blood.

“Yup, i must say. He was feisty” Kavel smiled while gazing at the decapitated head.

“Good…We’ve finally killed the poison hero. This calls for a celebration” the man said with no emotions or intonation in his way of speaking. A complete cold voice despite achieving a great goal.

“He was quite annoying at first, his poison is really deadly that i even doubt if i can take all of his attacks. Still, once you get close to him. He’s merely a lanky man with no satisfying feeling to it once i ripped him in half. " Kavel said with a smirk while kicking the head around.

“Don’t play with the corpse Kavel. We need it to be recognizable” the man advised.

“Ohhh, so that’s why you want me to bring his head.” Kavel replied like he understands his plan. The man patiently stared at Kavel as he tucked the decapitated head in his chest and arms like he was hugging it.

“Anyway, what’s the problem? Why the sigh leader?” Kavel asked, still holding the decapitated head without any care about the blood dripping in his clothes.

“The former hero that we gave to the church was killed, even in its abomination form it still died. I precisely tasked Astarte to let it target the new and weak wind hero of the Venir Family. " the man said

“Want me to kill her?” Kavel asked with a terrifying smile as the man shakes his head.

“You’re time is more valuable than her death. I’m just annoyed that my plan failed for once”

“Isn’t that good? It means you’re still human” Kavel shrugged

“Human or not, it doesn’t matter anymore. I just want the revival of the true one to succeed. I will sacrifice anything to complete the task it gave me” the man said with steel-like resolution and determination.

“So, what’s my next task? It better be more exciting than this one”

“Tell your apprentices to kill the wind hero. It would act as a test for them to see if they have the talent to succeed in the shades. I marked their last position which is near the death’s crevice. As for you, protect Astarte for a while. We need to finish the acquisition of the tower of sacrifice " the man said as Kavel bowed before leaving the room with a disappointed look on his face.

“Let’s see if that witch’s otherworlders are worth the praise she gives” the man chuckled before turning his head without moving his body to face the moon.


Meanwhile in the forest near the edge of death’s crevice. A deep crimson red ring can be seen surrounding Isaac’s hip as the blood of the monsters and beast he slaughtered was insurmountable. Still, with the help of Alrich. He was able to head back to the camp where they stayed. He sat in one of the logs that surrounded the fire burning in the middle of the camp. He gazed at the fire as he slowly manipulated the blood ring to move in waves. He tried taking some off but it would stick back to the ring like a magnet attached to the metal.

Still, he tried and tried until finally. Deep black blood was removed from the blood ring as he stored it in a bottle that housed Cellica’s blood. The blood ring turned to a crimson mist as it seems that it has weakened when that blood was removed. He activated his eyes of truth to see if it’s safe for ingestion to heal others but his eyesight suddenly blurred and he quickly felt like he was falling. Once he hit the ground, his eyes were closed and a quiet snore emanated from him over his fatigued body.

Alrich quickly carried him to a makeshift bed made of leaves as he deeply sighed. Everyone was already sleeping except for him who was supposed to stay up and guard the camp in case monsters attacked again. Oddly enough, even after hours and hours of staying inside the forest, the sun never came up but the monsters become more furious and dangerous as time passed by. It might be the fire that attracts the monsters but without it, the camp would be locked in eternal darkness which was more dangerous. If only the one who brings them here was conscious, Kyle can lead the way to the ruins. He was just staring at the roaring fire as he felt something tapping his shoulder, he quickly turns around in fear only to find Aleena.

“I didn’t expect you to be such a scaredy-cat” she chuckled as Alrich blushes in embarrassment.

“It’s not like that, i was just tensed. What if it’s a monster” Alrich said with a serious tone as Aleena started laughing quietly. She sat beside Alrich as she also stared at the fire.

“No monsters would touch someone’s shoulder” she smiled as Alrich grew silent.

“What’s the matter?” Aleena stared at Alrich with a concerned look on her face.

“Sorry for injuring your arm..” he said quietly as Aleena gave him an embarrassed smile.

“No, it’s not you’re fault. It was my fault, to begin with. I never trusted either you or Kyle. Now, we are in this situation because of me” she said with a pained smile. Alrich stayed silent as he doesn’t have anything else to say. He wanted to deny what she said but no words come out of his mouth.

“If you’re my friend, that means you’re not evil” she chuckled before a smile emerged on her face despite not being happy at all.

“That was my go-to quote when meeting new people you know. I was cheerful and always quick to trust since i can truly sense if someone has evil in them but it seems that i was not always right…” she smiled but her eyes are covered with sadness. Alrich silently listened as he gazed at her.

“Maybe that’s why even when i don’t sense any evil from any of you, i still swung my sword. I doubted myself, sorry for that” she said with a melancholic tone. Her eyes slowly getting teary but she shakes her head with a smile.


“Sorry for my rambling, i’ll be taking the post now. You can finally sleep Al”

“It’s fine. I’m not that sleepy” Alrich boasted but just before Aleena sat near him, he was always yawning and rubbing his eyes. Still, he felt that it was not right to leave Aleena alone.

“I appreciate you listening to me but i can see that you’re very tired. I’m fine so no need to get concerned over me” she grabs Alrich by the arm as she leads him to where she was sleeping just a minute ago. Alrich was very confused but a tight lock secured his arms and he can’t move it at all.

“You can sleep in my bed, it’s comfier than your leaf bed. " she smiled as she unwrapped her arms over his as he slapped his head for confusing what she’s doing. A bright smile appeared on his face as he nodded. The soil was softer and the different leaves cushion his back gave it a comforting feel. Within seconds, he quickly falls asleep.

The night continued amidst the howling of different beasts and monsters all around. Aleena gripped her long sword as its silvery glow gives it a sharper feeling. It was a sword made from mythsilver, a type of rare silver that can only be found on the continent of dwarves. It has the ability to weaken someone’s mana and aura once getting struck. It was a perfect weapon against pure mage and aura users who rely on their mana shield and aura body techniques for protection. Despite the darkness of the forest, her eyes can sense if there’s something or someone in a 400-meter radius. It was honed by her countless hours of training the passive skill named the extreme senses. It weakens the effect of invisibility magic and stealth skills but it doesn’t nullify it like Isaac’s eye of truth.

Out of nowhere, a hooded figure dashes forward with a dagger in its hand coated in some form of liquid. A quick slice from Aleena’s sword cut the figure in half only to dissipate in smoke. She turned around to see an arrow coursing through the air before multiplying once it gets close enough. Hundreds of arrows rained on her as she parried and dodge erratically but with the injury in her arm, she lost her balance and tumbled. Resulting in her stomach being pierced by an arrow and an arrow stuck on her left leg.

She tried shouting but no sound emerged from her lips as from the darkness of the forest. Two hooded figures revealed themselves as having both blonde hair and blue eyes, one with manly features and another one with womanly features. They look the same, suggesting to be twins as they smiled with an uncaring attitude. They are draped with a black fabric that seems to distort space every time they slowly walk towards Aleena who was breaking the arrows stuck in her stomach and leg.

“I thought you were the wind hero. I ask for forgiveness and leniency to my misbehavior” the woman bowed with a sympathetic smile before gazing deeply at Aleena.

“Now tell us, where is the wind hero? She must be somewhere around here?” the man said while surveying the area.

“Hmm? You can’t tell us? Maybe a little bit more pain might suffice” the man smiled as he started walking towards Aleena while playing with his dagger. Only to be stopped by the blonde woman.

“She can’t speak brother. You cast a spell on her didn’t you?” she sounded annoyed and irritated as the man smiled sheepishly.

“I forgot my dear sister, it was merely a mistake on my part” he said while turning to face her sister as a simple snap of his finger return Aleena’s voice.

“We are being attacked!” Aleena shouted on top of her lungs as the man shakes his head with a disappointing expression on his face.

“See, my dear sister? It will only get more inconvenient from now on” he didn’t care if Aleena called for more help as he’s extremely confident in his skill. He gazed at Aleena with a bored expression as he patiently waited for her help to arrive.

“I never wanted unnecessary bloodshed brother and you know that. Our goal is only to kill the wind hero and nothing more nothing less.” the sister said with a gentle and sad tone as the brother frowned.

“I know that my dear sister but i can’t let you get hurt again” he patted her head with a smile.

Meanwhile, Isaac was already awake just from the sound of battle earlier. He forcefully let Kyle drink the blood collected from his blood mist as he briefly saw the words safe in the description when he activated his eyes of truth. He wanted to read it more carefully but the sense of urgency when Aleena shouted forces him to take the risk. Immediately, Kyle wakes up with his eyes tearing up and with his tongue out while desperately fanning it with air. He felt like someone just grabbed a handful of the hottest chilies that can be found on earth and smashed it together to get the purest chili liquid and poured it over his mouth.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” he shouted as he started looking around with eyes full of madness only to spot Isaac gazing at him coldly before standing up, grabbing his katana, and leaving. Only to notice that the poison is gone and all of his injuries are healed. He was amazed at what was given to him but the sound of battle quickly snaps him back to reality as he grabbed his spear and goes to the source of the sounds of battle.

Within seconds, a blonde man appears out of nowhere with a dagger in his hand. Kyle dashes forward as he swings his spear to the side, cutting it into two before dissipating like smoke. Before he can take a step, a metal ball covered with spikes is attached to a chain, smashes to the ground in front of him as he quickly jumps backward. A large muscular man wearing an executioner’s garb can be seen towering over the trees. He was so massive that his chest can reach the top of the tree. With a large flail and a rusty ax in each hand. Each step of his generated a loud thumping noise as the ground caves in on his feet. A sigh emerged from Kyle as he gazes upward just to see the head of this man. One thing is for sure, this man was a member of the giant race and they are very popular for their monstrous strength.

While Isaac was rushing to where Aleena shouted, he was stopped by a pool of blood surrounding him as he quickly jumps up just before spikes made of blood appeared with the intention of impaling him. Just in the corner of his eyes, he noticed a young pale man covered in the darkness of the forest casting a magic spell as a large pillar made of blood emerged and was sent flying towards him. With no delay, he activated his title to teleport in front of the man before swinging his katana straight to his neck. He was expecting blood spurting everywhere and the sound of his sword hitting the flesh but what he received was a burst of bats everywhere. Seemingly running away from him before converging back to create the young gray-haired pale man.

“A proper vampire just straight from the books. Great” Isaac sarcastically remarks with annoyance in his voice.

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