《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 48: Disorganized plan


Meanwhile, inside the house that’s being carried by the white wyvern. Kyle can be seen looking at the map while mulling about something. Isaac sits in one of the chairs facing Kyle with a bored look on his face. It has been a day in their travel with nothing attacking them or anything interesting happening. It was already in the middle of the night with most of the people sleeping except for both of them.

Kyle lifted his head to face Isaac who keeps on sighing “What’s the problem?” he asked

“Nothing, i was just hoping that our adventure would be more exciting rather than sitting here doing nothing all day”

“Well, since the church of light is escorting us. I doubt we would be in danger” Kyle replied before gazing at the map once more.

“Wait, they are escorting us?” Isaac asked with a surprised tone before glancing to the windows.

“They have been following us for the whole day. It’s natural since we have the hero and the heir of a major family.” Kyle said without taking his eyes off from the map

“Why don’t you sleep already?” Kyle asked

“With what happened yesterday? I’m not interested in sleeping, maybe later but i’m not tired” Isaac replied casually with his back lying on the chair.

“Besides, why are you looking at the map that intensely?” Isaac asked, confused but intrigued. Since with Kyle’s knowledge from his past life, he might be looking for treasures along the way.

“A way for us to leave without being found out by the church of light”

“I figured that you won’t allow them to follow us all through the journey” Isaac chuckled

“Of course, the artifacts inside that ruins are very valuable. Still, since we are separated from them, we can plan here without worrying about someone overhearing our conversation. " Kyle smiled

“But we are also separated from Cecelia and others.” Isaac replied

“Simple, we leave them. They might know where the general area is but they don’t know how to find the entrance” Kyle smirks before laughing loudly.

“Didn’t you say that we need their blood?” Isaac asked before Kyle reveals 2 vials containing a red liquid with a smug smile.

“No problem” he replied with a confident tone

“I guess you really prepared for this”

“Us 3 would enter my portal near the entrance of the ruins tomorrow night. Make sure to tell this to Alrich tomorrow. We need to make sure that we get every artifact before Cellica finds out where we are.” Kyle explained

“How about Aleena? Don’t we need to make sure she follows us?”

“Did i say we’re leaving? by the time we are finish looting that place, we would teleport back here while acting as if nothing happened”

“Besides, if the church of light discovered that we use the power of cursed sacred weapons. They would hunt us. I don’t know if Cellica planned this or not but i’m not taking any chances” Kyle said before wrapping the map and standing up

“We should take a rest since tomorrow would be a hectic day and night” Kyle smiles before leaving Isaac to go to his room.

“Did they seriously planned all this?” Isaac murmured with a murderous glint in his eyes. After thinking about it, he sighed before giving up thinking something that doesn’t have any concrete evidence,

“I should take a rest for now” Isaac stands up from the chair he’s sitting on before heading to his room.

The wyverns continued on flying all through the night as this makes the wyvern one of the best mounts in the world of Aleria. They have insane speed and stamina that they can fly for two weeks without any rest. While everyone was sleeping in their respective rooms, the member of the church of light that has been following them nonstop didn’t rest as they cast the spell Remove Fatigue and Brillance on themself to avoid sleeping or the need of any rest. Despite having side effects, the members can only complain in their minds as they stuff themself with potions that were supposed to give them nutrients needed for the travel.


The night was quiet with nothing really happening, the wyverns passed through towns and villages in the air with their immense speed. During the day, a shadow of a dragon-like creature flying through the air terrified a lot of normal folks but the church of light handled it properly and explained so the panic subsided.

Isaac wakes up as the sound of walking can be heard outside his room. It seems that the maids are already awake as a knock on his door awakens him even more. Without any fuss, he stands up from his bed before opening the door. A maid can be seen holding a tray of food before handing it to him and bowing courteously. Isaac stared at the food before putting it on the table near his bed. He turns around and grabs the maid’s wrist forcefully as she stares at him with fear.

“Did you put poison in my food?” Isaac quickly asked while staring deeply at the maid with the pattern inside his eyes turning.

“N-no, dear guest. We would never do that” she stammered with fear and confusion in her tone. Noticing that his eyes didn’t pick up any lies, he sighed before removing his hands from her. With a swift gesture, he shoos the terrified maid away.

“Life would be tiring if you always do that” A teasing voice emanated just outside to find Kyle smiling from the confrontation that happened.

“It’s better to live like this than to never live ever again” Isaac replied with an irritated tone as a frown appeared on his face.

“No need to get angry. I’m just saying that it would not be worth your time if you always check if someone wants to kill you” Kyle said before entering Isaac’s room.

“That’s my choice, besides why are you here this early in the morning?” Isaac asked while sitting on his bed.

“Alrich come here!” he shouted outside as Alrich reluctantly enters Isaac’s room.

“Good morning” Alrich said as Kyle closes the door behind him

“Now, i trust that all of you are agreeing to my plan” Kyle said with a serious tone in his voice.

“I don’t know about this…what if…what if they discovered what we did?” Alrich asked

“Then we make sure they won’t. Besides, we can’t allow the church of light to discover where our powers come from. I don’t appreciate her letting the church of light follow us” Kyle said

“What if they are also not aware?” Alrich asked once more

“Listen, it’s better safe than sorry. It’s literally what Isaac is, right?”Kyle answers Alrich before glancing at Isaac with a smile. Isaac didn’t refute or said anything as Kyle continued.

“And you can see what our relationship to Cellica’s. We are basically enemies, i won’t lend my enemy a weapon that can kill me” Kyle said like what he’s saying is pure facts.

“So you see her like that….” Alrich mutters with a disappointed expression on his face.

“Enemies might be too much but i won’t trust her. By the way, why are you actively siding with them? Did they do anything to you that is more worth than my literal power giving? hmmm?” Kyle teasingly said

“It’s not like that, it’s just that i consider them as my friends and i don’t want my friends to fight each other. I know i sound like a kid but i never had any friends since they have either have a crush on me or are just jealous.” Alrich sighs

“Fine, i don’t mind it. As long as you follow my lead, i will let you reach the heavens. " Kyle smirks as Alrich smiles sheepishly.


“Anyways, i will portal away towards this location” Kyle said before revealing a map from nowhere but Isaac can see his usual black cube inside his pocket that is floating. Kyle pointed at the red x mark on the middle situated in the most center of the map. The map contains only the human continent in its entirety.

“This x mark is the exact location of the ruins so instead of here, we teleport here” Kyle pointed just centimeters away from the x mark and at the edges of the lettering of death’s crevice.

“We will teleport just at the edge of death’s crevice and run all the way there. It would take at least an hour if we keep on running. So any questions?” Kyle smiled

“First question, what the hell is the death’s crevice?” Isaac asked, the name by itself already shouts danger. So, why would Kyle take the risk?

“It’s a deep crevice with two massive cliffs on each side and a very dark line of nothingness in the middle ranging to about 20 kilometers. The crevice is so deep that even now, no one knows what’s at the bottom except for its darkness. Still, every 20 years. An undead would climb up from the deep crevice with an estimated level of 80. The strongest undead that emerged from that crevice was a giant serpent made of nothing but bones with an estimated length of 5 kilometers. According to the theory, it was summoned by the dark mage of Verenian for revenge since it destroyed a total of 3 human kingdoms before dying by itself.” Kyle explained with a smile as Alrich stared at him like he was crazy.

“Why would you bring us there?!” Alrich yelled before realizing that he’s shouted too loudly and awkwardly repeated the question slowly and calmly.

“Why would you bring us there?”

“I’m not bringing you there, we will only go to the edge of that place to the ruins and not on the edge of the cliff. There would be magical traces on where i open my portal so it’s better to teleport far away to avoid detection. Besides, death’s crevice is not dangerous if we just stay at the edge and not go to the cliffs.” Kyle explained before surveying the room. Isaac nodded without saying anything while Alrich seems to want to question more but he just shakes his head. Kyle claps his hand with a smile on his face appearing.

“Let’s do this!” he yelled excitedly

The day passed with all of them preparing for midnight. It was a normal day of travel with nothing happening except for the constant sound of battles below the wyverns. They waited and waited until it was finally the middle of the night. All of them entered Isaac’s room since his room is between Alrich and Kyle. Since their room is far from each other, both of them trod carefully to avoid waking up the maids.

“Are you guys ready?” Kyle asked as Isaac grips his unsheathed katana tightly while Alrich nodded with his dragon-like eyes glowing.

“Chaos Magic: Summon Portal” a violet portal slowly emerged in front of Kyle as he entered it first before being followed by Isaac and Alrich. Once reaching the other side, a sound of a crunching can be heard as they stepped on the bones of some creature which Alrich yelled in fear and surprised.

[Blessing of the Deity has activated] an ominous status alert shocked Kyle as he surveyed the surroundings to find Cellica, Melissa, and Aleena on their nightwear standing behind them with a half sleepy expression and eyes gazing at nothingness. With Cellica and Aleena bringing their respective weapons. All of them immediately wake up when they noticed that they are not on their bed anymore. They quickly covered their body with their arms while glaring at Kyle and Isaac.

“What is happening?!” Cellica shouted angrily with deep hatred in her eyes. While Aleena blushes with bright red and Melissa gritting her teeth. All of them felt embarrassed and angry about what suddenly happened.

“I-i can explain” Kyle said nervously which was odd to Isaac as he stared deeply at the girls before receiving a punch to the stomach as he flies a couple of meters. He quickly glares at them to find out that it was Cellica who punched him with anger covering her entire face.

“Uh…well..the blessing of the deity quickly activated and then all of you are already here. Don’t blame me on this i didn’t know” Kyle explained while turning his head to the side to avoid staring at them which might anger them more. Isaac walked towards all of them with a frown on his face before standing beside Kyle as he continued on glaring at the girls.

“I see but my next question. What are you doing here?” Cellica asked with suspicion in her tone.

“Nothing in particular, just looking for something” Kyle replied with a smile

“Are you planning on going to the ruins by the three of you and rob all of it?” Cellica asked with the suspicion turning to anger.

“Well…you see. We can’t allow the church of light to follow us all the way there. If they found out that we are using the cursed sacred weapons-” before he finishes his words, a quick flash of light appeared towards his neck as he immediately ducks away from the sword that was aimed to kill as he anticipated it.

“Now, we are not ev-” he tried explaining to Aleena who glared at him and continued on swinging her sword towards Kyle.

“Light Sword Art: Flurry of Judgement” she muttered under her breath as she sheathed her weapon with smoke appearing in her mouth and muscles. Kyle was near blinded by his eye of foresight as everything around him is covered with a sword aiming at his body. He quickly activates his title but by the time it is activated, wounds started appearing all throughout his body as the place where he was just a second ago was destroyed with a thousand sword slashes to the ground. Blood started dripping from his wounds as he gritted his teeth while his eyes are getting blurry from using it.

“Don’t run away~” Aleena said teasingly with a terrifying smile as she turns her head to face the injured Kyle. She was about to dash towards Kyle only to find a jagged katana aiming at her throat while an incoming kick from her stomach is moving at extreme speed.

She parries the katana before smashing her elbow towards Alrich’s legs. Luckily for Alrich, he already activated all of his spells as he stretched his palm towards Aleena’s head.

“Buddha’s Palm!” he yelled with vigor as his palm summoned a large golden palm that easily smashes towards Aleena which caught her off guard as the bones on her arms broke from the impact.

“Stop! Immediately!” Cellica shouted as everyone stopped in their tracks.

“Both of them are not…wait they are indeed evil but they don’t do any bad things” Cellica explained with a straight face.

“I disagree with Cellica! We are not evil, we are quite nice” Kyle shines a bright smile but he received a cold glare from both Aleena and Cellica. Seeing that Aleena is gripping her broken arm, Alrich quickly makes her way towards her with a concerned expression on his face.

“S-sorry! I didn’t expect that something would come out of my palm” he apologizes while staring at Aleena to check for any injuries.

“Wow! Outrageous! I’m here bleeding through my many wounds but Alrich decided to be more worried about the girl who started attacking me. Unbelievable!” Kyle yelled to make sure that Alrich hears it as a smirk appears on Kyle’s face. Alrich blushes in embarrassment and shame as he slowly inches towards Kyle.

“I’m just kidding” Kyle laughs

“We might possess the cursed sacred weapons, but the ego’s inside them are already sealed and we are not under any control” Kyle explained with a friendly smile as Aleena stared at him full of suspicion.

“I see…well forgive me for jumping to conclusions” Aleena smiled shyly before bowing her head repeatedly. With Kyle’s plan dashing out the window, he can only sigh before walking to the forest.

“We should make our way to ruins and don’t worry about my injuries” Kyle said as he turns his back and started walking to the forest. Kyle suddenly throws three green cloaks at all of the girls as they quickly wear it over their nightwear. No one said anything or even thank him but Kyle can only move forward with everyone following him silently.

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