《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 47: The start of the journey


Isaac stared at Kyle with questioning eyes. He seems to be interested in what Kyle is gonna reply. While Kyle coughs awkwardly while glancing at their inquisitive expression. A sigh escaped from his lips before opening his mouth.

“I’m just a seer i-”

“You’re not a seer. No seer in history can predict the future while knowing where the important artifacts were never discovered or know almost everything” Cellica cuts him off while he was speaking with a haughty tone and a frown on her face.

“That was a lie” Isaac replied calmly as the pattern in his eyes started turning.

“You! How did you use it? Today’s moon weakens our eyes” Kyle blurted with the surprised expression on his face. Clicking his tongue, Kyle didn’t expect that Isaac can use his eyes despite just going through that.

“It’s not my obligation to answer you” Isaac coldly said with a deadpan expression.

With a sigh of defeat, Kyle slowly gazes at the both of them “I’m a reincarnated, i know what will happen in the future..” Silence dawned inside the room as both Isaac and Cellica absorbed this new information.

“Well, i guess i was right” Isaac shrugged before returning to bed like nothing ever happened

“Wait! You knew?” Kyle hastily grabs Isaac by the shoulder. With a frown on his face, Isaac turned his head with a huge sigh

“You do know that this concept exists in every fantasy setting right? with going to another world and being able to use magic as a reality. Who knows if someone can turn back and time. Besides, you suck at hiding it.” Isaac criticizes Kyle with an irritated expression. He was too tired to hear any nonsense and he just wants to sleep.

“I see..” Kyle looked like a wounded puppy with a wounded pride as he sat at the corner contemplating where he went wrong.

“Still, how were you able to return back in time?” Cellica asked with interest in her eyes.

“That is something i can’t tell you.” Kyle glanced at her before standing up and opening the door. A hint of aggression and anger is mixed in his tone.

“You better keep this a secret” Kyle warned Cellica without turning his back and leaving the room. Now, everything connects itself, and the fact that Kyle almost knows everything makes sense if he was able to reincarnate. Still, some of that knowledge is not even accessible to the future heir of the Venir family. Whatever he was before being reincarnated, he would be extremely strong with great influence throughout the land of Aleria.

“I must keep my eyes on him” Cellica murmured before leaving the room.

The next hours of the night were quiet with nothing interesting happening. The moon is still purple but with the entirety of the mansion’s window covered with black curtains. Both Isaac and Kyle can rest easily without the threat of going crazy. With the last person awake, Cellica sits inside her room with a glass of wine in her hand since she has had trouble sleeping for a couple of days now. Her eyes glisten every time she remembered her father and Ciaran. She gazes at the red color of wine with a sigh since sleepiness isn’t coming to her.

“Maybe Kyle knows for the cure of insomnia” she said to herself before laying in her bed. Closing her eyes, she desperately wanted to sleep until finally, she was able to sleep.

The next day, Cellica was awakened by a gentle knock on her door. Her hair was messy and her eyes staring into nothingness, desperately avoiding going back to sleep.


“Cellica, wake up. You know we need to head out soon” Melissa sighed while opening the door with a smile.

“The wyverns and others are waiting for you” she said before glancing from the window as she opens the curtains to let the sunshine inside the room. A yawn escaped from Cellica’s lips before stretching her arms.

“What time is it?” she said with a sleepy tone while rubbing her eyes.

“it’s already 42 light, you sleepy head” Melissa replied with a teasing tone as Cellica immediately opens her eyes. 42 light are the same as 10:30 am. The am and pm in this world are changed to light and shade but it doesn’t mean that the time on Earth is the same as the day in Aleria. No one knows what the difference in time in both worlds is, since no one has taken any interest in it because everyone perceives the time differently than others.

“That’s almost afternoon!” she blurted in shock before touching her head, wondering if it’s the cause of sleeping that late at night.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” she said with a clear tone to avoid embarrassing herself even more

“I tried you sleepy head but you were snoring so loudly” Melissa teasingly said with a big smile on her face.

“Ah! i don’t snore! You are the one who always snores! You snored so loudly that i was incredibly scared when i thought there was a monster attack” Cellica yelled back as Melissa blushes from embarrassment before pouting.

“I dontttt!” she whined but a smile still emerged on her face.

“Well, are you guys coming or not? Isaac is getting impatient” Kyle said with a friendly tone and a cheeky smile. Everything that was happening in the room immediately stopped as Melissa openly glared at Kyle.

“Now now, no need to get angry. I’m just reminding you guys that we need to go. The faster we finish this, the better” Kyle said with a smile. Cellica sighed while Melissa returned to her emotionless expression before passing through Kyle.

“Forgive me for waking up late. Now if you don’t mind, i need to change my clothes” Cellica said as Kyle bowed at her before leaving the room and closing the door.

Meanwhile, 2 large white wyverns carries a houselike structure behind their back. The yard was large but it can barely contain these two humongous beasts. Wyverns can be called lesser dragons since they don’t have the same intelligence and magical prowess as the normal dragons. Wyverns are monsters that can be tamed by humans and luckily the dragons didn’t mind it. They perceive wyverns like humans perceive slaves, inferior beings. They have scales like a crocodile while having two large wings and four legs that cooperate with each other. They are the main source of transportation for anything that is too heavy to carry in a carriage. Now, with these beasts laying in the yard. Some are nervous while some are irritated.

Isaac simply propped his back on a nearby wall with a heavy frown on his face. Aleena sat at one of the chairs near the Lexium table together with Alrich who was nervously fidgeting. Seeing Alrich like this, a confident handsome man completely nervous about these two beast put a huge smile on Aleena’s face.

“Are you scared?” she asked, trying to hide her teasing tone with an awkward cough.

“N-no, i’m not. It’s just the first time i have seen such an enormous beast” Alrich replied nervously.

“Eh~ i know you’re just scared. Don’t worry, i won’t let you fall” Aleena confidently said with a huge smile on her face.


“I-i’m fine. I have grown stronger so i’ll probably not die even if a i fall” Alrich glanced at the wyverns before a feeling of a lump on his throat emerged as he nervously swallowed his own saliva. He keeps on reminding himself that it would be fine and that his anxiety is unfounded.

“That would be bad, you can assure yourself that i will grab you immediately if you’re about to fall” she smiled brightly as Alrich can only give her a forced smile. His self-esteem would be wounded if he relies on her or anyone for the matter. Still, the kindness emanating from Aleena is slowly removing his anxiety.

“Such a kind smile” he murmured so softly and quietly that he didn’t realize he spoke out his thoughts. He quickly blocks his mouth with his palm but it was too late as Aleena has heightened senses activated all the time.

“Oh thank you! My friends….my friend would always say that” her smile quickly devolves to a slight smile with the expression of sadness over it. Silence followed as Aleena shooks her head before gazing at the wyverns with tears forming in her eyes but desperately holding it as Alrich stares at her with sadness all over his face.

Out of nowhere, a quiet whisper can be heard “Nice job, you just reminded her of her pains” Kyle whispered with his usual cheeky expression. Guilt-tripping Alrich who was already saddened by what he did. Luckily for Kyle, Aleena didn’t hear it since she was reminiscing her time at the school with her friends.

Alrich was about to argue with Kyle only to find him walking away. He hesitated before bowing his head and staring at the grass. He might have encountered some hardship but it cannot be compared to others, no one close to him died or he never felt betrayed.

“Everyone, i need your attention” Cellica’s voice ranged behind him as he turns his head to face her. Besides her are Melissa and Kyle as Isaac walks towards them with a frown.

“I assume that all of you are ready for this, if not, there are many risks that would follow and this is the last chance you can get to stay here and wait for us. " Cellica said with a domineering tone like an experienced general. Her steady gaze surveyed everyone and seeing that no one was saying anything, she claps her hand as both wyverns roared to the sky. Isaac was shocked by this as he winces physically and his eyes widened but he didn’t say anything and continued frowning.

A feeling of achievement emerged deep in Cellica’s heart as she noticed this, she doesn’t know if he’s scared of the wyverns or if he has fear of heights. Still, she might not be able to hurt Isaac, she can surely make his life more miserable even if it’s a simple thing.

“That was the signal, each house will have 5 maids taking care of our food, clothing, and essential needs for the duration of the journey. Me, Melissa, and Aleena will ride the right one while the others would ride the left one. " Cellica informed as maids slowly climbed the wyverns with the help of ladders.

“Isn’t the house too small?” Alrich asked while glancing at the house attached to the back of the wyverns.

“It is enchanted with space magic which makes it larger on the inside while protecting everyone from attacks. No need to worry about sharing beds” Cellica chuckled as Alrich nodded, trying to hide his embarrassment.

“Anyways, if you have any concerns. You can tell it now since if we are up in the air, there is no going back” Cellica smiled. Silence followed soon as no one wanted to talk or air out their concerns.

“Seeing that no one has concerns, let’s go.” she announced, and seeing that Kyle was about to walk away, she grabbed him by the shoulder and basically yanking him back.

“What is it Miss Venir?” he said in a respectful tone with a smile and squinted eyes that makes others think he is scheming something.

“Drop the pleasantries, i trust that you will be our navigator for this journey right? If so, make sure that we won’t waste any time” Cellica glared at him.

“Of course! You can trust me!” he said with a thumbs up before walking towards the wyvern on the left of the yard. Once reaching inside the house, it was like they entered a new mansion. It has a red carpet on the floor full of expensive tables and chairs clothed with red fabric. Even the curtains for windows that seem useless are red. Dozens of chandelier lights up the house as everything they see is the color of red. The house was covered with red and white that Kyle suspected if someone has an obsession with these colors.

“Welcome, esteemed guest. We will escort you to your respected rooms” 3 maids said together with a bow before gazing at the three of them. Their auburn hairs and freckled faces suggested that they might be sisters. Still, Isaac didn’t care while Kyle was busy planning this journey while Alrich was nervously surveying the room. The maids did their job of escorting them to their rooms but oddly enough, each of their rooms was separated by a long way. Like they are deliberately splitting up the three of them. Isaac didn’t think too much of it but remained on guard just in case. Kyle, on the other hand, figured that they must have been sent by the elders of the Venir family to keep an eye on their heir’s guest.

Luckily enough, Kyle doesn’t have to manually point the directions since their journey is just straight to the west of their current location and to the middle of the human continent.

The houses were so stable that the three of them didn’t realize that the wyvern is already moving through the air at an extremely fast pace. Just below the two white wyverns, a shadowed figure moving as fast as the wyverns can be seen flickering in and out of existence. Followed by a group of individuals wearing a white cloak with a symbol of the sun with a sword on each side of their chest. Some of them are carrying some sort of white book with a huge cross in the center of it while others are carrying a claymore sheathed and carried behind their back.

“I didn’t think that the old geezer would allow a brat to use two of our white wyverns to somewhere she didn’t specify” the one following the leader said with clear irritation in his voice.

“No need to get angry Lael, we are tasked to keep her safe while maintaining a respectful distance. The ‘brat’ you are talking about is the future heir of the Venir Family who will have a huge influence on this kingdom” a man said softly as Lael who’s behind him clicked his tongue.

“Seeing that you aren’t convinced, we also need to keep our relationship with the heroes as amicable as possible. This must be tiring for you but for me, as long as it serves the good people of Aleria. I’m happy to do this a hundred times over” the man smiled warmly

“You’re such a religious fanatic, you’re suffocating me, Emmanuel. God, even you’re name is a mouthful to say” Lael complained

“Yes, yes. Forgive me o great Lael who was once known as the stone boy” Emmanuel smiled as Lael smacked his head.

“Shut up! You’re no better anyway crybaby” Lael rebutted as they continued following the wyverns.

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