《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 46: The day before the perilous journey


“So why did you call us?” Cellica asked while sitting on the head of the table. Clearly irritated and doesn’t appreciate Kyle taking her time. While Melissa stands beside her with a deadpan expression that doesn’t show any expression. Alrich is also in the living room sitting on the farthest chair beside where Kyle is sitting. Isaac isn’t here since he was resting while Aleena was busy training her swordsmanship at the training area to lessen the pain she is feeling and to calm herself.

“Just because we aren’t able to break the contract doesn’t mean that i would still help” Cellica added

“Listen to me first, we are planning on heading to that ruins. I’m just asking if you want to come with us.” Kyle replied before glancing at Alrich

“Alrich, do you want to follow us? I promise i will give you something that would make you stronger”

“I-i guess, i’ll follow you…” Alrich hesitantly replied while secretly glancing at both Cellica and Melissa. He knows that kyle and Cellica’s relationship has deteriorated, so he knows it would be near impossible despite wanting to unite them.

While Cellica pondered silently, knowing that if it turns out to be true, they would get artifacts that were never discovered. They would be able to get their hands on a grimoire since as long as the contract stands, they won’t be able to hurt each other. She glances at Melissa hoping to get answers from her but Melissa remained impassive. She gazed at Kyle with a sigh, hoping to find anything that he might be hiding, but he remained smiling that she can’t guess what he’s thinking.

“Fine but if we agree to have 50/50 of the artifacts and items that we find there”

“No, i think it’s better that we take turns and we can exchange it. That way it’s fair to everyone” Kyle shrugged

“Then I and Melissa will take the first and second turns” Cellica said

“That’s fine for me” Kyle smiled

“So do you have a plan?” Cellica asked

“I’ll discuss it when we got there. For now, let’s just rest and head there tomorrow” Kyle abruptly stands up before bowing and opening the door of the living room. He glances back before leaving outside as Alrich follows him.

Meanwhile, Cellica remained sitting while thinking about what‘s gonna happen tomorrow and why Kyle seems to be rushing. She pondered and pondered but nothing comes up, she clicks her tongue in annoyance that Kyle destroyed the surveillance magic that she put inside his room but seeing that Kyle didn’t talk about it. He might already predict that Cellica would put some kind of magic inside his room.

“He’s too suspicious. I need to know more about him but how..” Cellica muttered

“How about using the shadows, they might have information about him” Melissa suggested but Cellica only shakes her head.

“They only know that he was staying inside the forest of the damned for months before heading towards the banquet as the envoys of the witch of calamity” Cellica replied with a sigh

“On the other hand, Alrich was a merchant and an adventurer but since he isn’t that useful, he changes groups every so often while running away from his crazy admirers. He wasn’t any special except for his face before Kyle awaken something inside of him” Cellica said while leaning her back on the chair with her head staring at the ceiling. She felt giving up on researching deeper about Kyle and Isaac but she might discover something during their travels.

“Would you like some tea?” Melissa asked with concern on her face.


“Yes please” Cellica replied with a big smile as Melissa nodded before leaving the room. A sigh escaped from her mouth as she knew that Melissa is acting like it doesn’t have anything to do with her and she was basically forcing herself to follow Cellica. She knows Melissa has forgiven Isaac but there is still a hint of anger and distraught in her heart that won’t ever be forgotten as he was his brother’s killer.

“Forgiveness isn’t as easy as they say” she murmured to herself before standing up and gazing outside through the window.

While Cecelia is pondering inside the living room alone, Kyle walks slowly through the hallway while being followed by Alrich. No words were exchanged and only the silence welcomed the both of them. Seeing that Alrich was hesitating in answering his question he turns around to face him as Alrich winces in surprise.

“I’m not mad that you hesitated. If you truly don’t want to follow us into the ruins then i won’t stop you. You don’t have any obligation on following me since it’s my own decision to awaken your hidden powers.” Kyle gave Alrich a friendly smile.

“It’s not like that, i just wondered if it’s truly wise to bring them since the same thing might happen to Isaac” Alrich replied with concern written on his face. Whether he’s concern about Isaac or himself, Kyle didn’t know or care.

“Don’t worry, as long as the contract stands. It would be alright” Kyle shrugged

“Then why did the contract didn’t stop Melissa from ripping Isaac apart?” Alrich asked

“Since Isaac didn’t perceive Melissa as an enemy. Believe me, i was surprised too. Don’t worry, we can stop her together if that ever happens” Kyle turns around before waving his hands as he left Alrich standing there alone.

The night arrived as everyone including Isaac and Aleena was invited into the living room to eat together. The light from the moon entering from the window through the room gave it a melancholy aura while candles and chandeliers light the room as everyone started eating quietly. The sound of a fork hitting the meat while the barely audible chewing is the only sound that can be heard. With no maids and butlers around, no one was still speaking. It was just an awkward silence. Melissa didn’t want to talk to anyone while Aleena isn’t that keen on conversing as for Isaac, he’s too focused on eating while Alrich was too focused not to make any sound while eating.

“So…how long do you reckon the journey over there is?” Cellica asked calmly while wiping her lips with a white cloth. Her gazed remained on Kyle while he was chewing his food.

“3 weeks to 2 weeks, depends on what we will be riding” Kyle replied while putting his spoon and fork down since Cellica was about to talk.

“We can take the wyverns of my family.” Cellica replied casually but Alrich nearly choked as he coughed and coughed. He blushes from embarrassment as he clears his throat before returning back to his eating. Everyone ignored his blunder as Kyle stared at Cellica.

“Oh~ the white wyverns named to be the fastest mounts on the continent. I didn’t think that we would be able to ride it. Then we will make it in 5 days if we don’t take any breaks” Kyle replied with a big smile on his face.

“I’m the heir of the Venir family, it’s natural that i can use it. This better be worth my time” Cellica warned while glaring at Kyle.


“Of course, didn’t the lexium business of ours currently booming. It would be definitely worth your time” Kyle smiles as Cellica nodded

“I see…how about the others. Do you have anything to share?” Cellica surveyed the room with a keen eye.

“We might be targeted by the 3rd shadow prince” Isaac casually said without taking his eyes off from his plate.

“What?! I mean what did you do?” Cellica shouted in surprise before calming down

“He was interested in our eyes and weapons. He said we are the perfect specimens and would like to experiment us” Isaac replied while staring at Cellica before glancing at Kyle

“If you know any of his tricks, let us know Kyle” Isaac said calmly to Kyle like he knows that Kyle has the information needed to prepare if that creep strikes them.

“Fine, basically he’s rather weak by himself but he has some slaves that can fight on par of a hero if he chooses to sacrifice all of the slave’s lives. He has 5 slaves that i know, CP-001 can regenerate no matter how you damage him, CP-003 can move at half the speed of sound while having the stealth capabilities of a skilled assassin, CP-004, and CP-007 has full control of fire and ice while the most dangerous one is the one he calls ‘the ender’ which has the eye of destruction and eye of oblivion on each of its eyes. We would immediately die if we encounter it but it cannot move as long as the sun remains on the sky” Kyle informed everyone as each of their faces contorted to fear while Isaac remained on his deadpan expression. Aleene’s hand trembled before hiding it beneath the table. The word experiment echoed through her mind as she was reminded by the crowned prince’s experimentation.

“I would like to return to my room. Thank you for the meal” Aleena stands up before bowing to Cellica. Her voice was quiet but audible enough while her eyes are still puffy and red.

“You can return to your room now” Cellica gave her a warm smile but Aleena turned her back before leaving the room. A sigh escaped from her lips before staring at Kyle.

“How do you know this information?” Cellica asked with suspicion in her eyes.

“Whether you believe me or not, it’s your choice. Regardless, as long as the ender won’t hunt us. I’m sure that we can escape” Kyle shrugged

“Oh, i nearly forgot. He can control people who have low mentality so be careful” Kyle smiled calmly before sipping the wine he has been holding for a while.

“How? can you outrun a ‘slave’ that can run half the speed of sound?” Cellica asked, still not convinced if it was a false bravado or full confidence in his abilities.

“Why would we need to outrun those slaves of him? they have a low mentality stat so they will crack just from Isaac’s weapon style. Besides, they aren’t capable of smart thinking. They just relentlessly hunt who the target is without thinking” Kyle replied

“and what are those eyes you are talking about?” Cellica asked once again

“Eyes of destruction and the eyes of oblivion? Basically, if the slave activates both of his eyes, he would destroy everything he can see. Still, he can’t move or open his eyes during the day since the light from the sun multiplies a thousand times which blinds him for the duration of the day” Kyle added

“So that means, we can escape the ender”

“Sadly no, he is usually deployed during the night and before the night finishes, the target would already be dead”

“Besides, he has more important things to do so we should be safe. Besides, his plan isn’t to eliminate us but to capture us. I highly doubt he would use the ender” Kyle reassured others with his friendly tone and a carefree smile.

“I see… if there’s nothing else to say. You can already leave” Cellica said

“Then i would be leaving first” Kyle stands up before bowing as a courtesy and leaving. Alrich remained for a while before excusing himself. Isaac on the other hand stayed to finish the food on his plate before leaving silently and without a word.

Melissa waited for Cellica to finish eating before leaving together with her. She heads to the maid’s quarters while Cellica returned to her office to find stacks of paperwork that she didn’t finish yet. With a sigh, she stretches lightly before sitting in the chair and started working through the night.

In Isaac’s room, he sat on the corner of his bed while staring through a window. His gaze remained fixed outside as the weapon laying in his bed started moving. He grabbed the weapon before chucking it to the corner of the room.

“Hey! That’s rude!” Mildred shouted but Isaac didn’t reply as his eyes remained outside of the window while staring at the beautiful moon. It was beautiful since unlike the moon on the earth, it was purple but oddly enough it doesn’t emit a purple light but the normal one. It was soothing and calming just staring at this odd moon that he felt weirdly attracted to its unnatural allure, he feels like he wants to head there and protect it at all cost. Unbeknownst to him, his eyes glowed the color of purple. He slowly walked to the window with a trance-like state before the door behind him smashes open.

“Isaac, wake up!” Kyle shouted with his left eye glowing with the color of purple. His hands covering his right eye from the moon. Isaac winces before turning around to face Kyle. Isaac falls to his knees while covering both of his eyes. The searing pain inside his eyes agonized him as it seems to completely null his pain immunity. He grunts in pain with sweat covering his forehead, his knees are starting to weaken while his hands are becoming heavier and heavier like someone was forcefully removing his hands from his eyes.

“What is happening?” Cellica shouted with clear panic in her voice. She immediately headed there once she heard someone shouting and luckily she was still working.

“Just close the windows” Kyle said with difficulty. His rough breathing and coarse voice alerted Cellica that whatever is happening to them is seriously damaging them. She hesitated before sighing and closing the windows while covering them with the black curtain. Once the shine of the moon was removed from the room, both Isaac and Kyle seem to calm down.

“So tell me what happen” Cellica crossed her arms while waiting for an answer.

“I can’t believe that i forgot about this but…” Kyle sat down on the floor while catching his breath.

“It’s the festival of the purple moon” Kyle continued.

“Festival of the purple moon? I have never heard of such festival” Cellica said

“Of course you don’t. It’s a festival for the demon and fairies. Only people with special eyes can see the moon turning purple.” Kyle sighed

“So you meant that the moon was never purple to begin with?” Isaac asked

“No, it just brainwashed you to think it was a normal moon. It was said that these special eyes of ours come from the moon during the ancient years as the goddess of the moon gave it to every leader of every race. After the death of this goddess, every 5 years. Anyone who has these special eyes turned crazy and started muttering about defending the moon. Lucky for the both of us, we have a high mentality stat so it didn’t break our minds immediately” Kyle informed Isaac and Cellica. His tone is serious and his cheeky smile is gone from his expression. His always squinted eyes opened for a bit to reveal his iris covered with starlight surrounding them. He sighed before calming down.

“We should be safe” he muttered

“How long does it last?” Isaac asked once more

“If you turned crazy, it would last just during the night where you would attack anyone discriminately.” Kyle implied. Cellica shivers just from the thought that these two would go crazy inside her mansion and perhaps kill a lot of innocent people.

“Who really are you?” Cellica asked with her eyes full of confusion and her tone suggesting that she doesn’t trust what he said.

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