《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 44: The leaving and the return


As Isaac walked outside the building. He found himself wandering inside the base of the shadow organization. He realized that he didn’t know a way back and has no idea where he was. He also has a problem with having his katana sheathed without any knowledge on how to remove the sheath.

“Maybe i was too heated. Time is still getting wasted and my injuries won’t heal without any blood” Isaac sighed, regretting that he left the place where Reyner and Touka were.

He slowly makes his way to the center of the base as more shadow members are walking around. White buildings are littered in the centermost of the base where injured members of the organization are getting rushed inside by the medical team. Blood splattered all over the ground and blood trails remained from their rescuing as it seems that many people were injured. A large group of shadow members patrolled the perimeter and guarded it well. By the looks of it, they are on high alert that there might be an attack. Who will be attacking? Isaac doesn’t know, but he can absorb it and heal himself with the blood splattered all over. Still, it’s better to get not caught using the blood mist spell. Suddenly he overhears a conversation from one of the guards talking to another medical member.

“You’re alright?”

“Yeah..There were too many that were injured and killed last night that i haven’t gotten any sleep.”

“Sad to hear that. Still, did they discover anything inside of that headquarters?”

“None…it was a massive miscalculation that caused a lot of deaths. That headquarters was a dud created for a trap to kill as many of our members. It exploded to the kingdom come when that cult group retreated and our members started investigating. With 2 of the shades guarding that building, they thought there was something worth investigating.”

“Damn those cultists.”


The conversation ended when another injured member was rushed inside one of the buildings. The medical member sighed as he nodded to the guard and entered the building.

Isaac was able to hear the conversation as he was just walking in the perimeter of those two as they were talking loudly for him to pick up most of their conversation.

After that, Isaac quickly walks away with his head lowered to avoid being noticed. Still, he nearly trips and falls headfirst as blood started leaking in his sides. He clicked his tongue as he needs to get those blood to heal himself. Without pain, he won’t know when the injury will worsen and he might just lose consciousness. Steeling himself, he checked the perimeter of where the guards patrolled and guarded. There were spots where he can go to avoid detection but his eye of truth is getting a different feeling from those spots. He focused on those with the diamond shape pattern in his eyes that started spinning. To his surprise, there were invisible traps and magical barriers that will instantly alert the base and injure him. It was the reason why the shadow members won’t guard those spots is that it was a trap designed to capture and incapacitate any intruders.

“This eye really is useful” he murmured to himself before giving up and heading back to the building. As he was about to head back, he noticed Kyle walking confidently with a smile on his face being escorted by shadow members.

“So you were here” Isaac said while walking towards Kyle.

“It seems that you have recovered” Kyle smiled as the shadow members were confused about what is happening.


“Not really, i have a few broken bones here and there” Isaac shrugged

“Anyways, where is the exit?” Isaac asked

“Exit? you’re injured so you get yourself healed. Besides, we will be living here for a while. You don’t want to get ripped into pieces by Melissa right?” Kyle said, confused about what is happening with Isaac.

“It’s a waste of time, they need to assess me first despite winning in a spar against his student. I have better things to do.” Isaac sneered as the shadow members were getting angry in his tone and attitude.

“Humble yourself. I heard that the assessment will be tomorrow, it’s merely a day of waiting” Kyle rebuked.

“The enemy won’t wait for a day. Besides, i have a quest to do and i would appreciate it if i can level a few times and not waste my time here” Isaac didn’t care about the shadow organization nor the shadow prince is as he wants to leave this place.

“You know a day of fighting won’t result in leveling yourself. I doubt that you would get stronger in a day.” Kyle replied as he didn’t understand why Isaac is so impatient.

“How about what happened to Alrich? Didn’t he got stronger in less than an hour?” Isaac insisted as Kyle sighs.

“It was a different situation-”

“Yes it was, besides it seems that you got yourself a new item” Isaac said while cutting off Kyle.

“What book?” Kyle asked as he looked behind him to find that no books were floating around him since he’s sure that it was inside his black cube.

“Want me to read it?” Isaac teased with a smirk as Kyle panicked. He doesn’t know what the item was but seeing that it contains a dark aura. If Isaac revealed it here, the shadow organization might take interest in the item or confiscate it forcefully.

“Fine! If you don’t like the shadow organization this much. Just follow me” Kyle gestured the shadow members away but they didn’t move a muscle. Seeing this, he quickly jumps back towards Isaac as 3 violet rods were thrown from where Kyle was just a second ago. A burst of deranged laughter erupted behind the shadow members as someone unmasked himself to reveal a man with burn marks covering half of his face and wrinkles blanketed his forehead. His eyes have 3 lines in the middle of the iris and his hair is rugged white hair. He seems to be in the late sixties as he is missing a few tooths. A horrid smell is coming from his cloak but he didn’t care as the shadow members saluted him.

“Nice to m-meet you. My name is Irira the poison master of the shadow organization and the third shadow prince” He boasted with a crooked smile.

“See? I knew this organization is shady when they sheathed my katana” Isaac said while gazing at the old man.

“You have nice eyes for a young man. The eye of foresight and eye of truth…ahhh if only i have those i would have completed these eyes of mine” he chuckled

“And to find cursed sacred weapon wielders without losing to their ego…ahhhh. What a nice specimen” he murmured while deeply gazing at both Isaac and Kyle.

“Nice, they have a high ranking official that is a pervert, corrupted, disgusting, and overly evil. What’s there’s not to love right Kyle?” Isaac sneered at Kyle with a smirk on his face.

“So do you have a plan for getting out?” Isaac smiled

“Capture them..” Irira commanded as the shadow members wielded their sharp daggers coated with poison.


“I guess i expected too much. Distract them for a second will you” Kyle sighed, it seems that this was a trap to capture the both of them.

“What is happening?!” Reyner shouted as he quickly appears in the middle of both Isaac and the shadow members who are about to capture them.

“Oh, you’re here. Are you here to help me capture those perfect specimens? I assure you, they would grow into some fearsome killing machine” Irira rubbed his greasy palm with anticipating gaze.

“They are my guest and i won’t let you touch them” Reyner demanded with a glare.

“Ahhhh…such a shame. Oh well, it’s not like you can hide them forever” Irira loudly cackled before turning his back and leaving together with the other shadow members.

“What a welcoming moment for your ‘guests’. Isn’t that right Kyle?” Isaac said with sarcasm and a smile.

“That was bad..forgive me Shadow Prince but the both of us will not join the shadow organization.” Kyle apologizes before bowing respectfully.

“Then you won’t receive the reward” Reyner said while crossing his arms.

“It’s fine. It’s better to not be in proximity to that dangerous being” Kyle confessed as he knows that once they are targeted by that creep. There’s a high chance that he won’t give up capturing the both of them unless they kill Irira.

“Don’t worry, i’ll make sure that he won’t touch the both of you” Reyner smiled warmly but it didn’t convince Kyle as he shakes his head. It’s better to hide and run than be protected in plain sight.

“Irira was right, you won’t always be there to protect us. Besides, we have many tricks to avoid getting captured by that man. " Kyle reassured Reyner with a smile as Reyner throws a potion towards Isaac upon noticing the injuries he got from the spar.

“Drink that to heal your injuries. Anyways, it’s your life your choice. Make sure to avoid getting captured as the both of you have a bright future.” Reyner sighed as much as he wanted them to join his legion, that dangerous tumor of the shadow organization has more influence between the shadow princes compared to him. Simple reasoning and evidence can allow that man to get anything he wants as long as it doesn’t reach a certain line which Reyner thinks is utter stupidity.

A violet portal suddenly appeared while Reyner was pondering as both Isaac and Kyle entered inside of it in silence. Seeing that they were capable of that, he likes to think that they won’t be capture as long as they are observant and keen.

Meanwhile, Isaac just throws the potion to the ground as he doesn’t drink something from someone he doesn’t know and trust as he and Kyle teleported in front of the white mansion.

“Didn’t expect to see myself here once more” As Isaac stared at the white mansion.

“Well, the contract can’t be broken despite using an oathbreaker” Kyle sighed.

“Anyways, what are your plans? I heard you said something about a quest. Quests are rather rare here and it is usually hard to complete with some of the quests impossible to complete alone”

“Nothing really. I just plan to reach my katana and magic mastery to rank a. Probably level a couple more just in case. " Isaac shrugged while avoiding to answer what the quest was.

“What i’m more interested in is that book inside your storage” Isaac changed the topic immediately with a smile as Kyle shushed him before looking around.

“Not here. Let’s talk about it inside the mansion” Kyle quickly walks away as Isaac followed him. Oddly enough there was no one outside but he didn’t think much of it. Once reaching inside the mansion and walking through the hallway. He can see Melissa walking around the halls and entering each of the rooms together with maids to clean it and doing maidly duties while completely ignoring his presence. It was definitely better than her outright anger at him.

As Kyle opened the door to his guest room, he gestured for Isaac to follow him as he sits down on a wooden chair given to him by the maids. He looks serious before revealing a black cube from his palm and having the black book float in front of him. Isaac gazed deeply into the book as the diamond shape pattern on his eyes started turning while the red diamond pattern from the cover of the book started glowing. His eyes started losing focus but he persevered as he’s getting sleepy and tired. The world around seems to be spinning but his eyes remained on the book. It glowed brightly until the light blinded the both of them as a shine of light exploded from the window.

[The book of truth has been awakened]

[Any question the user will ask will be answered]

[It has 3 questions left]

Isaac stumbles to the floor as he covered his eyes with his palm. Sweat covered his body as he panted and breathed roughly. He was extremely dizzy that he can’t even stand up but Kyle helped him. After Kyle’s help, he was able to sit in the bed while gritting his teeth from extreme nausea and dizziness. His vision appeared to be blurry and he can’t see clearly from afar.

“You alright?” Kyle asked

“Y-yeah, just a little dizzy” he said while breathing roughly.

“So what did you see?”

“We can…ask three questions..and it will answer” he replied despite having difficulty breathing.

“I think you should rest first” Kyle sounded concerned as he can see Isaac having a hard time. By the description given by Isaac, it was the book of truth and he knows it. He’s elated but he can’t show it as it was not the time. It seems that even with a high mentality, the process of awakening such a powerful book is astounding.

“I’m fine now. So any idea what question you want to ask?” Isaac calmed down as his breathing return to normal but he’s still tired from that ordeal.

“Since i got the book, we split the questions we asked.” Kyle declared

“No need, i don’t want to waste a chance when i can just ask you about it. You seem unnaturally have a ton of knowledge in this world” Isaac said with suspicion in his eyes.

“There should be no time limit right? As long as we keep it, we can ask any question at any time” Kyle said as Isaac nodded while glancing at the status bar in from of him.

“Ask this to the book of truth, where can we find the chaos king skill book and the crimson king skill book?” Isaac nodded as he said those exact words to the system.

[Since the user asked two questions in one sentence. It will be counted as one question]

[The chaos king skill book can be found deep inside the fairy continent of the kingdom of Vinlimar, being sealed in a pyramid of protection by the fairy queen Malicia.]

[The crimson king skill book can be found deep inside the demon continent and in the ruins of a former vampire kingdom Le’lasha and the current base of a legion of demons. It is protected by three demon commanders and a legion of demons. ]

[It has 2 questions left]

“It seems that we won’t be able to get the two of them any time soon” Isaac chuckled as it was the first time he heard the names of the location. The fact is that it was guarded by a kingdom and their queen while the other one is guarded by a legion of demons isn’t a welcoming surprise as he can see himself dying if he goes there now.

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