《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 42: History behind the tyrfing and the shadow organization


“So did you find anything?” Layla asked despite knowing that there’s no way an amateur and new otherworlder find something useful since they already investigated it thoroughly just hours after the incident.

“I don’t know” Kyle simply replied as he is still unsure whether to tell it to them or not. There’s also a chance that she won’t believe him.

“It’s fine. We attacked one of their headquarters situated just near this kingdom. Although the first shadow prince himself attacked, the might of the two shades was too much for him to kill them. The building itself is currently in ruins since those bastards exploded their headquarters after seeing that they are losing and decided to retreat. " Layla sighed

“I see..” Kyle said while knowing that this will happen. It wasn’t that important for him as it was too far for him to join and he won’t be able to help. No shades or shadow prince were killed so it was just a skirmish between the two. There was also nothing to be found in that building since it’s rigged with magical spells to detonate it if the enemy is winning. The axis of darkness won’t care if a few of their cultist die from the explosion as they see it as a sacrifice.

Kyle pondered once more as Layla casually gave him a piece of information that is classified only to the members of the shadow organization. Despite both he and Isaac were offered to become members, they were still a nobody to the organization. He ascertains himself that he will at least try to convince her. The tyrfing is a dangerous weapon that no one can control and he needs to stop its creation or else the axis of darkness would grow even stronger.

“Listen to me. You should never say this to others as i’m gonna give you information regarding their plans.” Kyle said with a smile as Layla was confused.

“What is it?” Layla asked with half confusion and curiosity.

“They are planning on creating a weapon that absorbs souls” Kyle said seriously but Layla broke into a fit of laughter before lightly punching Kyle in the shoulders.

“Come on now. There are at least a thousand cursed weapons that absorbed a soul.” she laughed as she seriously anticipated what he’s about to say only for it to be disappointing. Kyle didn’t look amused at all as he gazes at her while patiently waiting for her to stop laughing.

“What i mean is it is a sword capable of absorbing thousands of souls to imprison them inside it to use as a catalyst for forbidden magic. If it reaches a hundred thousand souls, even you would be an ant fighting against the wielder” Kyle sighed.

“Now now. No need to be angry. I believe you” she smiled but only for a second as she burst out laughing.

“Tryfing, the former sword of the first leader of the shadow organization who died while being consumed by it” Kyle simply said as she immediately stopped laughing. Her gaze turned serious as a dangerous air surrounds her.

“How do you know that?” she asked

“A legendary heroic assassin who was blinded by the opportunity to become stronger. To become a god. He slaughters his enemies, nemesis, demons until eventually innocent people. A sword that benefits only for the hunger for souls while giving the blessing of strength to those who foolishly accepts it and a sword that slumbers after the wielder dies. Waiting for the next foolish ones.” Kyle explained as Layla looked at him dead in the eyes.


“Once thought to be a sacred weapon, only used to absorb the souls of evil but the fate of those who wield it would always die once they stop killing. The first leader of the shadow organization, the assassin hero. Which was gifted this weapon for its deadly curses died once he can’t kill and slaughter anymore” Kyle chuckled while occasionally glancing at Layla.

“Now, once it awakens. It would be a dangerous weapon to everyone. I suggest you take my words today wisely. In the war of two kingdoms, make sure to kill Kavel and destroy the weapon.” Kyle warned as he walked away from her. Leaving the confused and angry Layla alone, contemplating on whether to believe his tales. She glared at him before using her insignia to teleport back to their base.

Noticing that Layla was already gone. Kyle breathes a sigh of relief as it was too risky to reveal the origins of that weapon to a shadow member no less a high-ranking one. It will always be one of the tainted histories of the organization. One of the things that makes the tyrfing dangerous is that it contains one of the sliest egos. One that disguises like a sol to trick its wielder as it doesn’t emit any evil aura or mana. It would become unstable when a thousand souls were already absorbed but the wielders would usually be drunk on power by that point that they didn’t care about the sudden change of their weapon. After killing it’s wielder, it would merge every single soul into one before sealing itself to find someone who will willingly use it. It would burn the souls inside and use it as fuel to extend the life force of the original ego to avoid it going into a deep slumber and losing all of its power.

Usually, cursed weapons and items would go to deep slumber if no one uses them. This applies to the cursed sacred weapons as Kyle was able to seal one easily. It would reset its powers once it goes to deep slumber. It would lose its stats, its enhancement, its skills and spells, and slowly its durability. The wielder needs to make the weapon or the item itself stronger by awakening it. It would reset before awakened by the wielder and it would reset again as the ego inside falls into a slumber. This makes the tyrfing so terrifying in that it doesn’t reset and if awaken, it would just grow stronger infinitely.

Luckily the status enforces a restriction that as long as the tyrfing doesn’t reach a hundred thousand souls. It would only serve as a sharp weapon. Locking its ego until someone reaches the mark.

“Now, with thousand of knights and mages dying on the battlefield. Kavel might act as a mercenary while changing his appearance. Last time, the leader of the axis of darkness was the only one who wielded that weapon but now it seems that they changed their procedure. Instead of relying on soul-absorbing altars, they gave it to one of the shades.” Kyle murmured to himself.

“But it’s better this way. If they managed to kill Kavel, they can stop the awakening of that weapon. The problem is whether they would get greedy and use it for themselves.” Kyle sighed as he knows that there is a possibility of that happening. While walking away from the destroyed village, he decided to use his portal to teleport back to the mansion.

“Chaos Magic: summon portal” a violet portal appeared in front of him as he walked inside of it.


Meanwhile, in one of the bases of the shadow organization. Isaac waked up groggily as he stands up with confusion on his face. He’s supposed to be in the grasslands near the destroyed village but he finds himself in a medical white room with beds arranged everywhere. His body is fully healed with no wounds or injuries present anywhere. Wearing his dirtied clothing and his sheathed katana propped against the wall. He quickly grabs it while surveying the surroundings as it seems that he is alone. There were no windows and there is only one metallic door that leads outside. Isaac walked slowly as the door suddenly opens. He jumped backward while unsheathing his weapon only for him to struggle just removing it from the sheath. A middle-aged man with scars on his face walked inside. His unkempt beard and rugged appearance added with his glare make him look like a veteran warrior who fought and lived on the battlefield.

“Calm down. I’m not your enemy. No need to get your guard up” the middle-aged man said while sighing deeply. While Isaac activated his eyes, it detected no lies in his words as he lowers his guard up.

“So you’re quite special too. To have that magic eyes despite only arriving here for less than half a year. Impressive” the man surveyed Isaac before nodding to himself.

“You might be quite weak right now but you would fit nicely to my team. Oh and don’t worry about your other friend. He’s already woken up and is currently walking through our garden” the man said casually with a smile.

“I see but why would i need to ‘fit’ in your team. I never agreed to join your team or even met you” Isaac said confusedly

“Oh, it seems that Kyle didn’t tell you. Oh well, i promise him to let the both of you join the shadow organization under my leadership. As long as you managed to impress your future colleague, you would enter my legion” the man said as if Isaac will surely join his legion.

“What do i get if i join?” Isaac asked bluntly.

“What do you mean? Of course, you would get money such as gold if you finish the mission assigned to you. You can also get some spell books and weapon arts books that you can only buy here.”

“I see. I guess it’s rather beneficial to join here” Isaac concluded as his eye of truth doesn’t pick up any lies coming from this man.

“Still, where am i?”

“You’re in one of the bases of the shadow organization.” the man happily replied

“Shadow organization huh. Well, i guess that explains it since there was a shadow prince who was injured there. " Isaac holds his chin thinking while staring at the white floor.

“I nearly forgot. I’m the second shadow prince Reyner.” Reyner introduced himself with a friendly tone.

“Nice to meet you, i’m Isaac.” Isaac replied simply without a change of his expression.

“I thought my name carried more power but i guess not” Reyner murmured to himself as Isaac didn’t hear it clearly.

“So, are you ready to meet your future colleagues here?” Reyner asked

“Not yet, how can i unsheath my weapon?” Isaac asked while holding up his katana.

“I can tell you but once we go outside. This base doesn’t allow weapons that don’t have any sheaths in them. It’s for security reasons.” Isaac’s eye suddenly picks a lie from his sentence as he nods to avoid suspicion. He’s sure that it wasn’t for security reasons but he can’t outright ask him.

He followed Reyner outside the room as in the hallway. He can see different types of people walking around. All wearing a black cloak and an insignia of the shadow hanging in either their necklace or in their belt. From a 6 feet muscular man to a submissive-looking woman. All of them are talking to each other or walking through the same hallway minding their own business. Seeing that there were no reactions from these people despite the second shadow prince walking beside them, tells him that only a select few know his face.

In the corner of his eyes, he can see Touka leaning in one of the pillars with lifeless eyes. His eyes are red and puffy, he looked tired and fatigue like he’s about to collapse. He was about to ignore him but Reyner stopped in front of Touka who was staring at the floor and dazed.

“You have a talent to become one of the greatest magic swordsmen. If you can’t pull yourself up, no one will avenge your loved ones. There are people that need to be slain and people who continue killing. I know revenge can’t bring them back but would you rather know that they are still taking someone’s loved ones.” Reyner smiled warmly while extending his hands. Touka looked at him before silently nodding, tears started forming in his eyes as his grip tightens.

“I will avenge them” Touka replied with newfound determination. His eyes burning in anger and frustration.

“Then follow me. I can guide you” Reyner said before walking away as Touka started following him while not noticing Isaac. His eyes are glued to the floor glaring in anger.

The both of them silently followed Reyner through the hallway before passing through the garden and heading towards one of the more dilapidated buildings. Isaac surveyed the area to see tress and mountain ranges surrounding the base as it seems they are in the middle of the forest.

Reyner walked towards the dilapidated and abandoned building with no hesitation as Isaac eyed him suspiciously. Just before Reyner opens the rusting metallic door, the floorboard beside Reyner exploded as two cloaked figures appeared from the hole as they aimed their daggers at his neck and chest. In a swift fashion, Reyner deflected both of their stretched arms while turning sideways to avoid the dagger as both of the attackers missed their attack. With Reyner’s palms pressing on their arms, he pushed them away with force as one of them crashes to the wall of the building while the other one flew towards Isaac and Touka. Seeing the attacker, Isaac bashed the cloaked figure with his sheathed weapon in the head before kicking them away with no mercy.

“Stop! Don’t attack them Isaac….” Reyner sighed as the one who Isaac hits revealed her hood with her glare focus on Isaac while gritting her teeth in anger.

“What the fuck is wrong with you huh?!” she yelled as her red short hair was full of dirt as Isaac struck her in the head with his sheathed weapon covered in dirt and dust that was collected when they walked through the garden and towards the dilapidated building.

“They weren’t assassins, they are your colleagues and my current students " Reyner sighed once more as he knows his red-haired student has a very short temper.

“I see” Isaac simply replied without looking back at the girl glaring at him as he simply didn’t care. He knows it didn’t do anything to her as his katana was sheathed so he doesn’t know why she’s fuming in anger. Besides, the force of the push from Reyner was stronger than the force of Isaac smashing his katana like a bat.

“Forgive me” he said coldly while glancing at the girl before gazing back at Reyner and surveying the building. It might be more trouble than he hoped for as he needs all the help he can to finish his quest safely. He needs to improve his katana mastery and he needs to level up. As he is still anxious about the risk of the quest itself.

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