《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 41: Corrupted Tyrfing


A blue holographic screen appeared in front of him detailing his status. This can never be seen by anyone unless Kyle gives permission to them. This is a security feature introduce before the eternal war by the status screen. No one knows who controls the addition of features from the status as everyone was simply busy preparing for war and was simply unaffected by the sudden change since the status has been adding features and addons to itself long before the age of laracias. It’s one of the mysteries in this world that even Kyle who reincarnated twice doesn’t know.

Name: Kyle Folman

Age: 20

Class: None

Level: 32


Controller of Space

Blessed by a Diety

Major Stats:

Strength: C+

Vitality: C

Agility: C

Intelligence: D

Mentality: SS

Charisma: D-

Minor Stats:

Luck: D-

Bluff: B


Pain Resistance (A+)

Chaos Manipulation (A-)

Chaos Regeneration (B-)

Chaos Control (S-)

Chaos Magic Creation (A)

Spear Mastery (A+)

Magic Mastery (A)

Telepathy (D+)

Eye of Foresight (D)


Chaos Magic: Summon Portal (B-)

Chaos Magic: Annihilation (A+)

Chaos Magic: Dark Sweep (B)

Chaos Magic: Dark Beam (A-)

Chaos Magic: Temporal Body (C-)

Chaos Magic: Spear of Chaos (Locked) (Realized)

Chaos Magic: Time Break (Locked) (Realized)

Chaos Magic: Distortion (Locked) (Realized)

Weapon Art:

Accurate Throw

Reckless Throw

Winded Strike

Forbidden Art:



Forceful Regeneration

Weapon Style: Dragon Spear Style

Internal Explosion

Dragon’s Might

Ripping Dragon

Dragon Force Step







Spear Prodigy

Paragon of Chaos

“I still don’t know what the final movement of dragon spear style is…while 3 of my most used spells before are currently locked. Luckily i managed to use my spell temporal body but i need the other 3 to unlock my most deadly move. With these four spells, i was near unstoppable. Just a bit more time i guess” Kyle sighed while scrolling through his status with an annoyed expression. He still doesn’t want to have any forbidden weapon arts as the spells he will use for his deadly move already weakens and burdens his body.

‘I need artifacts and items that raise my vitality or else i might die just using it. It’s still a year before the status update again which turns the letters into numbers since the use of letters for representing stats are unreliable. When someone reaches the stat A plus, they would be surprised by the large stat difference to someone near transcendence despite only having the same A plus stat’ he pondered seriously. He needs to plan ahead to avoid unnecessary hiccups but with this issue at hand. The axis of darkness might hasten their plan and with the war of the two kingdoms nearing, the evil organization will be elated to create more chaos and pain.

‘Right now, i can only participate in the war confidently is when i have the class acquired, or else it would be too much of a risk’ he sighed once more as the carriage is making its way to the destroyed village.

The forest beside the village was destroyed with almost half of all the tress sliced to pieces with a weird black goo on the trunk that creates a white smoke. The wooden walls of the village are nothing more than a pile of ash together with the rest of the houses and just outside the burned village is a remnant of battle as a large line of ground is pulverized and obliterated. 5 crevices and cracks in the ground can also be found as Kyle wondered what truly happened.


As the carriage stopped, the coachman glanced at him before Kyle nodded and gave the man two silvers for his trouble as almost no one wanted to head to a recently destroyed village since the people still thought that there is still cultist lurking around. He was forced to promise to triple the payment just to head here. After heading outside the carriage, the hot bright sun is almost burning him as it was in the middle of the afternoon.

While looking around to find a tree to hide from the sun, he saw Layla with her red dress using a big umbrella and with a fan in her hand. She looked annoyed while gazing at the village.

“Layla, did you find anything?” Kyle asked while running towards her. Layla glanced at him before gazing at the village once more.

“There was a remnant of an altar in the middle of the village but it was too burned that it was hard to know what type of altar it truly is. Also, there were no runic letterings or anything that can serve as a catalyst for summoning a benevolent being. It seems that they only planned on creating chaos to shake the position of the new king” Layla replied

“That’s unusual. Why would they use their shade to do something that minor? I heard that they only use their shades to conquer kingdoms or when defending their headquarters” Kyle was more perplexed by this. The leader of this cult won’t use such valuable personnel just to destroy a single village.

“We still don’t know but according to your friend. They used undead and molds in attacking the village. He also said that the shade wasn’t actively destroying the village but only fought them when he attacked and against the 13th shadow prince. Most of the damage was created by the cultist, undead, and molds as the destruction shade was outside the village when the fire started. " Layla added

“I just remembered that Isaac and Melissa destroyed one of their bases situated in a cave. He said to me that they were attempting to complete the goblet of the scarlet while using the blood of the tortured people inside the cave” Kyle said while silently pondering.

“Goblet of the scarlet?! Where is it?!” Layla suddenly grabbed Kyle by the shoulders as both the umbrella and fan falls to the ground. Her eyes glimmering in excitement while smiling widely, noticing how weird she reacted. She slips her hands off his shoulder before coughing awkwardly.

“So where is it?” she asked but this time calmly.

“It was destroyed by Isaac” Kyle replied simply as shock run across her face before clearing her throat.

“It’s a shame. If only he didn’t destroy it, we might be able to research it” Layla said

“Anyway, i guess the axis of darkness attempted to create it and to make sure that it won’t fail, they used one of their shade to protect the procedure.” Kyle said with a smile as he slowly walks away and towards the burned village.

“Well, i will head inside the village to make my own investigation” Kyle said as Layla gazes at him with an interested smirk on her face. Kyle needed to make his own investigation as he knows that the shadow won’t give him the full information.


‘It seems that the shadow organization is interested in the goblet of the scarlet. As long as they won’t sacrifice the people’s life to create a cursed item, i won’t list them as my future enemies.’ Kyle thought while walking in the burning sun.

The goblet of the scarlet is a one-use item that can summon either a beast or a devil that will be under the control of the user for a certain amount of time depending on their mana. It usually summons a powerful monster or a devil that can reach a level of 50 to 80. After using in a day, the summoned being will vanish and the goblet will be destroyed. Still, if someone can summon an adult dragon to do their bidding for a day. It can turn the battle to the summoner. Still, it requires the blood of a hundred people and a goblet created from a metal that can only be harvest in the forsaken land of the vampires.

‘It would be nice to have something like that in case but i won’t sacrifice a hundred people just to create an item that bases itself in luck’ Kyle shakes his head as he finally entered the village. As Layla said before, there was a metal altar in the middle but it was melted already with some parts of it still standing. The runic letterings were nowhere to be found as he touched the metal of the altar while closing his eyes.

“Eye of foresight: Gaze to the past” he murmured as his eyes opened which shines brightly, he falls to a dazed state as everything that happened before the altar was destroyed is being forcefully entering his mind.

He was suddenly teleported in the middle of the night with the sounds of battle and clashing of weapons that can be heard across the village. Cries of plea and screams in pain followed soon as the sickening sound of arrows and blades hitting the flesh were nauseating but it didn’t faze Kyle. He looked around to find himself near the altar as he tried touching it only for his hands to pass through. Out of nowhere, a white-haired child carrying a large sword landed beside the altar as a cloaked entity appeared from the shadows. He gazed at the hooded figure only to realize that it was a skeleton with its eyes socket housing a blue orb inside of each eye. It must be a lich but Kyle can clearly see mana coursing through its bones. Kyle knows both of these people as Kavel the destruction shade and Sulvan the corruption shade.

“Why am i supposed to guard this thing huh? Who do you think you are? I’m not someone who can be ordered by a lowly undead like yours. " Kavel snapped while glaring at the lich.

“It was not my intention but the leader proposed that you are the most suitable for this mission” Sulvan replied with a normal human voice unlike to the undead that can’t even speak.

“Damnit fine! If the leader said it was, i will accept it but if i hear that you are lying” Kavel just smiled at Sulvan before he swings his sword towards the lich before stopping inches away from his neck made of bones. Still, the lich didn’t feel threatened by this at all.

“This is an important plan to create the corrupted Tyring. You need to continue on your slaughter to awaken that sword of yours.” Sulvan said sternly but Kavel didn’t listen at all as he already jumped away before landing on a roof of a wooden house and sitting casually. Sulvan sighed before being swallowed by the shadow itself and vanishing. What followed was a slaughtering of villagers and the initial confrontation between Isaac and Kavel. Kyle tried walking away only to be forcefully sucked towards the altar.

Sweats covered his forehead as he gritted his teeth before breaking his own daze as his eyes returned to a galaxy-like iris with small lights surrounding his black pupil.

“I see…” Kyle laughed loudly. He now knows what their current goals are with the help of his eyes. Despite the temporary blurriness and short-sightedness of his eyes, he can say that it was worth it but if he continuously uses it. It might blind him forever. Still, he was extremely satisfied with his special eyes.

“It seems that they are planning on awakening a new cursed sacred weapon that was stronger than the previous ones by killing a hundred thousand humans and absorbing their soul to create the most unstable and dangerous ego. It seems that they were able to kill ten thousand humans already. I might be able to destroy this weapon before completion, unlike last time. A sword that killed more than a million creatures and a million more, the Corrupted Tyrfing " Kyle knows this weapon best from his experience from fighting the leader of the axis of darkness who wielded this weapon. It was a terrifying weapon that used the souls of its victim to put his enemies to countless curses and debuffs. Just a wound from this weapon was enough to rot Kyle’s body instantly but with the help of his temporal body, he was able to dodge all of the attacks while doing his best to run away from the souls to avoid getting a curse. Still, it was an experience that he doesn’t want to recreate as he was still wondering how he survived that. In the end

“Still, to destroy it. I need to kill the destruction shade who wields it now. Currently, i can’t do anything against him but the shadow organization might be able to assassinate him” Kyle murmured to himself. Still, why would what was supposed to happen in the future happened yesterday. Kyle pondered while walking away from the altar. What leads to them giving the unfinished Tyrfing to Kavel and for it to have ten thousand souls already.

It was only supposed to appear during the war of two kingdoms as there are no wars in the human continent currently. Still, an answer was already found but whether he give this information to the shadow organization. He’s still unsure as he doesn’t want to reveal his cards to them when they still don’t trust him. He sighed as the future seems bleaker than he thought.

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