《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 39: The end of the battle and the banquet.


A red circle surrounded everything in the grass plains as a large statue of a man with 6 muscular arms sitting on the grass which is made of ruby can be seen behind Kavel. While a small patch of land turned into the black ground with a large gravestone in each corner. In the middle of the graveyard is a shadow figure surrounded by four robed entities with a black scythe in their hands.

“Everything inside this circle that moves will get hit by this guy behind me so you better not move” Kavel smirked while glancing at both Touka and Isaac who are laying on the ground before gazing at the shadow prince.

“Oh, the absolute domain that once you enter, you will be shredded to pieces. Still, isn’t it too small? I thought that the manslaughterer of the axis of darkness would be strong but i guess you shouldn’t rely on rumors. Did you know you have a thousand gold bounty of your head” Kavel remarked with a carefree smile. Still, the shadow prince didn’t move or react to his provocation.

“Boring, if you won’t move then i will!” Kavel shifted his legs before smashing his sword and stabbing it to the ground in front of him.

“Domain Skill: Equip” the ground shook as Kavel slowly pulls the sword from the ground as the statue followed his movement but instead of only one sword, six swords emerged before being grabbed by the statue’s six arms. Each of the swords is larger than a human and is also made of ruby as it shines dangerously.

“Forbidden Sword Art: Destructive Vertical Slash” the sword on Kavel’s arms started vibrating together with his arms and with a slow swing upwards, a sharp large wave is coursing through the shadow prince in immense speed. A black fog suddenly appeared to block the attack as the graveyard wasn’t destroyed or even damaged in any way. The shadow prince still didn’t move or made any reaction to the attack. The next attack would come from the ruby statue as it lifts its six large swords in the air before slamming it to the ground and generating 6 large red waves all around the place before converging towards the graveyard. This time, the shadow prince reacted by magically moving the large gravestones to stop a single red wave created by the statue.

A loud bang erupted as a large amount of smoke flew in the air from the collision itself. The sound was jarring that even at a large distance, it felt like someone threw a grenade near Isaac’s ear. After the dust has settled, the 4 enormous gravestone each has a large crack running from the top to the bottom with cracks in different places.

“Domain Skill: Chains of Zegath” the gravestone opens up to reveal a large chain with a sharp black blade in the tip as it suddenly crashes towards Kavel with the intent to pierce him and drag him to the graveyard only to be blocked by one of the hands of the statue at the cost of it being cracked and disintegrated leaving 5 of the arms of the statue.

“Impressive! but not enough” Kavel provoked as the fight was becoming more between ranged attacks rather than face-to-face confrontation. Isaac burned this view in his mind as a sort of reference to avoiding getting killed by domains and to possibly gain any insight on how it works and made.


“Domain Skill: Beam of Destruction” Kavel shouted as he aimed his sword towards the shadow prince while the statue followed his movements. A black orb surrounded by black lightning can be seen emerging from the tip of the swords of the ruby statue as it slowly grows into the size of a house as the lighting crackles around it. With a push of Kavel’s sword, the large ball of destruction and lightning slowly makes its way towards the graveyard. Everything that hits it was destroyed with the patch of grass burned while the ground was scorched. Lightning sparks were everywhere as the night was brightened by the skill.

Without any delay, the shadow prince stacked the gravestones together as the graveyard domain was covered with a thick black fog. The collision might even hit both Isaac and Touka despite the large distance between them and seeing that despite him moving his arms and standing up, the statue was focused on maintaining the skill rather than checking if he is moving as Isaac tried limping away with his hand dragging Touka who is barraging a slew of cursed words and incoherent shouting.

“Agh, leave me. Don’t drag me anymore! The broken bones are starting to puncture my body!” Touka shakes Isaac’s hand away with a grimace on his face. Isaac contemplated for a moment before nodding and limping as fast as he can with no regard to his injuries or bleeding wound.

A loud explosion created a sound similar to a large bomb detonated echoed through the plains as the ground shakes from the impact alone. Isaac tumbles to the ground as he turns his head to see a large crater, larger than he has ever seen before which covered half of the plains leaving a small domain with the fog disperse and 3 of the gravestones destroyed into pieces. A maniacal laugh followed as Kavel walked towards the collapsing domain. There is only one hooded figure holding a scythe left as the shadow prince is on his knees with blood dripping from his lips. Kavel made his way inside the domain as the hooded figure flashes before his eyes and striking the scythe towards Kavel’s neck but the statue parried the attack and strikes back with a heavy swing to the side which disperses the specter inside the hood and cloak as it falls to the ground.

Kavel steps on the shadow prince’s head with a prideful smile. The shadow prince glared with indignance but Kavel simply stomped his feet harder that the shadow prince’s face slammed in the dirt.

“A boring way to end it but i have wasted too much of my time, our goals are achieved. You’re too weak to amuse me so i will give you mercy and while the ants are busy scurrying off, it’s too tiring to end them.” Kavel boasted before entering a portal that came out of nowhere. A woman’s voice can be heard through the portal.

“Get your ass back here Kavel! The shadows are attacking one of our important bases!”

With that, the battle was finished quickly as it started with both Touka and Isaac not helping and contributing in any way. Once the domain fight began, both of them were injured just from the shockwave itself. A single skill was enough to finish the fight and render the enemy helpless, seeing this. Isaac is starting to doubt whether the domain is really worth it to gain. He saw how the shadow prince’s domain was strong and deadly but it was too small to even reach Kavel and the shadow prince was a sitting duck waiting to be destroyed. Kavel would’ve died if he didn’t use the statue’s ability to block any attack and that last skill that he used was too long to cast and too slow to hit fast-moving targets.


He shakes his head before gazing at the burning village. The screams and shouts of help have stopped as there is no cultist around. The only sound is the creaking of burning wood and the flame burning and despite the darkness of the night, the village is the only thing shining light. Isaac just lays down on the patch of grass while staring at the night sky, knowing he failed once more. He failed to one thing he was supposed to do, even though he didn’t feel any remorse or pity to the people who died, he was furious. Furious about the fact that he wasn’t any help, he didn’t save anyone and he didn’t achieve his goal. A quiet sob can be heard coming from Touka who is using his arms to cover his eyes as he gritted his teeth in frustration.

“I’ll kill them! I’ll kill them! I will payback for what they have done!” Touka mumbling turned to a shout of anger.

“I’ll hunt them till i die or until they won’t hurt anyone! Rose, don’t worry i’ll avenge you…” Touka once more cried in the deep of the night with injuries all over his body. That after crying, he passed out from the pain and emotional fatigue.

“I have already seen 3 people with their goal and thirst for revenge. It must be common in this world where no one is safe and easily killable.” Isaac mumbled

“Revenge without strength is suicide. At the end of the day, power is the only thing that matters.” Isaac said to himself, reminding him of his goal. Suddenly, a blue holographic screen appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations! You have reached one of the requirements for the class (Black Crimson Swordmage).]

[The special quest has started called “the approval of the laracia”]

“Huh? What is this quest?” Isaac was fully confused as this is the first time he received a notification for leveling up and now he discovers a special quest. It was never stated anywhere by Kyle or everyone.

[This quest is for the user to achieve 3 of the requirements for the unique class (Black Crimson Swordmage). A map will be given to the user to reach the secret village of the laracia. A certain laracia will be waiting for the user for his arrival. It is advisable to do this alone for it might cause a misunderstanding between the user and the laracias.]

The blue screen disappeared as a dusty old map was drop on his chest. It seems to be magically teleported to him as he didn’t see anyone. He lifted himself up before propping his back on the nearby tree and as he opened the map. Yellow marks on the ground can be seen as he tried touching it to no avail. It seems to be leading somewhere north of here but he decided to not get ahead of himself. He is not in the right condition and he needs to prepare in case if the journey is far and long.

Still, he was happy that he is a step closer to gaining his class. He yawned before getting teary as he was too sleepy and tired to think anymore and despite the dangers, he is willing to sleep here. With the katana grabbed by his hands, he falls asleep leaning to the tree.

Meanwhile, the banquet is about to finish as the crowned prince or the new king headed to his quarters to rest as the guest slowly leaves the premises. With Aleena safely secured and convinced, their main goal is finally achieved. Still, there is no movement from the ashen order as the attack of the shadow on the new king’s laboratory was successful. In the quiet night, a lamp post made of magical glass is lighting a bright fire to shine its way towards Cellica’s mansion. Luckily they are in the nobility section where knights regularly patrolled and lamp posts situated everywhere to give light. In the commoner’s section, there would be a group of knights patrolling but there would be no lamp posts and the worst place is the slums where there is no supervision from the knights and where gangs and bandits made their headquarters.

“So how did you know about his laboratory?” Aleena asked with her head gazing on the marbled pathways.

“I’m actually a seer, so i saw a future where the chimeras and other creatures escaped the laboratory and caused panic and destruction.” Kyle told with half lie and half truth. Hoping that it was enough for Aleena to stop being suspicious of him.

“Is it because of your eyes?” Aleena mumbled

“Yes, i didn’t want anyone knowing this but i will give you my trust so you can trust me back” Kyle smiled warmly to Aleena. She glances at him before staring back at the pathways with her spirit gone, she just wanted to find a good soft bed to sleep and cry on.

Alrich gazed at Aleena with a sorrowful expression. He wanted to comfort her but he knows he can’t. He is one of the perpetrators to convince Aleena and despite his uncertainty about all of this as he never wanted to play the feelings of a lady anymore, he can’t do anything as Kyle gave him a chance to change his life and destiny.

“It’s alright Alrich, what you did is not wrong. It was better to let Aleena know earlier rather than be in more sorrow in the future” noticing Alrich’s sorrowful expression, Kyle said those words for both Alrich and Aleena. The problem with Alrich is that he is too kind, unlike Isaac who wouldn’t mind or even regret something he has done. He hoped that Isaac is fine and safe as he can already see the gate of the mansion.

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