《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 38: Kavel the destruction shade


After slashing down another cultist, he decided to head where the sound of battle was most happening in the middle of the village. A cultist holding a dagger appeared in one of the houses with a decapitated head of a man on its hand. Without any hesitation, he dashes forward before striking the cultist right in its chest before twisting it and ripping the heart out of the cultist. To Isaac’s surprise, it was a human as the cultist was gurgling with his own blood and staring at Isaac with a desperate and shocked expression before falling lifelessly to the ground.

Isaac calmly gazed at the corpse as he can feel himself being desensitized from killing a human. He chuckled just thinking that he usually regrets hurting someone before but in this crazy world, he changed for the better. He believed that he changed for the better and it improved his survival.

“You killed Markus! I will kill you bastard!” a cultist screams in anger as he can be seen rushing towards Isaac with his dagger coated in poison. Without a change of his expression, 5 blood swords penetrated the cultist’s body as the cultist coughs blood before gazing at his own body covered with large swords made of blood that continuously absorb his blood.

“I didn’t know a cultist can be hypocrites” Isaac smirked before ripping the cultist’s body to pieces. The blood covered the ground as the blood swords absorbed the blood while slowly being bigger and bigger.

“You’re more devilish than i thought, cursed weapon wielder is more than welcome to join us” a white-haired child wearing a simple white shirt and blue pants with a wicked smile spoke from the top of the building. A large sword, larger than the boy’s body can be seen being wielded by the boy quite easily. 3 black straight lines can be seen running from below both of his eyes towards his neck before it moves unnaturally. Both of his eyes are covered with a fabric with runic letterings in them.

“It seems that i have to kill you first” Isaac said calmly before launching 5 blood swords towards the child. The child jumped off the building just before the blood swords destroyed a large part of the roof that he was sitting on.

“I’m a child and you plan on killing me? What a scary man~” the child taunted while standing on top of another building with a cheeky smile. Without speaking, Isaac launched the blood swords towards the child once more and it was the same, the child was faster than his blood swords.

“Getting impatient, are we? Well, my name is Kavel one of the shades of the axis of darkness” Kavel spoke before jumping off the building and standing calmly with his weapon propped on his shoulder like it weighed nothing.

“Shades?” Isaac asked before making his next move. This child is clearly strong that even his blood swords are rendered useless by his speed.

“A leader of sorts, we are the hands and arms of her highness. We are the engulfer of life with thousands of priests and knights killed just by my hand and i’ve lost count on how many people i actually killed” Kavel spoke while counting his fingers and thinking deeply. A wicked smile appeared on his face once more.


“Either surrender and join my army or die a torturous death….you choose” Kavel release an overbearing pressure that Isaac was immediately put on his knees. Kavel started walking slowly towards Isaac in a calm manner. Once Kavel is in front of Isaac and within a strike of his katana.

“Crimson Blade Style: Domination!” the overbearing pressure quickly disappeared as it was replaced by an intimidating aura coming from Isaac as Kavel jumps backward at extreme speed with panic and fear in his eyes.

“Forbidden Katana Art: Rapid Laceration” his arms moved in extreme speed that a single strike created 6 swings as the blade of his katana glowed a bright red color. 6 slash wounds emerged from Kavel’s chest as he was pushed by the force of Isaac’s blade towards the wooden wall before crashing and destroying a part of it. Large smoke and debris covered where Kavel landed as it created a loud bang just from the collision.

Just as Isaac was about to activate his title, he felt someone grabbing his face before slamming him towards the nearby house. He coughed up blood as his left arms twisted and his back bruised. Outside the wooden house, an outrage Kavel can be seen with the wounds Isaac created dripping blood in the ground.

“You fool! You shall die!” To his surprise, a large flame swept between both Isaac and Kavel as Touka wasted no time grabbing Isaac before creating a large hole in the house. With the both of them outside the wooden house. They run as fast as they can before Isaac grabs Touka’s wrist before activating the title [Controller of Space] and successfully teleporting outside the villages and into the woods.

“What? How..how did you did that?” Touka was baffled before running back towards the village.

“We need to stop him, we need to save the people or the axis of darkness would achieve their goals” Touka shouted when he saw Isaac standing still with no plan on moving.

“We can’t. It’s better to be alive than die there meaninglessly” Isaac coldly stares at Touka

“W-what?…did i just heard you right? Die there meaninglessly?” Touka was shocked and appalled by what Isaac said.

“Meaninglessly? I rather die than cowardly run away while knowing my companions being slaughtered” Touka glared at Isaac.

“If you want to die, then you’re free to go. I just repaid what you did for me.” Isaac said emotionlessly with no care of what Touka is feeling.

“What happened to you! You used to be the side of justice and here you are staying here and fully knowing what’s happening to the people in the village!” Touka shouted angrily.

“I changed for the better, i can’t do anything to that monster so i opted to run away since i’d rather be a coward than to die since as long as your living, you have the chance to take revenge” Isaac stared at Touka with an annoyed expression.

“I see, i thought you are different than others but you clearly are not” Touka mumbled with disappointment and anger in his voice while walking away with his back turned at Isaac. By this time, Isaac can use both of his arms with the help of the skill (Blood Magic: Absorb blood) but his back is still bruised since he prioritized his arms rather than his back when healing.


“What’s happening in the village?” a shaded figure appeared from the trees with his cloak covered with blood, Isaac was about to attack only to find the insignia of the shadow in the necklace the figure is wearing.

“A shade of the axis of darkness appeared in that village and we can’t fight it currently” Isaac informed as getting the help of one of the shadow princes is beneficial to killing or defeating the shade Kavel.

“You must be the new batch of recruits under the second shadow prince. I must say you’re underwhelming compared to that young man.” the shadow figure scrutinized Isaac which annoyed him.

“He’s a white-haired kid with a large sword and eyes covered with fabric, he currently has 6 slash wounds in the chest.” Isaac said as the shadow figure was amazed by what this new otherworlder can do.

“He must be Kavel the destruction shade. Are you the one who injured him?” he asked Isaac.

“Yes, but i used 3 of my trump cards just to deal that damage and escape. " Isaac replied with annoyance in his voice. With the forbidden art used up and his weapon art domination currently unusable while having only one charge of the title, he can’t do that trick anymore and additionally does not guaranty his escape.

“Impressive! Forgive for saying that you are underwhelming but there are more things we need to do first. I can’t win against Kavel one on one but with the help of you and that friend of yours who is too busy to stop and listen. I’m confident that we can at least force him to retreat”

“Fine. Let’s catch up” Isaac replied.

In front of the village, Kavel sat on a rock with an annoyed look on his face. The wounds he received doesn’t heal and the worse part is that it continuously bleeds despite anything he does. It isn’t life-threatening but it sucks his energy bit by bit and the fact that what he considered an ant was able to injure him to this extent further infuriated him. He gazes at the forest to see 3 silhouettes emerging outside the forest. A crazed smile appeared on his face as he wasted no time by jumping over there with his large sword.

“I’ll kill you, you little ant!” shouted Kavel who is on top of the sky as both Touka and Isaac already planned for this.

“Shadow Magic: Obscuration” large black fog swallowed both Kavel and others. Both Touka and Isaac were not affected by the fog as they can see clearly what’s inside to fog. Kavel revealed a wicked smile before lifting his sword and slamming it to the ground.

“Destruction Magic: End” 5 black magical circles appeared behind Kavel as the ground beneath him was instantly exploded creating a huge amount of debris and dirt flying in the creating and destroying both the ground and the fog. The shockwave of the attack sent both Touka and Isaac away from the blast as both of their bodies were injured just by that.

“Forbidden Sword Art: Overhaul Swing” Kavel grabs the sword with both of his hands while bringing it behind his back with the intent of creating a large swing.

“Duck! Now!” the shadow prince shouted as both Touka and Isaac immediately ducks just as a large black crescent shape shockwave emerged and crashed towards the forest where the shadow prince shouted. Cutting almost half of the treens in the forest before creating a large explosion in the distance. Scorching and burning the large forest.

“T-this is crazy! How are we supposed to defeat him. Both of the attacks just now can kill us if we’re hit by it!” Touka said while sweating bullets.

“Focus! We need to support the shadow prince or else we are just gonna die” Isaac replied while slashing himself in the palm creating a pool of violet blood.

“Fine!” Touka shouted as he crushed the pendant that’s he’s wearing which creates a barrier that hides their presence.

“This better work or i just wasted this one time use artifact” Touka said as Isaac ignore him. The battle outside is still raging with both the combatants fighting in melee range. Kavel tried chanting to use one of his spells only to be attacked in the face by the shadow prince to stop him. Despite successfully stopping every spell, the shadow prince also can’t chant, and in a disadvantageous position since every strike of Kavel was enough to push the shadow prince back. The shadow prince’s hands were akin to a serpent moving and dashing everywhere with a poisoned dagger but despite this, Kavel can still block the attack or dodge it.

“This is really interesting! You think those ants can stop me?” Kavel laughed before attempting to kick the shadow prince in the chest only to be blocked by two daggers. Still, the force was enough to create a distance that Kavel can chant and use one of his spells.

“Destruction will be in my hand and death is beneath my feet” realizing what Kavel is doing, the shadow prince gritted his teeth before chanting too.

“May the darkness guide those who prosecute others”

“Creator of Destruction Domain”

“Graveyard of the Ruined Domain” both of them shouted as this is the start of the nightmare Isaac will experience. With the pool of blood in the ground, Isaac chanted a spell but it was too late. The barrier that’s protecting them was instantly destroyed as both Touka and Isaac were pushed back by the creation of two domains. Both of them were knocked in the air before crushing towards the nearby grassy plains. Touka has his left leg bent on the wrong way and the knees on his right leg were fractured with his back bruised and some of his ribs broken while Isaac was stabbed by a random sharp metal in the thigh with some of the ribs also broken. Both of them coughed up blood but Touka gritted his teeth and bit his lips in pain.

This battle between the domains is something he has never seen and he won’t be as helpful before. He tried thinking for a solution while removing the sharp metal lodge in his thigh but he can’t do anything except call for help, someone who is strong enough since he knows that the shadow prince can just escape while leaving both of them to fight Kavel. His death or survival is in the hands of the shadow prince.

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