《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 37: The reunion


“Isaac? Is that you?” Touka asked with astonishment and amazement on his face. Isaac stared at him like he just saw a ghost before smiling back. Isaac still remembers him during their high school days since he was one of his best friends and he always fought against the bullies in their school. He was unparalleled in shouting about justice and protecting the weak.

“Yes, Touka it’s me” Isaac says with an unusual smile on his face. Seeing him wearing silver plate armor while carrying a claymore in his belt gave Touka a sense of justice and strength and with his ruffled hair and charming face he can be mistaken as a hero. Behind Touka is a beautiful blonde woman in her mid twenties with the same silver armor and claymore as Touka. Her face contorted in annoyance with a frown that can be seen despite the darkness of the trees.

“Who is this Touka?” the woman asked sternly as Touka turns around with a big smile on his face. She stares at Isaac before staring back at Touka.

“This is my best friend Isaac, a fellow follower of justice like me!” he boasted with a proud smile.

“I see…but Touka, we can’t trust anyone who is just sitting there with a katana beside him while staring at the villages” the woman replied with a frown.

“He’s not anyone okay? He’s my friend and i’m sure he would help us instead” Touka replied back

“Still, we need to know his identity. A person can change and you know that” the woman sighed before walking up to Isaac who remained sitting with his back laying in the tree. Touka wanted to reply back but he only looks away with anger in his eyes.

“Sir, what is your purpose for your visit to this village?” the woman asked politely

“I was just resting after my long journey” Isaac simply replied but the woman looked at him suspiciously, a long journey without any baggage containing basic necessities is straight-up suicide. The woman revealed a small notebook as she opened the pages slowly. A pen was stuck in the side of the notebook as she started writing in the notebook.

“So where is your original destination sir?” she asked once more

“I’m from the capital and i decided to explore the villages here before coming back.” Isaac explained

“In the middle of the night?”

“In the middle of the night, yes” he replied

“Can you give me any identification cards or something that can prove your identity?”

“I actually lost it on my way here, i forgot to bring my baggage so when monsters attacked, it fell out of my pocket during the fighting”

“Really?” she gazes at Isaac before writing something in her small notebook.

“Come on now, just trust me on this. After your interrogation, did you gain anything? Nothing right so just stop already” Touka smiled while sitting beside Isaac.

“You’re too trusting Touka” she frowned

“You’re too untrusting Rose, i know him and this guy won’t do something that would break the law” Touka replied

“I don’t care anymore, don’t say that i didn’t stop you” she harrumphed before heading inside the villages.

“Sorry about that Isaac, she just doesn’t like it when i’m with someone i know”

“Are you guys in a relationship?” Isaac asked

“N-no, it’s not like that, she is just a caring and kind woman to anyone she trusts but cold to anyone she doesn’t know” Touka replied awkwardly while slightly blushing and gazing at the grass.


“Anyway, what level are you?” Touka asked with excitement in his voice.

“29, how about you?” Isaac replied before Touka smirks

“34! Don’t worry, i will protect you since i’m stronger than you. I’ll bring you to an area where leveling can be easily achieved” he boasted with a huge grin on his face.

“Sure” Isaac says as a dagger nearly stabbed his back. He quickly turns around to see the tree he’s leaning on with a dagger penetrated into it.

“What happened?” Touka asked panicky while surveying the area. He unsheathes his claymore as he stands up while paying close attention to any more ambushes.

“They’re here” Isaac says with a wicked smile as he dashes behind the tree to see 3 cultists wearing the hooded cloaks with their daggers shining in the moonlight. They looked lifeless and there are no sounds of a surprise coming from them as Isaac makes quick work of them as he slashed them through the chest before slashing back towards their neck. They fall to the ground with their unusual violet blood which produces a foul stench. Their body contorted and merged before revealing a gut-wrenching monster with a slimy body made of flesh with their mangled arms and legs flailing while screaming incoherently. With pure instincts, Isaac ran away from the creature as it exploded in a goopy slimy acid which reduced everything around it into a fleshy crater.

“W-what is that?” Touka asked as he vomited just by accidentally looking at it.

“I don’t know but it must be the work of the cultist. Be careful if you don’t want to die” Isaac warned as he headed towards the village. Touka tried his best to follow him only to be blocked by a large cultist wearing black metal armor while wielding a morning sun. The cultist dwarfs Touka as it charges him without any hesitation.

The sounds of screaming and pleads for help followed by weapons clashing and explosion surrounded Isaac once he entered the village. Countless arrows rain on him as he tried dodging and parrying the arrows only to pass through him. He was confused before an arrow hits his thigh followed by an arrow in his left arm. He jumps behind the covers as the unknown archer pelted him with arrows that hide the real one. It wasn’t an illusion or it would not affect his senses but it did as he was confused about what’s happening. The house that he is hiding is being covered by arrows as he tried peeking to find the archer. In the wooden wall, there is a single cultist with a violet bow covered by a tentacle that reaches up to the cultist’s arms. It was mindlessly shooting at him with arrows. He focused his eyes on the bow to gain any information about it as the diamond shape pattern in his eyes started turning.

[Bow of the Damned Mortality +3]

*the plus number beside the name of the weapon is how many times it was upgraded and enchanted by certain ingredients and items.

A cursed bow made by the fallen kingdom Falamus to armed its suicide army. It was one of the most common cursed weapons in the eternal war used by this army. It was one of the more dangerous archers ever seen during the war for their tenacity and willingness to die for their kingdom.

Skill: Draining Rain of arrows

It drains 10% of the health of the user for every 100 arrows shot. It has a 95% chance of producing mental damaging arrows with 5% chance of producing armor-piercing arrows. When used, the user will shot 10 arrows per second which amount to 1% health drain every second.


“So it wasn’t an illusion but mental damaging arrows which i’m immune to and how can someone shot that many arrows every second without dying. It seems that the cultist really is planning for killing this many people” Isaac mumbled to himself as he broke the arrow that was lodged inside his thigh and left arm. The blood dripping from the wounds was manipulated by Isaac to create swords made of his blood.

“At least you are not that stupid geez.” Mildred said out of nowhere.

“I guess i have to teleport over there” Isaac sighed while ignoring Mildred’s comment. He silently activated the title [Controller of space] as he imagined the place where the archer is shooting. Without any delay, he found himself standing behind the archer as it unknowingly shot dozens of arrows to where Isaac was previously hiding. Using the blood sword floating around him, the swords penetrated the back and head of the creature as it screams in pain. Seeing that it was not enough, Isaac used his weapons to slash the creature’s head off as it turns its head.

The creature died with its head lopped off, Isaac lifted the hood to see what it looks like only to realize that it was undead. Its skin was full of flies and infected wounds and the bones can be seen with no muscles or fats remaining in the body. It looked like a skeleton with skin barely hanging on its bone. Luckily it didn’t explode unlike the last one.

“This is unusual, last time when i was in the cave. I’m sure that the cultist was humans who are clearly alive but this time, it’s undead creatures and humans that absorb each other. " Isaac pondered while using the high altitude of the walls to scope the ongoing battle against the cultist.

“It’s called the undying and mold. The undying is what the otherworlders would call zombies while the mold is more like a human slime. Both created by forbidden and evil magic but luckily, it seems to be on the weaker side” Mildred explained

“Weaker side?” Isaac asked

“Well, the undying would be….hey wait a minute. Why am i giving you information? You don’t do anything for me, are you?” Mildred said snobbily

“Fine, what do you want. As long as it’s reasonable i’ll do it” Isaac replied with a sigh

“Once a week, you will let me borrow your body for a day. How about that?” Mildred said cheerily

“An hour and that’s the most generous offer i can give” Isaac said sternly

“Ok! no takebacks ok?” Mildred shouted happily

“Sure, just continue on giving the information” Isaac says. Despite this, he knows the risk of having a malignant ego controlling his body but he is sure that he can gain control if something bad is gonna happen. It can also serve as a useful tool for keeping Mildred contented with hour-long freedom and using it as a threat to gain more information.

“As i was saying, they are weaker than what i have seen before. The undying would regenerate quickly and they won’t die just by decapitating them while the mold would gain intelligence to use its clones to infiltrate and create more destruction” Mildred explained

“That’s the elite creatures made by the demon lord and high-level necromancers, this type is the usual ones created by sacrifices and tributes” a man interjected as Isaac turn his head to see who is the one talking. A demon with red wings and black hair wearing a tuxedo can be seen calmly drinking wine while gazing at the destruction below. His deep red eyes and black protruding horns confirmed Isaac’s suspicion of him being a demon.

Isaac quickly jumps back while gazing at the demon with his weapon ready to strike and his title for escape. There is an oppressive aura coming from the demon as it didn’t even bat an eye to Isaac as he was calmly drinking red wine. Activating his eyes of truth revealed the horrifying strength of this demon.

[Heile Annath the third]

Strongest Stat: Intelligence (S)

Weakest Stat: Strenght (A+)

Most dangerous spell: Ordeal of Salvation (S+)

Most dangerous skill: Magic Immunity (S)

Warning! the level difference is too high but the receiver willingly lets the user see their stats. Be warned!

Weakness: Nothing useful for the current user.

“Don’t be scared, i’m not planning on creating trouble in the human continent or killing you. I was just on my way home after making a peace treaty with the northern kingdoms.” Heile replied but Isaac doesn’t trust the words of a demon as he didn’t reply or make a single sound. His eyes fully gazing at the demon and if there’s a single movement from the demon, he won’t hesitate to burn all the charges of his title.

“Is that you Heile? The demon famous for partying and a particular rebellious kid?” Mildred shouted before cracking into a burst of loud laughter.

“Hag? Is that you sealed in the sword. So it is true, the child hag of the vampires was finally sealed” Heile stares at Isaac before staring at the katana.

“Child hag?! Want me to beat you to the ground edgy rebellious kid?” Mildred taunted back with anger in her tone.

“E-edgy rebellious kid?! I may be unusual but i am not a rebellious kid, my father is just too protective of me” Heile explained with a forced smile.

“What a crybaby, remember that time when you got scared and ran to me crying whil-Mildred was interrupted by Heile who shouted.

“Stop! I-im a grown-up man now, not unlike you who is forever in a child’s body while sealed in a sword. Forget this, i’m leaving. I’m not in the mood to hear your jest” Heile said while calming himself as his wings open up revealing six sets of red fiery wings but before he can fly.

“How about a biggg hug from your big sis to stop you from crying now?” Mildred laughed as Isaac is sure that he saw Heile blushing in embarrassment before flying off to a distant place.

“Do you have any plans of giving me more information?” Isaac asked coldly as Mildred stopped laughing.

“Nope! My time talking is up. Bye!” Mildred shouted before leaving Isaac alone. Isaac is sure that Mildred is sleeping inside the sword as he can’t feel any magical aura coming from the sword. With a sigh of relief, he heads down from the wooden walls to continue the fight against cultists.

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