《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 35: The beginning of their mission


A simple swing from the first princess generated a large wind that the ground beneath their feet shook while some rocks flew towards the spear hero but he didn’t seem fazed at all as the debris instantly melted upon reaching him.

“Sacrificial obsoletion style: Double Edge!” the princess shouted while swinging forward. A wound suddenly appeared across her arm while a gash appeared in the spear hero’s chest as blood started dripping on his clothes. The spear hero widened his eyes as he quickly moves away from the princess as she is on her next attack.

“Sacrificial obsoletion style: Double Edge!” the princess smirked as a large wound appeared on her stomach while the spear hero received a deep wound in his legs as he tumbled before propping his spear to avoid falling.

“Did you eat something wrong spear hero? Oh, Alastair, you might be strong but not strong enough for me!” she laughed as the wounds covering her are already healing at an immense speed. Alastair gritted his teeth as he burned brightly like the sun and blinding everyone as he rushes forward with his flaming spear in his hand.

“Paragon of the Fiery Spear: Flaming Onslaught” the fire suddenly grew larger and swallowed the entire arena as the fire moved erratically while destroying the ground and the barrier. Cracks started to appear in the barrier as the fire inside of the arena was akin to a cyclone of fire or the manifestation of hell. Burning and destroying everything in its path.

Flashes of violet light appear occasionally before being bombarded by the fire inside the barrier. The spectators can only see a ball of fire like a sun as they have no idea what’s happening inside.

Suddenly, the sun-like fire vanished and was replaced by a ruined arena with many large crevices made by slashing and punctured holes that are clearly made by a spear. The two are still fighting as sparks of fire and flashes of violet light are the only thing they see as the clashing of weapons can be heard. Only two blurry figures can be seen moving around the arena accompanied by sparks and clanging of two weapons. Fire moved and blood was spilled but they still fought at an extreme speed that Kyle can’t even see clearly what they’re doing. A woman’s laughter can be heard as a large crevice appeared suddenly before the two fought once more. A large dragon made of fire appeared but was quickly destroyed by a flash of violet light before countless tentacles emerge from the ground only for every single one to be burned and scorched.

This continued for 15 minutes of the two of them moving erratically with spells and weapons styles thrown at each other. The arena was completely destroyed as a large hole full of slashes and punctures is the only thing left. In the end, the spear hero slowed down before throwing his spear to the ground before raising both of his hands as the princess stopped her attack which is aimed at his neck. The abrupt stopped of her large claymore created a gust of wind that Alastair’s hair moved with the wind before a gentle smile appeared on his face.

“Very impressive, princess Sarafina” he bends down before kissing her hands.

“I’m still not strong enough to win against you” he added before smiling warmly

“That’s quite right, spear hero. I wish in our next spar, you would be strong enough to wound me” she grinned while removing her hand from him. Her clothes are tattered with blood and dirt covering them but her elegance is still there as she left the battered and wounded spear hero alone as he gazed at her intensely with all of his willpower trying to lose consciousness.


A clap of astonishment and awe followed as there are no wounds on the princess while dragging the large claymore effortlessly as she makes her way outside the barrier. Her escorts and maids quickly dashed towards her with concern on their faces.

“It’s fine, i’m just a little tired that’s all” she smiled before she notices Kyle’s intense gaze at her. She smiled at him while waving her hand like she just saw one of her fans. Together with her escorts and maids, they made their way inside the castle. While the spear hero is being healed by the priest and healers as the earth mages cleaned and restored the arena to its original state. The nobles and merchants were chirping and booming in astonishment by what they just saw.

“I declare that we go back to the castle, the inauguration of the crowned prince will start” the king announce as everyone quickly headed back inside the castle. Kyle was about to head inside before someone suddenly grabs his shoulder. Turning his head, he can see that it’s a high-ranking knight as there is a crest of loyalty attached to his chest plate. Crest of loyalty is only given once a knight has served for more than 10 years without any crimes or accusations and is treated as the king’s right-hand army.

“The King has demanded your presence. Follow me” the knight said coldly as he makes his way inside the castle. Without missing a beat, he quickly follows him while keeping a guard up in case the king is planning something. Alrich stared at him with concern in his face before shaking his head knowing that Kyle can get out of any situation as once again he was swarmed by ladies. Still, he surveyed the room to look for the target since he already knows how she looks like since she is quite famous among the nobles and common folks alike.

Kyle followed the knight silently as they make their way to a flight of stairs before climbing another flight of stairs as knights littered the surrounding as they patrolled the perimeter in case of anyone planning to steal or make any commotions. After walking through countless rooms, the both of them stopped in front of a large golden door full of gems adorned in it. Two statues of golden lions are standing side by side to the door with their eyes created with what seems to be green and red gems. Kyle sees runic and magic letterings embedded in the statues that are hard to understand. Kyle shrugs it off as he didn’t have any interest in rune magic besides the mark magic.

“The king is waiting for you inside” the knight said coldly once more before leaving Kyle alone in front of this massive golden door. Kyle pushed the door lightly as it open widely. Inside, the old king awaits with a smile. His white hair and white beard with his face full of wrinkles greeted Kyle quite warmly despite the massive difference in status. Kyle can’t help but be suspicious about this old man as he stared at him warily.

“No need to keep your guard up, i’m merely an old man now. Once this coronation is finished, i can finally rest.” the old king said with a helpless smile and tired expression on his face.

“I see…your highness” Kyle responded but the old king chuckled.

“I guess youngsters like you think of us as the pinnacle of humans. Unshakable and domineering kings that are never gentle or kind but always stern and cold.” the old king said


“It’s not..your highness. I’m merely in awe and full of respect for your achievements” Kyle says with a smile.

“Not everyone thinks like you, even my son doesn’t think much of me while my daughters don’t acknowledge my existence. It might be my fault for not being there in their time in need or the fact that i’m too busy to even observe their childhood until teenage years. “ the old king sighed as he stared at Kyle with a tired smile. Kyle on the other hand is completely confused about what the king is saying or doing. He is just a stranger that piqued the interest of the king momentarily.

“So i hope after i have passed, you can be there for them. Protect them and guide them to be not like me” the old king smiled brightly as Kyle’s smile froze. The old king is planning on getting him to join the army to protect his children. He is a talented young man with great combat capabilities and high potential on being one of the cornerstones of the Demer Kingdom. Kyle’s eyes suddenly grew cold before returning back to his cheery self.

‘So this is what he’s planning. Unfortunately, i’m not one to fall for somber and sad background’ Kyle’s face contorted to extreme sadness.

“Forgive me king but i’m bounded by the witch, my life is in her control. She forced a slave contract on me” Kyle bit his lips while his fist is shaking and his furious glare pointed at the ground. The old king can see frustration and sadness as he can only sigh in disappointment.

“It’s fine. I can understand your pain and frustration. Anyways, just…follow me” the old king said in a somber tone. Kyle followed him silently with his head down and staring at the ground.

‘I didn’t expect that my acting would work, although a witch forcing a slave contract is highly possible’ Kyle’s heart grew in excitement and anticipation as he has never seen the treasury of this Kingdom.

The king abruptly stopped before both of them were swallowed by some kind of portal. He quickly readies himself to teleport out there and cancel their mission only for him to see mountains of items and artifacts ranging from weapons, trinkets and from even strange ones like a skull, bottle full of an unknown liquid and some sort of machinery which is just scattered around which creating a big pile.

“Pick one. If you have decided which artifact just utter these words. Return. Be warned that you can only pick one and picking more would result in heavy punishments” the old king warned with a stern look on his face before vanishing in this air. Kyle scratches his head as he regretted not choosing the eye of truth which would be extremely helpful now.

“So what artifact should i choose” Kyle mulled over with determination on his face.

Meanwhile, in the castle, the crowned prince and Aleena are walking down the stairs as the nobles and merchants clapped which was accompanied by a piece of melodic music created by the famous bards and musicians. The crowned prince Tristan’s smile looked like a faked and forced one while Aleena’s smile is purely gentle and innocent. Her bright yellow eyes screamed with enthusiasm and excitement that is hard to not get drawn into. Alrich can’t help gazing at her as he was reminded of someone important to him just seeing her smile.

Both of them let go of each other’s hand as the crowned prince were quickly surrounded by nobles and merchants hoping to get on his good side. While Cellica gritted his teeth and her eyes glaring at the man who killed his father but Melissa grabs her arm gently.

“Revenge….can wait” Melissa said with anger leaking in her voice. Cellica grabbed Melissa’s hand that as she calmed herself down. She is the heir of the Venir family and it’s not time for her to lose composure. She reminded herself always that revenge will be sweeter in the future. She slowly makes her way towards the crowned prince as he sees them quickly. He walks towards them as he smiled brightly before bowing and kissing Cellica’s hand. She tried her best to not show any repulsion or disgust but a frown still appeared on her face.

“Congratulations, Prince Tristan. I hope the kingdom will grow even stronger” Cellica forced to make a gentle smile. Tristan notices this as his face contorted in confusion.

“Did something happened Cel? You don’t look so good..” he said with concern on his face.

“Forgive my lady but she is currently sick.” Melissa butted in as she can see Cellica’s face looked like she’s about to vomit just from the disgust and anger that she feels. Tilting his head, Tristan smiled once more.

“It’s fine. You can go back now if you’re sick. I can’t force you to come you know” Tristan said with a friendly tone as both Cellica and Melissa bowed before leaving the castle. His friendly eyes turned cold as he turns his head to accommodate his annoying guests. A certain man caught his attention for he is almost collecting ladies to talk to without even a sweat. Despite being crowded, that man doesn’t run out of anything to say. While he is here stuck with a bunch of pigs that only like him for his throne. His mind continued wandering on what sadistic torture he’s gonna do to a future batch of slaves that is arriving tomorrow. He smiled just thinking about it as the nobles and merchants boasted about themselves.

Alrich finally has taken the interest of Aleena as she nodded with excitement to every fictitious story that he told which is meant to interest young women. She’s like a little child listening to a fairy tale with her smile beaming and eyes full of eagerness to listen more.

“Oh, Lady Aleena. I didn’t expect you to be listening to Mr. Alrich” one of the ladies pointed out.

“Well, i really like stories! They are so entertaining and fun!” she said with a full of smile.

“I’m happy you liked my stories” Alrich smiled warmly with his gentle gaze which is directed at her and normally ladies would instantly blush but Aleena just smiled back.

“Of course!” she said cheerily.

“i-i see. Let’s continue” he just smiled back while reminding himself that there is enough time to convince her.

Meanwhile, in the outskirts of a village, a certain robed man carrying a katana walks slowly while deeply surveying his surroundings. The village is composed of many wooden houses with a simple wooden wall with 4 archer towers in each corner. Two knights who are clearly sleepy are guarding the wooden gate as the archers stared at the area full of boredom. Yawning and stretching with a relaxed smile is planted on their faces as they don’t know what’s to come. Seeing this village, he doubts if there are any forces protecting this as he can ascertain that this village will fall instantly into the hands of those cultists. Propping himself in the nearby tree where the light of the torch doesn’t reach him, he sat down with his katana beside him.

“Hey, why don’t you enter the village? It’s cold here” a female voice emanating from the katana spoke

“I don’t plan on entering the village, any commotion that will happen can alert me. No need for useless conversation” Isaac said coldly

“I guess that’s how it is for you” Mildred nonchalantly said

“It would cause more commotion to found out that a strange weapon can talk in the first place”

“Hey! I’m not strange. It’s called special and magical. Don’t lump me with those lesser egos” Mildred said angrily as Isaac didn’t bother responding anymore. He can only hope that he can stop the cultist from achieving their goal or it would be just a waste of his time.

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