《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 34: The arena


Just outside the main hall, a makeshift arena was created by earth magic users and was protected by a magical barrier by barrier masters. It was a simple flat disk arena to fight one versus one. The king encouraged anyone wanting to spar with each other with rewards such as artifacts and items so there are more fighters than the famous death arena in the Varathia Kingdom.

The rich and powerful people attending to spectate the fight, would either raise or decrease anyone’s influence and fame. The two heroes of the Demer Kingdom will also fight anyone willing to challenge them as this further attracted the strong humans who only wanted to spectate the fight like the Golden Knight Lancer and the 1st princess of the Varathia Kingdom.

The Varathia Kingdom is located on the most western part of the human continent which faces the demon continent and the most valuable and important vanguard of the human continent as this kingdom shields the rest of the human continent from demons and demonic creatures. This kingdom is famous for having the strongest army and the home of 6 SS adventurers capable of killing an adult dragon. Most heroes were situated there for them to gain experience and becoming stronger. This kingdom is where even a slave that has talent and can fight can be part of the army. Even the coronation of the future king is determined by fighting in an arena with cheating resulting in instant decapitation or banishment.

The first fight is between Kyle and the red-haired otherworlder named Dane Macvish. This the first fight for they are the ones who inspired everyone to create an arena for a friendly spar and the fact that they were seen as the weakest of all fighters. The king even encourages them to fight in full strength since the saintess Vanessa and the healing mages and other priests are on standby that even decapitation is still possible to heal with the powers of the saintess. Both Kyle and Dane entered the arena before a transparent magical barrier surrounded the arena. The nobles, merchants, the envoys, and representatives of different kingdoms and organization is spectating in what the battle is gonna be like. This is the first time they heard the infamous witches gathering otherworlders to train under their own tutelage. So everyone was keeping an eye on these new otherworlders to ascertain if they’re gonna be a threat or a nobody who will vanish like dust.

“Not bad, this is gonna be better to wipe that annoying smile of yours” Dane smirked while twirling the flaming spear in his hand. His gaze focused on Kyle and his eyes burning with anticipation and excitement. Meanwhile, Kyle just grabbed a random steel spear on a rack as he turned and surveyed it if it’s usable or not. This flamed the anger in Dane’s heart as he can hear the chuckling and whispering of the spectators.

“Hmm… might as well” Kyle shrugged as he didn’t take any stance and just stands there with his spear not even aiming at Dane.

“In the name of King Erneis of the Lederion Kingdom, both fighters. Fight” the announcer shouted as Dane didn’t waste any time and charged forward with a flaming spear aimed at Kyle.

“Enchant Magic: Burning Weapon” the fire in Dane’s spear quickly grew that it swallows half of his body without burning Dane’s body or even his clothes as the fire in the weapon roars and moves uncontrollably.

“Dragon Spear Art: Ripping Dragon” the tip of Kyle’s spear manifested into a head of the black dragon as it opens its mouth before crashing towards Dane. Surprised, Dane interrupts his charge and jumps back before slashing forward creating a large arc of fire towards the dragon.


A large explosion erupted as the dragon and the fire converged but the fire was ripped to shreds and turned into a flicker as the dragon’s head is barreling at Dane at extreme speed. Seeing that the dragon is only moving forward, Dane decided to jump sideways to try and dodge it only for him to realize that the dragon can move freely as it acts like a homing missile. Gritting his teeth, the wooden bead necklace strapped on Dane’s neck exploded as the beads fallen on the ground erupted into a miniature magical barrier as it glows a faint yellow every second. He crossed his arms with his spear in front of his chest to brace the impact as the dragon slammed directly to the magical barrier.

A loud bang followed as sparks of fire and smoke erupted. The dragon was destroyed but the barrier has some obvious cracks in it as Dane’s body is covered with fiery armor. The ground beneath him is being scorched with his every step burned the ground. He quickly looks around him to notice that Kyle is nowhere to be seen. A feeling of someone’s hand touching his back alerted his senses as he quickly turned around with a large swing of his spear creating an arc of large red fire. He noticed another presence in his back once more but it was too late.

“Chaos Magic: Dark Beam 3x” a quiet voice can be heard before black orbs glowed violently creating 3 black beams as it penetrates his armor, skin, and body before exiting to his chest. A loud thud can be heard as blood pooled over Dane’s body which is full of holes created by a beam. Silence covered the area as the spectator gaped at what they saw. Kyle instantly teleported behind Dane making his large fiery swing hit the air before blasting him in point-blank range. There were no chants that happened as Kyle mysteriously teleported as even the announcer was too surprised to announce who clearly won.

“Um…should someone heal him? He’s about to die” Kyle laughs awkwardly as he calmly gazes at Dane’s bleeding body and points at it.

“Ah…I see! The w-winner is the envoy of the witch of Calamity. Kyle!” the announcer shouted as everyone clapped awkwardly and still baffled by just what happened. A small hole inside the barrier opened as Kyle steps outside while the healers quickly ran inside the avoid Dane from dying.

The gazed of the saintess was focused on him before turning her head once Kyle notices her. It seems that the title doesn’t have that much demonic energy when used since no one shouted at him and accusing him of using demonic magic. Still, it aroused suspicion from the young saintess but she doesn’t have any evidence and it’s merely an instinct.

Alrich can be seen running towards him with a big smile as he finally escapes from the ladies pursuing him.

“That was quick!” Alrich was nonetheless impressed by the fight despite it not lasting more than 30 seconds.

“Yeah, it would be bad if i got tired just for a friendly spar.” Kyle smiled before bringing his head towards Alrich’s ear.

“We should focus on our mission first. Did you see the target?” Kyle whispered but Alrich only shakes his head. Kyle can only use his telepathy on someone he marked but he can only mark one person currently so this is part of the marking magic that he needs to improve before the ascension of the status which will be happening in a year.


‘that would render the use of chanting useless since the status imprinted everyone with an automatic skill, spell, and magic activation. It would start a large war once again.’ Kyle sighs as a war is about to happen in approximately 5 months from now or it might speed up since they escaped. Luckily the golden knight who attended the banquet doesn’t know about the fact that the 2 egos and the cursed sacred weapons were stolen since that prideful Leonard will never admit his mistakes.

“I would like to challenge you!” Linton said with anger in his eyes as his fist shakes while glaring at Kyle.

“Forgive me for i am too tired from that fight” Kyle smiled with an apologetic tone in his voice.

“Lies! That didn’t even last a minute!” Linton angrily shouted as everyone’s gaze was focused on the both of them. The King was also impressed by this young man as he was hoping to see him fight once again. Only the space sage can teleport anywhere without chanting so this piqued his interest. Hesitation can be seen in Kyle’s expression as he smiled awkwardly. Seeing that everyone’s attention is on him, he can only sigh and fight once more.

“Fine. After this, i’m hoping that there would be no one challenging me next” Kyle said

“It seems that you’re confident that you’ll win. I let you know that Dane didn’t win a single battle against me” Linton said with a prideful smirk.

“I see.” Once more Kyle enters the arena so quickly that the blood is still there from the previous fight. Kyle picks up another steel spear from the rack of weapons as Linton removed the sheath from his sword with its blade glowing a bright blue color.

“This is a waste of time” Kyle said clearly that everyone hears it including Linton as he didn’t even wait for the announcer. He swings his sword in the air as blue sharp shock waves quickly crash towards Kyle. He blocks the shockwaves with his spear but the shockwaves tore through the spear and clothes as multiple wounds appeared in his arms and legs. He falls to his knees as the announcer attempted to shout only to be blocked by the first princess of Varathia Kingdom.

“We want a fight to the death!” she shouted that surprises Kyle and everyone around them. The king was surprised but he also wanted to see what would happen.

“If both of the participants would agree, i would let the winner enter and pick anything in the artifact treasure of this kingdom” The king said that surprises everyone. The King figured since that artifact gathered by the kingdom is too many for his family and trusted knights to use, most of it was generally useless if someone doesn’t know how to activate those artifacts. At best they would pick a sword artifact that can be bought just for 200 gold. Besides, losing anyone between these two would not affect the strength of his kingdom and might remove a future threat for him.

“I agree!” Linton said quickly without thinking of the consequences and full of confidence. While Kyle looks hesitantly around him. The spectator wickedly chanted continuously the sentence fight to the death.

“Fine, in the name of the king and the witch that i serve. I accept” Kyle weakly stands up from the ground as Linton dashes forward with his open palm stretched in front of him while pulling the sword back before thrusting forward.

“Light Blade Style: Lightspeed Strike” a straight flash of light smashed towards Kyle as he dodged it narrowly as he twisted his body to the side with the help of his eyes of foresight.

“Body Technique: Maximum Speed” Lipton’s body disappeared instantly as he strikes his sword towards Kyle’s neck only for it to be blocked by Kyle’s spear and breaking it in the process. This continued with Lipton striking every part of Kyle’s body repeatedly but all of it was blocked by his spear as the spear is slowly breaking to pieces with every strike from Lipton’s sword. With only the tip remaining, Lipton moves quickly to the back of Kyle before thrusting forward.

“Chaos Magic: Summon Portal” Kyle said softly as a violet portal appeared behind his back as it teleported Lipton’s sword thrust while another portal appeared in Lipton’s back as his own sword stabbed his own back and penetrates his body and destroyed his heart with his eyes full of shock. He coughed up blood but Kyle rapidly turns around with the tip of his spear on his hand slicing Lipton’s neck as it rolled to the ground as a large puddle of blood was created and the lifeless corpse falls to the ground. The portal vanishes as Kyle smiles warmly at the spectators.

‘I hope the witch of destruction won’t hunt me after this’ Kyle sighs before noticing the saintess walking towards him solemnly.

“Don’t move, this won’t hurt” she said as she brings her hand in front of Kyle as a green glow appeared on her palms. Kyle grabs her wrist with a smile as he stopped her chantless magic which might be a basic healing spell or a holy damaging spell. The saintess glared at him as he quickly let go of her wrist.

“Forgive me, saintess. I’m not worthy enough to receive your healing. " Kyle smiled gently as he revealed a red potion out of his pocket which actually hides the black cube storage. He quickly drinks it despite the bitter taste and the wounds around his body healed slowly but it was still noticeable.

“Kyle won once again and as the promise of the magnanimous king, he can pick a single artifact in the treasury of this kingdom!” the announcer again as the spectators clapped with the king staring at Kyle with interest. The next fights after that were tamer with heirs of nobility and famous knights battling each other without casting a single spell or skills with only weapon styles being used. The sound clashing of weapons was getting boring for the others since no one is willing to seriously injure one another. Even the king sitting on his golden chair yawn continuously while the first princess of Varathia looks sleepy with her over-exaggerated yawns that drown the sound of fighting.

For the final match, it was finally the first princess of Varathia against the Spear Hero. The crowd was once more alive with expectant gazes cast at the both of them. The first princess is wearing a black gown with her auburn hair with red tips at the end flowed through her shoulders. A large violet claymore covered with throbbing veins and eyes that move around were unwrapped by her maid before giving it to the first princess. She swings it quickly with her one hand as it seems to be lighter than a feather before crashing it to the ground creating a large crack around her feet.

“Cursed Sword Light’s Bane. How have i missed you” she smiled while gazing at the large claymore.

“This won’t be a fight to death my lady but i will provide entertainment beyond your belief” the blue-haired man smirked while holding the golden spear. This spear glows brightly like the sun as everything in its path is starting to set ablaze. A path of yellow fire followed the spear hero as he twirls it before slamming the end spike of the spear to the ground as it burns brightly.

“I hope you won’t disappoint me” the princess said with a warm smile. The most anticipated fight is about to start as Kyle calmly stared at both of them. This fight will mostly not include their domains since it would engulf the arena but it’s likely that they will fight with no one holding back. Even the famous barrier sage was there to make sure that the barrier would hold up so no one would get hurt.

‘Light’s bane huh…a cursed claymore that grows in strength on how many being was killed that has no demonic energy inside them. A pure destruction type that would even level a mountain with sufficient force. While the sun shaper is a pure magical type that spews and creates yellow fire around the wielder that it was said that it can burn anything under the sun. This also gives the wielder immunity to fire.’ Whoever the winner is, just seeing these weapons at work would be magnificent enough.

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