《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 33: The start of the banquet


Everyone was silent as they mulled on what to do. There are too many things that need to be done for this dysfunctional group to unite together and defeat a common foe. Isaac already made his decision as he smiled warmly at everyone which surprised them. There are only two things that can make him smile, eating and fighting. Seeing the flow of conversation, Isaac clearly wants to fight and kill the cultist rather than defend the villages.

“If this information of yours is indeed reliable, i can’t defend the villages as i need to be in the banquet as the heir of the Venir family” Cellica said with clear hesitation in her eyes. She wants to save the people but the consequence of not attending the banquet may severely affect her family.

“I will go to the villages.” Isaac declared as Kyle nodded in acknowledgment.

“How far are these 3 villages separated from each other?” Isaac asked.

“5 to 10 kilometers away from each other. Still, don’t worry. The shadows will send some of their people there to defend the villages. The 13th shadow prince will be protecting one of the villages too but that knowledge was not given to me on where he will be.” Kyle explained.

“I see. Then i’m the only one who will be staying there then” Isaac says

“No, i will go there also” Melissa said with anger burning in her eyes as Kyle sighed.

“You can’t. You’re not mentally stable. You might lose yourself in your berserk form and you might kill the villagers there” Kyle adamantly said as Melissa’s glare was focused on him. Cellica grasps Melissa’s hand to calm her down as she tried giving a gentle smile but it only turned into a forced smile as it seems that Cellica is still affected by the revelations and deaths happening around her.

“All four of us will be attending the banquet while Isaac will defend the villages. Remember that we still need to stop the assassinations that are gonna happen.” Kyle smiled weakly.

“After this is done. I’m planning on leaving and revoking the contract” Kyle said heavily but everyone looked at him with no surprises in their eyes. Even Alrich hated the fact that he was not even remotely surprised, it was clear from the start that this group will never function normally. With no unity and camaraderie, a group of people might be just as well as strangers to each other but it’s much worse for this group. Hostility and anger is the only thing emanating from everyone that they already tried killing each other. Isaac frowned.

‘Haaah, it’s my fault once again. Maybe, Kyle sees me as a ticking bomb. Ready to destroy everything he built.’ Isaac looked crestfallen and sadness contorted his face.

“I see, i will also leave alone” he said with a sigh. It might be better for him to work alone rather than to be a part of the group.

“So this is your decision huh.” Kyle looked disappointed but there is nothing he can do. If only Isaac didn’t change when he wields the cursed sacred weapon, everything might be still fine. Isaac will walk a path of loneliness that he once walked before.

“It would be lying if i didn’t say i’m happy and relieve at the same time but let’s focus on our task at hand” Cellica forced a smile while Melissa smirked at Isaac. Her claws itching for his blood.


The bell was struck as a beautiful melody followed through the ringing and signaling the start of the banquet. Everyone donned their best outfits such as gowns and suits made of the best fabric as the nobles, merchants, and envoys are clamoring in their carriage. Different assortments of carriages paraded to the streets as the commoners can only watch in awe as the knights and mages vehemently protect each and every guest.

In the large stone castle that sits atop a large hill, the luxurious castle with of garden full of colorful flowers and gold statues lining up can be seen. Flags and banners decorated the gates with the flag of the Demer Kingdom waves in the air. The thick wall of the castle was covered with guards as every carriage lines up in the entrance.

Wearing a white gown with red roses embroidered in it and added by having curly long white hair plunged over her shoulder while having cherry sweet lips gave Cellica an elegant and refined look befitting for her status while Melissa is wearing a simple red gown with her usual loose lava-red hair and added with her catlike eyes that seem to attract anyone and slender but bountiful body gave her a wild but beautiful aura surrounding herself.

Kyle is wearing a normal black suit with a half black mask that only covers his eyes and nose as his smile revealed pearly white teeth, giving him a mysterious but gentle vibe while Alrich is wearing a black oriental traditional robe with red stripes on the edges while carrying a fan with a white dragon flying in the air embroidered in it paired with his white long ponytail with eyelashes longer than females and skin fairer than a maiden gave him a beauty that transcends gender.

Isaac has already left earlier than them since he needs to head to the nearest villages as soon as possible. Kyle is quite nervous that Isaac might do something terrible but he only shakes his head. They would anyway part ways starting tomorrow. He can only focus on the task on hand as he stared at Alrich who will be his trump card in convincing the future sword saint.

He gazed outside as the glittering of gold and gems that shine brightly in the carriages of high nobility and rich merchants looked mesmerizing. The impressive wall of the castle is domineering and intimidating that even attempting to look at the top will cause his neck to start hurting. With thick walls like this, even if a meteor falls towards it. It would only crack on the outside and added by the magical protection as runic letters glowed periodically. Destroying this wall is nigh impossible. Still, a wall cannot stop monsters and enemies that can fly. He sighed when he remembered the fall of this castle in the hands of the blood emperor Isaac. His blood gargoyles and red-winged knights laid siege in the castle without even attacking the walls as the castle trembled and crumbled into pieces from their attacks.

The carriage stopped in front of the gate as a line of people can be seen in the front. Cellica heads outside with Melissa followed by both Kyle and Isaac. People would swoon and nervously gazed at 3 people which gathered the attention of everyone. It was like there is an aura of only the most beautiful people can exude. Some blushed while some smiled shyly and others were baffled.

A knight makes his way towards them with confident strides. A large man with a mace attached to his belt gave him an intimidating aura. He was too large that Alrich is like a dwarf compared to him. He revealed a parchment with gold etched in every letter before shouting.


“The heir of the Venir family has arrived!” the man shouted loudly that everyone gathered their attention to him immediately.

“The envoy of the Witch of Calamity has arrived!” the man shouted again as everyone is starting to whisper with disdain while glaring at both Alrich and Kyle. Alrich smiled gently as every glare turned to a stare before gazing at him with either lust or obsession in their eyes. It seems that the pride and ego of these nobles and merchants are too high that it can even reach the top of the wall of this castle. Kyle looked disgusted to see that even a fat noble licked his lips just gazing while chuckling at Alrich.

Inside the castle was a large luxurious room that everything seems to be made of gold. Chandeliers made of Lexium decorated the ceiling while gold lines were sculpted creating the symbol of the royal family. A roaring of a lion with a shield in front of it with 3 roses attached to it. A line of different foods littered the sides of the room as expensive chairs and couches can be spotted together with a glass table. The musicians continued playing their melodic tunes while nobles and merchants chatted with one thing in their minds. Creating relationships and discussing trades.

Alrich is flooded with women from different nobility and merchant families as every single one of them were entranced by everything he does. He looked confident and there’s not a single hint of shyness or nervousness that can be seen despite being cascaded by women gazing at him lovingly. He seems used to it and is quite talented at attracting their attention with his lovely and gentle voice narrating his adventures and stories. It’s the same for both Melissa and Cellica but only the high nobility is slyly talking at them in hopes to marry into the Venir family. The wind hero and the famous adventurer are quite valuable as wives in their eyes but both of them only politely smiled and talked briefly with no emotions in their voice. Their eyes are practically screaming in boredom and disgust to these people flocking around them.

While silently sipping wine he noticed a group of young people walking towards him. All of them were in their early 20s with a confident smirk on each one of them. He also notices a small black symbol mark near their neck, wrist, and back of their hands. This is the otherworlders of the witches. There are only 4 of them with 2 women and 2 men.

A blonde man smiled at him before reaching for his hand.

“My name is Linton Maxwell, the representative of the witch of destruction. Nice to meet you” Kyle shakes his hand before giving a business smile.

“Kyle Folman, the representative of the witch of calamity. Nice to meet you too”

“Hey, what weapon do you wield?” a brown-haired lady asked with full of smiles. Her draconic eyes piercing in his mind. Kyle sighs, it seems that they want to make fun of him by embarrassing him in front of all of these people. Kyle knows this skill and it’s called dragon’s gaze which applies paralyze and fear to anyone gazing at a draconic eye.

“A spear since i like the way they look” he smiled innocently as the 4 of them were rather shocked before returning to their proper composure.

“I-i see, mine is just bare claws since i like the feeling of hitting the bones and muscles of my enemies” she said with a smirk on her face. Noticing that her companions have no plan on stopping her rude conduct. Kyle can only wish he was not here entertaining these monkeys while avoiding angering any of them.

“Hey, how about we spar? I also use a spear and i want to take notes on how to be better at it. Who knows, i might teach you a couple of things. If you survive at least.” a spiky red-haired guy with piercings on his ears sneered with confidence in his eyes. If he doesn’t spar with him, they will underestimate him and be called a coward, and if he wins. This guy will probably not accept defeat which will lead to hostility. He starts pondering on what to do as an ever-growing smirk appeared on the guy’s face.

“It’s fine if you’re scared. Not the first time i’ve seen someone peed their pants when fighting with me” he shrugged as the four of them chuckled.

“Well, forgive me. I’m not here to entertain spoiled brats who overestimate themselves. So, if you have no other things to say. You can go to your mama and complain about it” Kyle snapped as he belittled the man with his cheeky smile and relaxed attitude. The red-haired guy was so angry that he nearly pulled the spear that is hanging on his back but Linton stopped him. The red-haired man calmed himself down as his usual smirk appeared once more.

“Ex effing cuses. Sure, i’ll complain about it that a man so cowardly that he pissed himself just by staring at me. A pretty funny story if you ask me” his sarcastic tone didn’t reach Kyle’s ear as he acted like he was picking his ears with a smile on his face. This enraged the red hair as he shouted.

“As the other representative of the witch of destruction, i hereby request a duel with the representative of the witch of calamity” he pointed his finger at Kyle while a smirk hides his anger. This caught the attention of everyone as they discussed what was going on. Alrich looked at Kyle as he cannot help but be concerned as he tried going over there only to be stopped by his fangirls fawning over him. While Cellica gazed at the situation with interest in her eyes.

“In the name of the witch of calamity, i accept the duel” Kyle drank all of the wine inside his wine glass as he bowed with elegance before smiling. This night might not be long after all as everything finally removes his boredom. He was also interested in these otherworlders as in his last life, he has never seen or heard of them. It is also the fact that the witches didn’t have any otherworlders before which baffled him the most. As everything of this is happening, the crowned prince looked at the both of them with interest as no one knows that he is currently using his magic to hide his presence.

“It’s not time for me to arrive but this duel can liven this dull banquet” he smiled while calmly drinking a cocktail made of different kinds of expensive liquor.

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