《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 31: A vain mourning and grief


“No! Ciaran!” Melissa shouted as Isaac and Ciaran’s heads flew in the air and their body falls to the ground lifelessly. In that split second, Isaac decided to rely on his blood mist to regenerate himself as he risked his life to take down Ciaran. Without chanting, he activated Searing Blood and choose agility which luckily activated Fiery Sense as everything around him slowed down. He hastily activated Bloodsword as it created a purplish red sword as he swings it towards Ciaran’s neck.

At the same time, their heads were cut off from their body but only Isaac’s body twitches as the arm that is gripping the katana absorbed every single blood around the cave including the ones on the altar and every bleeding corpses before floating and attaching to Isaac. Rapidly, Isaac’s body healed like nothing happen with his head and arm intact. He cracks his neck before stretching and gazing at his hand before a wicked smile appeared on his face. He hides his face with his hand as he laughs maniacally before staring at everyone who was shocked to beyond belief.

“Hahahahaha, finally! Finally! Don’t worry Isaac, I’ll borrow your body for a while for fun~” he said to himself but it’s actually Mildred who is controlling his body while Isaac’s soul is caged with no way out.

“You girl! I see that your brother was killed by this man. Come on now. Take revenge and don’t just stay there crying like a baby” Mildred smiled while staring at Melissa who was crying with her knees weak to the point that she falls to the ground sobbing. The shadow wolf growled at Mildred but she didn’t care a bit.

“Such a bore~ I guess i have to destroy this altar first” Mildred slowly walked to the altar but the remaining cultist bared their daggers as they charged forward despite the fear and terror in their face. A yawn escape from Isaac’s mouth as a casual swipe of his sword killed all of the cultists with their head rolling to the ground while the blood flies in the air before being absorbed by the katana and leaving a dried-up corpse of the cultist on the ground. Isaac or currently Mildred stared at the chained peoples with their faces frozen in fear. He swings his sword towards them as they scream and wailed but their bodies were already cut into pieces as the katana once again absorbed the blood on the ground and in the corpses.

Isaac points his finger towards the altar before a red orb appeared on his fingertip. He suddenly released it, creating a bullet-like orb and penetrating the altar before exploding into a bright red flame.

“No survivors except this woman, i should just kill her” Mildred shrugs as she uses Isaac’s body to create another red orb from his fingertips aimed at the crying and sobbing Melissa who is grabbing the headless corpse of her brother. She released it but it didn’t even hit anywhere near her. She just realized that Isaac is gaining control over his body as she clicked her tongue in annoyance.

“I guess you hated it when someone’s controlling your body huh. Not the first time but meh. Here you go” Mildred releases her control in Isaac’s body as he realizes that he can use his body once more. His eyes widened when he was hit by extreme fatigue and tiredness as he falls to the ground. His muscles won’t even move and he tried standing up but his body won’t listen. If this continued, Melissa will surely kill him but knowing that they are bounded by contract. He knows that she can’t kill him directly.


The explosion created by Mildred shook the cave as it started caving in. In the corner of his eyes, he can see Melissa holding Ciaran’s corpses despite the rocks and debris falling to the ground. The wolf grabs her shirt as Melissa shouted in anger and demanded to release her but the wolf wouldn’t listen as it escapes the cave. Leaving Isaac who is about to get buried to the ground. A warm chuckle appeared on his lips, he can’t believe that he will die here just because a cave is about to collapse despite surviving having his head and arm sliced off his body.

“They didn’t even help me. This might be my bad karma. I didn’t even reach the banquet.” he sighed with a helpless smile appearing on his face.

“Hahahahah, good luck Isaac! I hope you don’t survive this~” Mildred’s sneering voice rang in his head.

“To know that you can witness my death is really annoying” Isaac glared at the katana that is vibrating erratically.

“You’re welcome~” Mildred chuckled but a bluish emblem in the back of Isaac’s neck glowed with no one noticing it.

“Melissa!” Cellica shouted in panic as she sees the injured Melissa being carried by her familiar with wounds and bruises all over her body. Her eyes are still welling up and her face is contorted with extreme sadness and grief, just like she was in the death of his father. She runs up to her before bringing her to her arms. Melissa grips Cellica’s sleeve before muttering incoherently and passing out.

“What happened?” Cellica demanded the wolf. Her eyes begging for an answer as the quiet sobs of Melissa resounded in her ears. Seeing the commotion outside, Kyle decided to go near them with concern about what happened.

“Sir Ciaran….is dead” the wolf said with hesitation and a pained tone of voice. Cellica widened her eyes before tears started appearing and falling to her cheeks. She buried her head in Melissa’s shoulder as both of them grieved.

“Who…who killed him?” Cellica asked while trying to maintain composure. The maids and the knights curiously gazed around them but Kyle explained that they need to be left alone for now as they are currently grieving. Some were reluctant but they still followed what he said and left the scene. Only leaving the shadow wolf, the two sisters that are hugging and sobbing, and Kyle staring at them within earshot range.

“It’s best that we don’t talk it here” the wolf said with a low growl while staring at the unconscious Melissa.

Inside the living room, there are only Kyle, Cellica, and the wolf with Alrich still sleeping and Melissa who is too tired to explain the situation. Alrich is still in bed after Layla gave him the antidote. For the offense of Layla kidnapping and attempted murder of Kyle and Alrich, she has given 100 gold and 500 silver to both of them. It leaves a bitter taste in Kyle’s mouth as no amount of money can be exchanged for his or anyone’s life. Still, he decided to forget about it since he and Isaac will be working for the shadow. It’s no use angering and insulting one of the shadow princesses since she has more influence within the organization than them.

“Isaac killed Sir Ciaran” the wolf said as Cellica smashes the table with her hands bleeding from the debris. She glared at Kyle who looked at her confusedly. Isaac won’t kill anyone without any reasons behind it.


“WHY?!” Cellica shouted angrily

“It seems that Sir Ciaran was being controlled by something as he attacks both Melissa and Isaac. Isaac was forced to kill him with his life on the line.” the wolf said

“How? Ciaran can’t win against Melissa and you’re saying that the both of them nearly died just to kill him?” Cellica asked with anger and confusion contorting her beautiful face.

“There are cultists from the axis of darkness in the scene conducting a ritual of some sort. It was destroyed by a woman inhibiting inside Isaac’s body” the wolf said which incited panic and urgency to both Cellica and Kyle although differently. Cellica was concerned that the axis of darkness might do something to hinder the banquet or they might be planning something that will put the people of Demer Kingdom in harm while Kyle was concerned in the fact that the ego was able to control Isaac’s body. This usually leads to the ego winning over the body and the original soul will be banished forever. Since the ego is evil malevolent beings that have existed for 1000 years while Isaac is still a new otherworlder.

“What happened to the cultist?”

“What happened to Isaac?” both of them shouted their own questions that the wolf was confused on who to answer first.

“The cultist and their victims died together with Isaac when the cave collapse” the wolf said

“What?” Kyle looked perturb. All of his plans shattered by a single sentence. He nervously chuckled while holding his face to stop laughing from this nonsense. There’s no way that Isaac died. There’s no way. He gritted his teeth before glaring at the wolf.

“So you didn’t help him?” Kyle asked as his fist shaking in anger.

“I was not able to, i was too far from him and i would risk the safety of Melissa” the wolf said calmly but Kyle lunges the spear towards the head of the wolf but it twisted its neck to dodge the attack. Cellica quickly wielded her sacred weapon which is aimed at Kyle.

“You…..you what? You should at least try! Now, what are we gonna do? I wasted a lot of time and effort to ensure that he will be safe and you said that you were not able to save him?!” Kyle was clearly agitated with his eyes brimming with anger. He wanted to destroy everything around him and kill these useless fools.

‘Maybe i was just too weak in my last life…maybe i’m on the right track. I was just too weak. Maybe i should just monopolize everything myself and be a tyrant that controls the world.’ his mind was filled with death and anguish from his last life as he contemplated if what he had done now is just a waste of time.

“W-what are you saying? It’s better to have one survive than having two of them die” Cellica said with concern while staring at Kyle who is emitting a sinister aura. An immense killing intent is radiating from his body that it pricks Cellica’s skin.

“Better? You….you…” at the end, Kyle sighed as he falls to the chair weakly while grabbing his head. It seems that he needs to formulate the next plan. He just leaves the room and decided to rest for now. The mental fatigue after fighting a shadow princess and the death of Isaac was too much that he doubts that he can even maintain composure for tomorrow.

This group might not work at all or it might be impossible to make it work. He just decided to stay here for now and leave after the banquet. He will try to coax Alrich to follow him on a journey to find artifacts that are supposed to be for Isaac. Cellica and Melissa are still grieving and it still stings to know someone you know died because of your decision. He gritted his teeth as he punches the wall that created a crack in it with his blood splattering around it.

‘Am i really worth reincarnating again when i continue sacrificing everyone around me? Maybe the fate of this world cannot be changed and I’m merely torturing myself continuously’ his doubts started creeping in as he shakes his head before deciding to sleep despite the sun baring on the windows. Unknowingly to himself or others, small tears course through his cheeks reminding him that losing a friend still hurts despite it being a relatively short time.

Meanwhile, in the living room. Cellica is alone once more. Her heart was heavy and suffocating as slowly tears welled in her eyes. Another important person in her life died and the worse is that the one who takes his life is the one she decided to trust in the end. The worse part is that she doesn’t know who to blame. The one who killed him with no remorse or the one who controlled Ciaran. She felt disgusted in herself when she was elated and frankly happy to hear that Isaac was killed. Still, seeing that calm and cheeky Kyle turned furious and in pain reminded her that wishing for Isaac’s death was wrong. She realizes that everyone still goes through grief no matter who died.

A black letter with a red thorny rose suddenly appears in front of her. She knows who it comes from as she slowly opens it. The letter that both Kyle and Isaac gave to her was never opened and she didn’t read it yet. She revealed a white paper with cursive black writing on it.

“Greetings the wind hero Cellica. This is the witch of destruction Seleka at your service. This otherworlder is safe and currently resting. Don’t worry, he will be up and ready for the banquet.” she crumples the letter as she throws it on the floor. She didn’t even finish reading it as she gritted her teeth. Her fist banged the makeshift table created by the butlers.

‘How was that demon even alive but Ciaran is dead?! That’s unfair...’ she tried stopping her tears and she succeeded. She’s not happy at all but merely in relief that the killer is still alive. She might not be able to kill him but she’s surely gonna make his life a living hell. Another paper floated in front of her but the letters appeared to be written crudely like a toddler who just learns to write for the first time. A single sentence was able to course through her veins and anger welled inside her. It was the same anger and disgust that she felt when knowing that the crowned prince was the killer of her father.

“It was a necessary decision that i had to make. His death was beneficial for the both of us”

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