《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 30: The Dark Cave and death


“Ciaran! Where are you!” Melissa shouted on top of her lungs while riding a large black wolf. This black wolf has spikes protruding everywhere except where Melissa is sitting and even its teeth and fangs are the color of black. It was like the spiky shadow of a large wolf and the speed it’s dashing while effortlessly moving through the trees is like a shadow passing through the forest. Melissa used her sharp sense of smell to track her brother, leading her to this large cave.

The cave has jagged stalagmites that are dangerous to anyone if it’s falls and sharp stalactites that make it harder to move inside the cave. The cave is also dark but with her beastkin eyes, she can see what’s beyond. Without a waste of time, she jumps off from the wolf as it merges with her shadow.

“Let’s be careful Melissa, i sense a demonic aura lingering inside.” the voice of the wolf sounded gentle and full of concern but Melissa didn’t even listen as she kicks the ground before running inside with no hesitation.

“Brother..i’ll find you” she muttered as she was swallowed by the darkness of the cave.

Meanwhile, Isaac is still running after the talisman. He ran and ran but the talisman didn’t slow down and neither did he catch up to it. Everywhere he steps his foot, the blood and flesh of the monsters and beast that attempted to stop him was smeared all over his body and surroundings. Despite all of this, he still wouldn’t level up. He was tired and sore all over his body but if he rested, he might never see the talisman anymore. He was tempted to teleport over to the talisman but he doesn’t want to waste such an important trump card.

He is continually using the crimson step but once there is no blood to step on, it was jarring that he nearly falls down but slowly and surely he adjusted to it. He kills the beast in front of him as his katana is coated with blood, he swings it forward and creating a line of blood in front of him before jumping towards it as it activated crimson steps.

He ran for 15 minutes to see a large cave. In front of the opening, the talisman is floating with no signs of movement whatsoever. He gazes inside but decided to not enter, it was dark and he didn’t have any source of light. With the stalactites taller than him and practically situated everywhere. He can’t move around or else he would bump into it. He sighed as he sat on the grass with the shade of a large tree covering him from the red shining sun. The katana started shaking all of the sudden but Isaac can only shake his head in annoyance. With a deep breath, a girly giggle emanated deep inside the katana. His day could never have been any worse than this.

“Oh, oh? What is this? Did you got kicked from the mansion?” the voice of a woman rang in sync with the vibration of the katana. A burst of sneering laughter echoed soon. Noticing that Isaac ignored it, it stopped before making a whimper while sniffling.

“Why are you ignoring me? I didn’t do anything yet you keep on ignoring me..” it sounded sad and hurt with its low tone of voice but Isaac didn’t even bat an eye.

“Ok, fine…ughhh. You really are a scheming devil. Fine! I will teach you how to make swords made of blood without chanting and only using the blood of others” the voice sounded annoyed but it did get the interest of Isaac as he stared at it with a smile.


“Good, a tool should be useful to its master because if it didn’t. It would get replaced and destroyed” Isaac says with a wicked smile.

“No, you’re just lucky i’m the most benevolent one of all. Although, i usually wouldn’t mind giving my precious teaching to anyone else. I want to have you do something for me” the woman told Isaac with a gentle tone of voice.

“Then ask away” Isaac stared at the katana while the symbol inside his iris glowed.

“Find and obtain the blood goblet of the scarlet then i will teach you other specialized tricks that i have, how about that?” she said with an encouraging tone. Still, a blue status screen appeared in front of Isaac as he succeeded in using his eye of truth.

[Mildred of the corrupted and tainted blood]

The 3rd and last pure progenitor of the vampires that were sealed inside the sword named the Truthful Benevolence forged by the dwarfs and the angelic race called Expir. This sword was used by saints and pontiffs in the battle against anything evil. It purges the darkness and heals the light. It can never hurt a mortal or beings who don’t have any demonic energy within them. This is the weakness used by the humans who are working for the demonic tribes to kill anyone who wields it. Once the information was discovered, the weapon was abandoned and forgotten. Still, the sword boasts large destructive and killing capabilities against demonic beings that when the main church of the light and fire was attacked by the vampires and laracias. The supreme pontiff was forced to use this sword to defeat the 3rd progenitor of the vampires named Mildred the tainted blood. Still, if someone kills the progenitor of vampires. Their souls were transferred to different kin and becomes stronger than before. With no choice left to make, the supreme pontiff of the light and the fire sage sealed the soul of Mildred in the sword before being corrupted and hidden as the new cursed sacred sword.

Isaac gazes at the status screen in front of him. The fact that the 3rd and last pure progenitor of the vampires were sealed in his weapon was maybe the reason for his torture and his strength right now. It was a curse and blessings that he still couldn’t wrap his mind around. Should he use this accursed weapon sealing a terrifying evil or should he find another way of being stronger? He sighs as he doesn’t have anything except for his fighting capabilities. He doesn’t have the knowledge about this world nor does he know how to become stronger normally. He has been following Kyle wherever he goes since Isaac doesn’t know what to do next. What would happen if the sword that is giving him the power to fight was robbed from him? He would be killed in a heartbeat or a slave following the orders of the strong.

“Heyyyyyy! Are you even listening! sheesh. Here i am, giving you my exclusive tricks and you don’t even listen?” Mildred sounded annoyed and angry but Isaac didn’t care. He was more focused if he should listen to her or not. His eyes don’t pick up anything suspicious but as one of the evil beings, there’s likely a high chance that the tricks have some fault in it that would be dangerous and detrimental for him.

“Your eyes are being creepy you know that? It’s like harassing my ethereal body and soul! Stop using it!” this surprised Isaac. He momentarily deactivated his eyes of truth as it was getting harder to even open properly. It might have been painful but his pain immunity is useful for things like this.


“Can you see me or can you just sense me?” Isaac asked.

“Of course i couldn’t see, do you think i have eyes? My body was already incinerated! I can only sense if anyone that is using energy like lifeforce, mana, and aura is being activated near this damn prison. Now, where were we?” Suddenly, a shadow-like wolf appeared with its body being blurred and irregularly moving everywhere. Isaac quickly grips the sword and stands up hastily as he readied himself to strike this monster if it moves closer to him.

“Kill it human! I have seen this kind of monster that would kill anyone near it!” Mildred shouted with concern in her voice but Isaac wouldn’t be fooled as he knows that this is the familiar hiding in Melissa’s shadow.

“What happened?” Isaac lowered his guard as he calmly stared at this shadow wolf without moving closer.

“Help us! Melissa is…. Help us….! No…..time…..save…” the wolf’s body is starting to get distorted and its voice is continually being broken before becoming completely unintelligible as the wolf’s body disintegrated to nothingness.

“I hope i get rewarded by this” Isaac scratched the back of his head in annoyance before dashing inside the cave despite the ramblings and complaints of Mildred. The darkness of the cave swallowed his figure as he activated his eyes to see if there are any monsters near him. He keeps on hitting the rocks and stalactite that he used his sword to bash and break them one by one.

“Stop! Stop! You’re shaking me! What an idiot! Use your blood sense. You should be able to find her despite the darkness and avoid hitting the rocks like a caveman!” Mildred shouted but Isaac continued on smashing and breaking the rocks as the sound of clanging echoes through the cave.

“Don’t tell me you don’t know what blood sense is? What have you been doing! How did you even wield this thing without knowing that it allows the user to use the skills and spells of the sealed ego inside?!” If Mildred has any hair right now, she would be pulling it in frustration. How can a wielder of the cursed sacred weapons that don’t know this even survived? It was the rule of the system that the sealed egos and will of the sol have to give the wielders their small part of spells and skills.

“Well, it was not my fault that a weak tool like you was forced to hibernate. I choose you to be my sword but it seems that you are the weakest one” Isaac berated while making his way deeper to the cave with no light sources.

“Fine! I won’t stand here being humiliated by you. You can take this and shove it right to your stupid brain” Mildred says as a blue screen appeared in front of him and despite the darkness. He can still read the words written.

You obtained the special skills of a pure progenitor

Blood Sense (A-)

Bloodsword (C)

Dark Sight (D)

“Now go and find the damsel in distress” Mildred sounded proud and boastful but Isaac was more interested in what he is seeing. Everything is as clear as day like it was never dark, to begin with. The smell of blood is stronger than he anticipated as he quickly makes his way through the rocks. It was easier than ever before as the smell of blood is getting stronger, a trail of blood was visualized in front of him despite there having no blood. It was like a GPS or a tracking device that he just needs to follow to find Melissa.

Finally, a large clearing with no stalagmites or stalactites anywhere but instead there is an altar made of black stone with a large bowl in the middle. The wails and screams of people chained to the walls of the cave can be heard as every cultist who is wearing a black robe with a dagger in their hand is extracting blood in the most painful way imaginable. They slashed the foreheads and chests of the victims from children, women, and men. It was slashed just enough to not kill them but only to get the goblet that they are holding full of blood.

Seeing this, Isaac realizes that this world is crueler than he expected. He stared calmly as he notices Melissa fighting what seems to be Ciaran. Melissa has injuries all over her body with countless wounds and bruises. With 15 cultists dead and mutilated in the ground. It seems that the fight has been happening for a while now. The wolf that is following Melissa is already panting and noticeably tired.

“Wow! The axis of the darkness is really planning on completing the goblet of the scarlet! Quickly! Grab the altar and destroy it. It would be bad if I’m not the one controlling it” Mildred said with great concern on her voice

“I’ll ask later when i’m done, i have something i needed to do” Isaac heads down to the clearing as every cultist notices him. With no hesitation, 3 cultists appeared behind him with their daggers aimed at his neck. He crouched before turning around and striking them in their chest with his katana as they bleed profusely before jumping back. It seems that the attack just now was not enough to kill them despite taking it in their chest.

“Nice! Let the massacre began!” Isaac shouted excitedly that even Melissa jolted in fear before realizing who it was.

“Crimson Blade Style: Domination!” his aura exploded as everyone around him falls to the ground in fear and shock. Wasting no time at all, he slashed the necks of the 3 who attack him first. His katana is already absorbing the blood of the 3 corpses before they were dried out like a mummy as a red mist surrounded his body

“Yes! Bring me the blood of everyone here!” Mildred shouted excitedly too

“Crimson Blade Style: Whirling Blood” with a swing of his sword, the blood surrounding him started turning and circling before creating a small tornado made of blood as it started thrashing and moving in extreme speed towards the cultist. While the cultist banded together and started chanting as a violet orb is starting to form before rushing towards the blood tornado before ripping it apart and exploding as both Melissa and Isaac jumped backward.

“Perfect” Isaac smirked as he readied himself for his next attack.

“Forbidden Katana Art: Rapid Laceration” his katana glowed bright red as he swings it once. Without any warning, the cultist faced the wrath of 6 extremely fast and sharp shockwaves as the unlucky ones simply died with their body cut into two while some lucky ones were able to get their arms chopped off.

He quickly healed his arms but a sword appeared in front of him to only see it’s Ciaran. His eyes are glowing with bright violet color with his veins bulging and repulsing a violet glow. He was not lucky as his arms were cleanly cut off with his katana on the ground and his eyes widened in shock. Ciaran swings his sword at an extreme speed that is aimed at Isaac’s neck as a sickening thud can be heard falling to the ground. A scream of disbelieve from Melissa echoed through the cave.

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