《Tangent Villainy》5. Zero Sum


The orange moon hung behind Christian as he got an unfortunately long look at his unkempt rusty red hair and a pair of brown to boot, accented by a heavy glaze proudly brought to you by a haphazard day-drinking. Ugh. It was like staring into his high school yearbook, at least when he was alive he only had to see most of those people every five years. Christian's head snapped towards his right where Cliff still stood, waiting for him to make a move.

Cliff let out a giggly laugh, " You can't do it can you?" Cliff roared triumphantly. He held the barren spreadsheet in the air above his head. " It's all because of this isn't it?" Cliff proclaimed with a noticeable lack of confidence.

There was no answer from Christian, only a loud crunch as his molars began to grind together. Living multiple lives will really cut into your patience, but so will large quantities of alcohol. Christian steamed toward Cliff in a wild run, as encouraged by his wise old mentor, aged Jim Beanstalk.

" What the hell are you doing?" Cliff shouted nervously. Cliff clutched the spreadsheet closer to his chest and raised his hand at the raging bull.

" Maybe some of this ice magic will... cool your head." Cliff finished with an accomplished looking smirk. Cliff's hand gleamed azure blue until the beginnings of the tips of snowflakes began digging their way out of his fingertips, one after another. The cascade of snow homed in on the rapidly approaching Christian. Cliff waited for the ice to do its job, give him some nasty freezer burn, and most importantly freeze this drunken fool so he could get some questions answered.

The snow flurries homed in on their target and... and... with a golden shimmer the blue spell bounced off and reflected high into the sky, exploding into a magnificent snowflake.


Cliff's eyes slowly shifted to his hand. Who knew booze has this kind of power? Cliff raised his hand again and sent another barrage at the rapidly gaining curmudgeon. And again it failed. Sweat began to coat the inside of Cliff's armor. He hesitantly raised his arm again as Christian was only a meter or two away and let out one final blast. The sky erupted in shades of gold and blue. The ice spell deflected and dug itself into the dirt. Right next to Cliff.

" Ah shit-" The spell exploded and flash froze the ground and encased most of Cliff in an icy tomb. The air was filled with wayward snowflakes. Cliff desperately scanned the sudden blizzard conditions and then he saw it. Chrisitan lept up towards Cliff's left arm and grabbed for the spreadsheet with a satisfied smirk on his face. But, there was only air. Christian's eyes widened as he grasped at empty air. With a perturbed look of shock and utter disappointment, he dropped to the ground, which happened to now be covered in ice. Christian grimaced as tumbled down and tried in vain to plant his foot on the icy ground only for his feet to once again leave the ground having b]his back cushion the blow.

Christian wriggled on the ice and clutched around him as he slowly scooted himself onto more solid. He slowly managed to pull himself off the ground while letting out grunts of pain and had his left hand glued to his back.

" Where... is it?" Christian managed to slowly growl through clenched teeth.

" I... I don't know..." Cliff said looking at his left arm, which was frozen high over his head. " Why do you need that thing anyway?"

" So you lost it? " Christian said as began to gingerly walk off like a deranged Quasimoto, " Good, those things will always find their way back sooner or later, no matter how far you chuck em." Christian scanned the scene, and there it was. His beloved spreadsheet, making its way back towards daddy as it was guided by an invisible gust right towards him. It rolled up to his feet, gently nudging Christian.


" Shouldn't of fucked with me kid," Christian said as he leaned down to pick up the slip of paper from the ground. Christian got about halfway down before his back screamed in pain and tensed up, he hit the ground with an unceremonious thud.

" Nice." was all Cliff had to say as he stood by, still frozen. Cracks had begun to rear their ugly faces all over the icy prison he was contained in. Christian was running out of time.

With his vision blurred with tears, Christian reached out for the spreadsheet on the ground ever so slowly, he was so close. It grazed his fingertips as Christian guided his wounded body like a budget arcade claw machine towards his target. And like all claw games, the game was rigged. The girl swooped in and snatched up the spreadsheet from Christian's feeble grasp.

" Hold it right there mister..." She glanced at the sheet." Nobody, huh" she added, " Why don't you have a name? Are you new around here? I'm new too! I just got here and that guy offered me a job-"

Chrisitan jerked his body so so he was facing the night sky, and face of his foe." You know what it doesn't fucking matter any more asswipes, I'll just tell ya. You can't die without a fucking name, its like spawn protection. And I was gonna have fun watching picking barfights and watching some little shits heads explode when they can't beat the shit outta me, but ya ruined that too. That's how I wiped the floor with snowflakes over there." Christian gestured at cliff weakly." That's kind of my thing ya know assholes. I've been doing this shit for a long time."

Crickets chirped as Chsirtian took in a deep breath with minor wincing.

" Now give me that spreadsheet so I can give myself a name and be on my way to the sweet silence of space."

" Hold on, he's not going anywhere until he answers some questions, he's just like us Mia, and now he's trying to be reincarnated in another world because he's bored with this one," Cliff yelled.

Mia's eyes widened. " I'm... dead?" she repeatedly

" Good one asshole." Chrisitan hissed from the ground.

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