《Tangent Villainy》4. Now Three's Company


The cold night air drifted into the Drunken Orchard, only for it to be scattered against the not so imposing figure who forced their way into the establishment. She smiled a mischevious smile and brandished the nearest piece of cutlery she could find from a nearby table without so much as a second thought.

" What jobs do you have my good sir?" I'm new-" she started

" Yeah yeah yeah you're new in town, who would have guessed?" Cliff spoke shortly, not courtly to her." Cliff pushed her metallic-wood hybrid spork away from his chest. " Listen I'm a little busy at the moment with some other new guy in town, you can get in the back of the line." Cliff grabbed the girl by her shoulders and gave her a gentle push in the opposite direction.

" Woah woah!" The girl exclaimed as her feet glowed an icy azure as her feet laughed at the laws of friction and continued to slide back out the very same way they had trodden in seconds before.

The various flairs and trophies on the wall reverberated as Cliff slowly turned around with a hand glued to his face. He sighed as he turned to continue his previous conversation. Much like a first date, all that greeted him was an empty seat, an unpaid tab, and a pair of red curtains blowing. Cliff slowly turned around and raised his hand to push open the door.

The bartender looked up from cleaning glasses," Its a pull buddy-" The door swung open and slammed up against the outside of the bar, snapping off half the hinges. The door hung limply outside the establishment as Cliff walked out only to be face to face with the girl from earlier, a look of shock scribbled across her face. " Good news," Cliff said as he continued on, " Follow me if you want a job."


The stars shined down on Christian as he lay sprawled out on the river's edge. The stars were nice and all, but the big orange moon was giving him the creeps. Chrisitan took a long pull from the last drink that survived the trip. Drinking while laying down is a skill that relatively few have mastered, so most of it ended up on his shirt. Christian jolted up, wiping down his shirt and carefully checking the bottle for any last drops. With his search fruitless he cast it into the sea, which is something that only should be done when the bottle contains a message, preferably a love letter or treasure map. Christian rose from up from the ground, and with a quick dust-off, he thought of what awaited him next. He had his fingers crossed for sc-fi, it had been a while since he had his own crew. That's the beauty of other worlds, at least they're different from the last one. A fresh slate. A new opportunity. A smile flashed on Christian's face, for a brief second endless worlds flashed before him.

He stared up at the orange moon and said," Let's make this official." Chrisitan began to pat down his pockets, trying to remember where he had put the damn thing. Eventually, he pulled the Excel spreadsheet from his pocket. He stretched out the piece of paper, letting the limited reflected light of the moon guide him for what he was looking for. He held the paper closer and closer to his face until there it was, the single line that read Name: followed by a space. The stupid name spot had been changed since the last time he had to use it Chrisitan told himself. Chrisitan pulled his finger closer to the name portion and it began to crackle and slowly brighten with a deep teal color. The light blanketed Christian's face as his hand dove down to start the first letter.


" Looks like its time to hang you out to dry!" Christian looked up from his spreadsheet. " What the fu-" was all he managed to get out before he was hit with an outstretched arm straight in the chest that rocketed past with a flash of blue.

The air exploded as Christian's lungs before he could finish his curse, disappointing many a sailor. His back slammed against the grass, and worst of all his spreadsheet was now fluttering in the air. The spreadsheet hung in the air until it was snatched out of the sky by a heavily armored arm. Now there were only two people that Christian knew here, and he was pretty sure that this wasn't the bartender with another round.

" Our conversation wasn't over," Cliff said with the spreadsheet clutched in his hand. Christian slowly picked himself off the ground.

" Listen, Cliff, you're still young, just try not to think about it too much. Just enjoy what you've got while it's still fresh. If they've got some sort of memory spells on this place, I'd go with one of those."

" Did you see that? I kicked that guy's ass and hit the perfect one-liner." Chrisitan's ears perked up as he turned around to see the girl from the bar. She was walking bow-legged as she continually slipped and struggled to stay upright as her soles radiated blue. With a desperate grasp for a branch or chair or something else that was not there, she hit the ground with both of radiant blue soles in the air.

" You got her involved in this shit?" Chrisitan gestured back at the girl.

" Well I was pretty sure every ranged spell or weapon I've got would have evaporated you in an instant, so I had to get a little creative," Cliff spoke. Chrisitan's ears seemed to perk up at this sentence.

" So what do you want Cliff? Do you wanna know how to save the world? Save all those people that have been sent here? Let me tell you something if I knew the answer to that I wouldn't be here. I've already tried it all, be the hero. Nothing. Be morally ambiguous. Nothing. Be the villain, well at least that got me the longest life." Chrisitan wheezed frustratedly. " So now I just do whatever the hell I want, whatever keeps the boredom away. You should do the same."

Cliff was silent for a second. " I think we just need to work together on this, we could compare notes, there's no way anybody could figure all this out by themselves..."

Chrisitan shook his head." That's the hero in you kid, just give it time. Trust me the last thing I want is a bunch of other wandering souls hanging around, I want my own world. I don't play nice with others, trust me I'm speaking from experience here."

"Fine then, me and... this girl will figure this out together, we've only got our whole lives," Cliff said. " Go on and do what you need to do. Cliff beckoned towards the water. As he beckoned, Cliff saw a quick flash. It was the flash of Chrisitan's eyes and it was glued to the spreadsheet.

" Well go then, old man." Cliff waited.

" Alright" Christian walked towards the water, " Haven't been told to kill myself this much since my days on Xbox Live," he muttered as he stared at his reflection. There was a slight problem though, and he was pretty sure the big idiot had figured it out.

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys?" came a confused yell from the girl, her glowing feet in the air as she crawled closer and closer to Christian.

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