《Tangent Villainy》3. Part of the Cycle


The glass clinked as Christian returned it to the bar, the ice rattling around the now empty glass.

" So what did you want to talk Mister..." Christian paused as he looked up and down the suit of armor. they really need nametags on these things.

With a tap of his finger on the bar. " Name's Cliff Darkman."

Christian's lips puckered softly until he started letting out a stream of laughter.

" I'm one of the most feared adventurers in the region. " The hulk of armor seemed to deflate in front of him.

" You come up with that one yourself? Or did your parents want you to grow some thick skin?" Chrisitan asked as he gestured for another drink.

Cliff leaned forward his hands folded on the bar. Clif's hands shot out supernaturally fast, derailing the train of drinks steaming towards Christian. " You're not from around here aren't you?" Cliff sternly whispered.

" Listen here bud," Christian wiggling his wrist out of Cliff's grip. " I've kind of had a bad day today so why don't you go back to saving the world or whatever you thought you were brought here to do." Christian's words shocked the knight for a brief second, just enough for Christian to get another sip in.

" You... you were sent here to... after you died?"

" What you've never met another wayward soul on this world?" Christian paused. " What is this place called again?"

" Wait a second," Cliff glossed over Christian's question, " Why are you here? Shouldn't you have paused on to the great beyond after you saved the world and died a peaceful death?"

Another low laugh came from the end of a bottle.

" This ain't paradise kid. I've played the hero enough times to fill up a moral piggy bank with good deeds. Then I tried doing bad things. For the right reasons of course. " Christian added as Cliff shifted uncomfortably." I've done it all and you know what always happens at the end?" Christian slammed his bottle down on the bar. " I always wake up stuck in some barely post prepubescent body in some new and exciting world. "


" How old are you? How many times have you died?" Cliff asked.

" Enough times to stop giving a shit," Christian smirked. Christian started to get up from his chair.

" Thanks for the drinks noob, have fun playing knight." Christian waved over his shoulder.

" Hold on! You can't just drop that shit on me and just leave." Cliff grabbed his helm in his hands. then grabbed Christian by the collar. " So you're saying I'm trapped here forever."

Christian let out a sly smile," Well not here here, Don't worry they make sure to throw in a sci-fi world every now and then to keep it fresh."

Cliff's grip loosened on his collar. " How old are you anyways Cliff?"

" I was seventeen when I died and I've been here for what feels like a year, So I'm about 18 now, I think." Cliff looked down anxiously at his fingers.

" I was 22 when I kicked the bucket," Christian started counting out on his fingers," And I've been on at least 24 different worlds by now-"

"Twenty fucking four," Cliff repeated. " What are you a thousand years old?"

Chrisitan waved his hand," Some of those were quick trips, as a rule, I don't double dip, ya know I'm not going to do a sci-fi world and then another one right after. Gets stale fast." Christian rambled.

Cliff dragged Christian back to the bar. " How do I know you're telling the truth?" Chrisitan felt the grip on his shoulder tighten as Cliff popped the question. Cliff lifted the helm from his face. Looks like the kid was actually around seventeen or so, a pair of young hopeful green eyes bored right into Christian's face, desperately searching for the hint of a lie.

" Guess you just have to take my word for it, unless you try dying, then you'll know for sure." Christian broke free of Cliff's grasp.


" How did you know I was real?" Cliff asked, " You stick out like a sore thumb, the name, " Christian caused, " The armor. You look like someone who wants to play the hero. after a while, it's easy to pick them out of a lineup." Christian said.

" Isn't that why we were sent to these worlds, to make a difference? To be a hero? To help those that need it? Do all the things we were powerless to do before." Cliff interrupted. " This doesn't make any sense..." He trailed off.

Christian tensed up, the young confused man in front of him was tugging at some familiary unfamiliar heartstrings, " Listen here Cliff, this is a lot to digest for one evening, why don't you go get a drink."

" I'm not even old enough to drink," Cliff whispered dejectedly,

" Kid we're in some fucking fantasy land, who gives a shit what the drinking age was back when you were alive, its time for a drink." Christian dragged Cliff to the bar.

" At least we'll have each other right?" Cliff smiled weakly as he took a swig of the drink in front of him. Cliff grimaced and forced it down.

" I wouldn't count on it," Christian said, " I just came from a fantasy world, I'll be looking for greener pastures once I'm done with this one." Christian gestured to the half-empty glass. " I just need you to point me to the nearest river and I'll be on my way." Christian moved his hand through the air as he spoke." Drunk stranger pulled from river."

" Wait wait wait, you're gonna drown yourself? Isn't that like one of the most painful ways to die?"

"Eh, getting spaced is worse." Christian shrugged, " Anyways, best of luck hero."

Chrisitan tried to once again towards the door of the bar. He slowly trodded onwards until he reached the oaken door. He was hoping for a western next, maybe even a Space Western, crossovers are always interesting at least. then there was that damned tugging on his shirt again. Christian sighed.

" What now?" He asked.

" You gotta stay Christian, Chris we can figure this thing out we can break the cycle. You and me,"

Christian kept walking until he was right in front of the door.

" Time for you to let go Cliff," Christian spoke gruffly, " I know you're scared and confused but I'm not exactly the nourishing mentor type of guy ok? I'm more of a-"

Before Chrisitan could finish the door slammed open and whacked him to the ground. The liquor worked to dull the pain as the room started to wobble and spin. Great, it had been manageable when it was just spinning earlier, thought Christian as he held his face, looking for the asshole who had barged in and put him on the ground.

" Who's ready for an adventure?!!" On hearing this Chrisitan's eyes narrowed. it sounded like the voice of a young naive hero. Chrisitan slowly opened his eyes and shut them again. He got a quick glimpse, but it was more than enough. All he had seen was a girl with sparky blonde hair dressed in the same shit brown newbie adventurer clothes as him. Christian sighed and let his head bang to the floor. Great another fucking wannabe hero.

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