《Adventure With A System》Chapter 6


Dexter woke up to that screen and looked over it, and nodded at the benefits. After Dexter thought about how he could use this to his advantage he got out of bed, brushed his teeth, and got dressed in his second uniform. There were 2 uniforms, one of them was blue, and gold. The other one was white, blue, and gold. It was a normal tuxedo style suit with those color schemes.

While Dexter was getting dressed he saw a note sitting on his desk in the room, and walked to it, and picked it up.

“Dear Roommate,

You still haven’t told us your name. Also we were still kind of sorry for attacking you yesterday so we thought while you were sleeping like a baby, we should let you sleep even if you were oversleeping. The teachers don't care if you're late on your first day, they didn’t train decades, and spend years in college learning the right way to teach for you to come to class or anything so don’t worry. And we’ll tell the teachers that you weren’t interested in their classes and wanted to sleep, so you're covered. Sleep tight, don’t let the tardiness bite!

Sincerely ;),

Ralph, Mya, and Ben”

Dexter’s face was turning darker, and darker by the second as he read, and you could see steam from the boiling anger seeping out his ears. Dexter was already dressed, and had brushed his teeth. He had also taken a shower the day before, and even if he didn’t he could use water, and fire magic to make hot water to clean himself while he was running. Classes started at 9:30, and when Dexter looked towards put the note down he saw a black box with red digital numbers on it that said 9:29:32. Dexter realized he still had time if he ran fast enough, but he’d have to cut through the forest that was in between the school, and the dorm buildings. So he got to running.



“9:29:53...alright no way he’s making it, good job guys.”

“Yeah we got him back”

“That’ll teach him not to mess with us again.”

The 3 were exclaiming in joy, as he celebrated their sweet revenge. Then he heard a sound that he couldn’t believe, he heard the door open. The teacher was here, and every seat was already full except for one of them. So Dexter was the only one left, and the door opened. Ralph looked up while shivering, and sweating, because he felt a stare of a beast coming from the door as it opened. He decided not to look up, but the seat that was empty was next to him, and a kid sat down next to him. Ralph didn’t want to look at an angry Dexter so he looked towards the ground, and acted like he was looking at a mark on his shoe. Ben was so stunned he was just staring at the now closed door with wide eyes like he was stuck in time. Mya was just looking at the teacher trying to ignore Dexter. Dexter however didn’t take it lightly, and didn’t like the fact they could plot on him while he was sleeping, but not look him in the eyes, while he was in front of them. He decided to forget about it for now.

When the 3 felt the pressure from his stare be lifted they eased up,...well Ben was still stuck, and the 2 were still acting like nothing happened, but they weren’t tense anymore. They thought they were free, but then they heard the teacher say something.

“You all will be sparring in groups of 4 today. Ben, Ralph, and Mya you 2 are the only ones close to Dexter in strength, so you are all in his group.”


When Ben heard this he fell down on the ground head first but was still looking at the door with that same emotion, and his body didn’t even twitch when he landed. He was as stiff as a rock. Mya and Ralph were nearly crying. Dexter was gently smiling as he thought up a plan. He decided to use Excalibur. The sword he had rejected for so long. He was going to finish it’s first quest, but first he bought a spell that would allow him to raise the dead up to 10 seconds after their death. When he thought up this plan he could feel the Excalibur within him vibrating as if it was happy or something. This fight was going to be,...how would my british friends say it? A Bloody Mess.

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