《Whisper》Bonus Chapter


Adrien’s lips were silk against my skin. His lazy kisses down my spine raised gooseflesh with each careful inch taken. The bruises and bite marks on my shoulders and hips were just blossoming from the previous evening’s pleasures. A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth despite the sting of my new marks. I stretched my bare legs, enjoying the sensation of the satin sheets caressing them. The sun hadn’t yet shown its face through the grand windows of my bedroom, but Adrien’s desire still ran hot.

“Well good morning to you, too.” I tried to laugh but my breath caught in my throat.

“Josselyn,” My name coming from him was like a song. After only three months it brought a familiar heat to my blood. “Must you go?”

I sighed and turned to face him. His eyes were still closed as the tips of his fingers caressed my inner thighs.

“If not today, my lord, when?” I muttered the question against his shoulder.

“Some...other day perhaps?” As his hand moved my hips pushed themselves toward him. “I can think of better things we could do today.”

“Adrien, it’ll only be for one evening.” I shifted myself to lie on the intricately embroidered pillows, pulling him with me. He encircled me with strong arms and leaned in to whisper into my ear.

“That is far too long, my sweet. I don’t want to spend a single night without you.” I gasped as his fingers slipped inside of me. His eyes were open now; fire burned beneath silver.

“You may take me as you wish as soon as I return,” my reply was strained as his deft hand worked me like a well-practiced instrument. I didn’t want to leave him for a single moment; I wanted him close to me always.

“I may do that now.” His teeth sank into my shoulder while his fingers ventured deeper, drawing moans I could not suppress. “You are mine, are you not?”

“I am-”

“My lady, your carriage is ready,” a flat announcement came from the door.

One of the women in Adrien’s employ had slipped through without either of us noticing.

Isabelle. From the moment I stepped foot into Adrien’s home, she had reserved only the harshest of glances for me. She never spoke to me outside of common courtesy, and would only do what was asked of her, never going beyond minimum expectations. Adrien had given her strict instructions to treat me as she treated him, but her ire remained. This wasn’t the first time she’d walked in on Adrien and I at an indecent moment, and I had a feeling it wouldn’t be the last.


“Damn you, Isabelle, all these years and you don’t remember how to knock?” Adrien pulled his hand from me, leaving only an unfulfilled yearning between my legs. He shifted the sheets and left the bed, moving toward Isabelle without bothering to clothe himself.

Her emerald eyes concentrated on the floor, color rising to her cheeks. I would have bet my life that it wasn’t embarrassment that hued her face.

“I’m sorry, my lord,” she stammered, “I-”

“You seem to enjoy interrupting us more than any other steward in this household,” he growled, “why not join us?” It didn’t sound like an invitation. Without warning Adrien grabbed a fistful of her auburn hair and forced the fingers that had only moments ago been inside of me into her mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise and a strangled noise tore from her throat. When she tried to pull away, he pushed his hand in further.

“If you want to live in this place and continue spending my coin you will lick them clean,” his voice was barely audible but the threatening nature of his tone spoke volumes.

The look of contempt she gave me then would have struck daggers through any man.

But the desire that it evoked in me- her bitter gaze while she worked her tongue, Adrien’s dominance over her, the wet sound of her mouth against his fingers, the thought of her sharing my bed...was something only a Whisper could feel.

“There’s a good girl,” his pleasure was obvious and it took every ounce of restraint I had not to go to them and strip her down to match us. It had been so long since I had felt the touch of two people. Adrien’s actions with Isabelle were far more forceful than he dared do to me- and I hungered for him to treat me the same. “If you’ve wanted my company so much, you should have said so. Josselyn is no stranger to the needs of women.”

Releasing her hair, he removed his fingers from her mouth. Isabelle coughed violently before her enraged glare found its way back to me.

“I would never lie with a wisp,” she spat.

My blood ran cold, but the anger on Adrien’s face made me fear more for Isabelle than I cared to admit. The strident crack of a hand connecting to flesh echoed throughout the room. Isabelle fell to her knees and cradled her face.


“You will never refer to Josselyn in such a way ever again. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, m’lord,” she whispered. A tear raced down her cheek, but the slow-burning fury in her eyes told me it was not from physical pain.

“I didn’t hear you.” He took her hair in both hands and fiercely jerked her head to meet his piercing gaze. “Do you need more than just fingers to cleanse that mouth of yours?”

“Adrien, let her go.” I surprised myself; every nerve of my body pleaded to let him do what he wanted with Isabelle, but something in me said she didn’t deserve it. “It’s not the first time it’s been said, nor will it be the last.”

He turned to me in confusion. “She can’t just call you-”

“It’s alright. I think you’ve taught her as much.”

The glance she spared me said she’d learned nothing from the encounter. Whatever angered her to such lengths...it didn’t warrant this kind of punishment. Many years prior I had been in a similar position to Isabelle’s and would have given anything for someone to champion me. I saw the same emotions cross her face that I’d carried then. Adrien released her hair.

“Get out of my sight,” his words were sharp and cold. She would not be given another chance. Isabelle scrambled from the room before he could say another word.

When she was gone, he sighed. “You shouldn’t have interrupted me. She’ll just-”

I shook my head and finally stood, the aching in my joints both sharp and satisfying. I closed the gap between us before lacing my arms around his neck. “Don’t throw her on the streets just because she’s jealous. Maybe she’ll come around.”

He brushed the hair from my face and studied me carefully. “She must learn that she can’t speak to you in such a way. If I don’t stop that now-”

“She’ll do what? Call me names until I cry? Adrien, you could employ this entire city if you wished it. She needs this job more than you need her. All of your other servants treat me like royalty, and her attitude is…refreshing.”

His gaze softened. “You are a mysterious creature.”

“Such is my nature.” I smiled and kissed the curve of his neck. “She seems to have a fancy for you. Have you two shared evenings together?”

“Many times.” He moved from my arms to redress, not offering any other explanation. The sudden cold disposition that took over him caught me off guard. Adrien wasn’t willing to share much information about his past, no matter how much I pleaded. I may have let the conversation end if not for his adverse reaction to my question. I crossed my arms over my chest and suddenly felt unsure of myself.

“Do you…Do you love her?”

He didn’t turn to look at me, only continued picking up each garment from the floor. “It was not out of love that we shared a bed.”

Not out of love? Out of habit? Necessity? “Then why-”

“Josselyn, it’s not a matter that concerns you,” his tone was final, and it pained me. After buckling his trousers he turned to me with an expression that said it he was in no mood to discuss the matter. Besides, I had other plans that had already been set into motion.

“I really must go if I want to arrive in good time.”

He sighed deeply and took me in his arms. “Have a safe journey and I hope you find what you seek.”

Another sudden shift in his mannerisms. I felt as if I didn’t truly know the man standing before me. “As do I, love.”

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