《Whisper》Chapter Five


We returned full and tipsy from the remaining days’ pleasures, laughing over trivial things. I held my book to my chest- my fiercely guarded treasure from the day. When we reached my bedroom, Adrien instructed one of the servant girls to unload the carriage into my wardrobe.

“There’s one last thing I would like to give you today.” He kissed the top of my head and took his leave while the servant carefully hung my new clothing. He returned after a short time with a rolled piece of parchment and a small box. We both lay down on the bed as I unrolled the delicate scroll. My breath caught. I immediately recognized Jeremi’s careful hand. I couldn’t help but read the words in his voice, which brought an unexpected smile to my face.


I hope this finds you well and I apologize for the brevity of our last visit. I miss the days when we could lose hours in a tavern together, but my employer has kept me on a short chain this past year. Nevertheless, it’s always wonderful to see you.

Victoria and I have finally asked Josselyn to become our Ring. Happily, she agreed. I wish I could have introduced you two, but in the light of recent events regarding the Temple of Elwyn, I find myself wary of exposing her to the public eye.

To that end, if ill befalls me, I need you to promise me you’ll seek out and take care of Victoria and Josselyn. I love them dearly and I shudder to think of the consequences if Elwyn’s followers find them first. I’m sorry, but for now, this is all I can write. Send word if you visit Anastas again, and I will make arrangements for the four of us to meet.

Best Regards,



We sat in silence for a time while I traced Jeremi’s signature with my fingertips. My darling Jeremi. These were the last new words I would see from him. They resonated with my soul like a song. Take care of Josselyn.

“They both loved you deeply,” Adrien said quietly.

“And I, them.” They were gone and I was left without justice. An overwhelming desire to uncover the steps behind their murder rushed through my veins as I scanned his letter again. Something he’d said within sparked another memory that baffled me for some time. “What happened in the Temples that made them need to hide me?”

Around the time the letter was written, they forbade me to leave the grounds without an attendant. Both Victoria and Jeremi made certain that I had all I needed within the estate, only making trips into the city when absolutely necessary. I had missed our evenings out dearly, however, I could never disobey them. Reading his letter brought a new light to the situation.

“The same year he wrote this letter, the followers of Elwyn began to forcefully oppose Rings. They denied Rings and their families access to the Temples and named them taboo. Also…Whispers were quietly disappearing and leaving no trace. The faith never kept their silence on their opinions of your race. I believe it was too much for Jeremi and Victoria to risk.”

“I see. Adrien…do you think the Elwyn followers were the ones who…the ones to…” I couldn’t finish the sentence; it was too fresh in my mind.

“My dear I do not know.” Adrien took the parchment from my hands and rolled it neatly. “You may keep this if you like, however,” he handed me the small box, “yesterday morning before I came to release you, I brought two members of my personal guard with me to salvage what was left of your belongings. Nearly everything was gone save for a few trinkets. But this I thought you would want to keep close.”


I removed the lid and inside was a ring of white gold that I instantly recognized as Victoria’s. Its origin she had never explained, but she wore it always. It was a delicate thing encircled with tiny, precious stones. Inside the band, a jeweler from Lorelyn had engraved Tere L’etai- Love Freely- in Victoria’s mother tongue. The creed of a Whisper. I slipped it over the tattoo on my left hand and admired it.

“It’s…perfect. Thank you, Adrien. Truly.”

Adrien’s fingers brushed my cheek and he turned my face toward his own. “I will do anything for you. You need only say the words. Do you understand, Josselyn?”

“Yes.” I felt a gentle tug at the corners of my lips. One last piece of each of my best friends- my soul mates- was more than I’d ever hoped for.

Adrien kissed my forehead, then my cheek, and then his lips traced the side of my face to the curve of my throat.

“It would be a tragedy to waste such a beautiful evening.”

His fingertips trailed lightly along my skin; down my throat, past my chest, until finally alighting on my thigh. My body shivered in anticipation despite the warmth of the wine and his breath against my skin.

“All you need is ask,” I murmured into his hair as I unhooked the clasp on his belt. “I am yours.”

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