《Tale of the Modern Magus》Chapter 5: A Transformation


When the duo arrived in Bolivia they made the decision to split up. Sara would take care of the fake ID’s and the reader’s passes they needed. Getting a fake ID was surprisingly easy overall, you just needed a computer, install the onion browser and go to one of the sites supplying such a surface. Scammers were commonly found in the deep web but most of them used the same techniques which couldn’t fool Sara anymore.

It wasn’t that they browsed the deep web often before, but they didn’t shy away from it either. Sara’s last laptop was bought on there and they might’ve bought a thing or two for fun as well.

While Sara took care of all of that, Roland would go find a small town to hide out in. He was planning to take the train first and then fetch a random bus to find a town to go in for a while. The only thing he had to keep in mind was to stay in the Spanish-speaking parts since he didn’t know any of the other languages spoken in Bolivia.

Before splitting up there were still a few things to do. Roland took as much money out of the bank as he could before throwing the card into a dumpster together with his ID. Sara would keep hers until they got their fake IDs at what point they should be able to just open a new account under their fake names.

Banks were actually surprisingly lax with their background checks and, at this point, practically any fake ID provider had to make sure they could be used to get past airports and banks if they wanted to get any costumers. Roland didn’t know exactly how they got made but he was pretty sure there would always be someone in the respective government adding some files to make sure everything went okay.


The second thing they did was use some of the cash money he had retrieved to get a few wigs and a cheap camera that could be used to get pictures for the new IDs. They also got some hair dye for their eyebrows as that was an easy way to see if someone had dyed their hair.

A few hours later the two had finished their business. Roland now had long blonde hair that came past his shoulders. He was also wearing blue classes. As with clothing, he decided to go with what the locals were wearing, not all that different from usual. His eyes were now a boring brown as he had bought some brown colored lenses.

Sara’s change was even more drastic. She cut her hair extremely short and dyed it purple. She put a piercing into her nose and had a fake tattoo on her neck. She was wearing black clothes with a few spikes on her shoulder. She wore her usual lenses and even decided to throw away her glasses as they could be a giveaway.

Roland felt extremely shocked seeing Sara’s new appearance. Normally she was very calm and reserved but now she had gum in her mouth and he even saw her scratching her crotch publicly. She really looked like quite the extreme punk.

After a bit, they walked into an alleyway to talk privately. Sara let out a huge sigh as she took out her gum for a moment. Roland, on the other hand’ just couldn’t stop staring at her.

“I like the-”

“Please don’t Roland.”

“Alright then, it’s time to go. I saw there’s another big city a few hours to the south of here, that should be a good location for you to do your things. I’m guessing the fake ID will take about three days to prepare so let’s meet up here in ten days then alright?”


Sara nodded, then she breathed in heavily before puffing her chest up once more trying to get back into acting like a punk. After about a minute she threw the gum into her mouth and went back onto the main street.

Roland cursed at himself for a moment. He felt as if he was using Sara like some sort of goon which felt horrible. He really hoped they would find something in the British Library, something that could eliminate their worries perhaps. He had no idea what that would look like sadly. Maybe a document confirming that the ‘Mortal Pietas’ were destroyed, or the reemergence of ‘The Immortal Realm’.

Roland very well knew his hopes were in vain and he genuinely thought about just coming out and hoping nobody would come after him. After all, no matter how unlikely it was it is possible he was the first Magus in over a thousand years… right?

He quickly made his way over to the train station, he decided to get out after three stops and then take the nearest bus for seven stops. After doing so he was already quite far from the capital,

Instead of going somewhere to eat he grabbed some food out of his backpack, ate it, and kept going. He had arrived at a small Spanish-speaking town as of now. They were next to a small forest and were really lacking in shops. The buildings also looked ancient, if some of the people he passed weren’t holding the new iPhone he’d probably think he had traveled back in time a hundred years.

Instead of staying at the local hotel, Roland set up a tent a few kilometers into the forest. Now the magical energy was as dense as back in the cave again. He wasn’t sure what caused it but the energy would be less dense in cities. He figured it would be either because of the people or the lack of trees but let it be for now. He made some basic noise traps to avoid having anything or anyone sneak up on him, and focused on his thoughts.

In these ten days, he only had two goals. The first one was not to be found, he made sure to cover his tracks when he made his way here so he hoped that would be okay for right now. The second goal he had was to find possible, and if possible actual, uses for his magic. The cave they found clearly showed it should be possible to change the terrain and making illusions should also be possible somehow, but that was all they knew.


“The signal has disappeared from Luxembourg City, a similar signal seemed to have propped up in La Paz, the northern capital of Bolivia, this seems to be your mark. Please make your way there immediately.”

The lady who heard these words almost wanted to curse out loud. She had been looking around the city for multiple hours, using her equipment to try and locate the mark. She already thought it was weird she couldn’t find anything for a while, now it turns out they seemed to have left the country.

But instead, she let out a nice smile as she walked toward the airport, tapping her earpiece she asked in a nice tone “What’s the name of our new assistant?”

“List has been shortened to forty potential targets, name unknown.”

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