《Fenrir Rising》Answers


"Before we continue, I'm sure you have a few questions of your own, now would be the time to ask them."

Luna is the first one to step forward. "Where is our mother, and what do you want with us?"

"Before I answer that, I must introduce myself first. My name is Mortas Naxxremis, I am a mage Master Rank 2 in the king's army, and the current commander of this division known as Raven Shield."

Mortas moves closer to Luna. "As for your so-called mother, she is being escorted to the capital city known as Hitara. Your mother as you call her, will be put on trial for the crimes she committed."

"Crimes? What are you talking about? She hasn't done anything wrong."

"That's where you are mistaken." Mortas pulls a chair close to him and sits down. "This is going to take longer than I thought. Let me start from the beginning. About ten years ago, invisible portals have been popping up all around Fura, these portals lead to the other realms in which creatures have been using to get here. These monsters though not all of them evil, have been responsible for the deaths of thousands of people."

Luna starts to get impatient. "So what does thst have to do with our mother?"

Mortas lets out a long sigh before continuing."I'm getting to that part. When we discovered how these monsters we're getting to the human realm with the use of these portals, we decided to find out where they came from. When we heard rumors of humanoid wolves around this village, the king ordered our division to investigate these claims. We eventually found Suriel in that house you all live in and questioned her."

He lets out another sigh before continuing again. "Your mother Suriel we found out, is nothing more than an astral being, that somehow managed to come to this realm and was worshipped by humans as the goddess of nature. She told us about how she gave you three the ability to use magic and changed your appearance. This, of course, took place around the same time the portals started popping up."


"Are you saying that she is responsible for creating these portals?" Luna says as she starts to get even for furious.

"The timing of these events seems hard to believe that they are not connected in some way. Add on to the fact, that Suriel told us it was possible that giving magical properties to beings that were not able to use magic before, could have resulted in a merge between our realm and the others."

"So....it was just an accident. She didn't know that this was going to happen. You can't blame her for all of this."

Mortas starts to get serious to the point where he starts to yell. "Actually we can. She admitted that she may have caused these portals to spring forth into our realm resulting in the deaths of thousands of lives. Accident or not, the result of her actions has brought forth many evil beings into our world and it's our job to clean up her mess. If she is found guilty she would most certainly be put to death."

Luna can't believe what she is hearing. 'If they find her guilty they are going to kill her? No th....this can't be happening, things like this aren't supposed to happen to us.' Overcome with emotions, Luna starts to break down into tears. "This isn't fair, she just wanted to help us. She isn't supposed to die, at least not this way."

Fenrir is surprised to see Luna break down like this. 'She is usually so strong, seeing her like this pisses me off. I'm supposed to protect the two of them from stuff like this. If I were stronger I would try to save Suriel from her punishment. Dammit, why didn't I try to become stronger? I could prevent this from happening if I had enough power.' Even Skoll at this point is trying to hold back his tears.

Mortas gives them a few minutes to get themselves back together. "I know this won't be comforting to hear, but I think they will find her guilty at her trial. With that being said, the three of you are going to be orphans and will need someone to take care of you."


Fenrir speaks up this time as he is the only one able to at this time. "I think it's a little too soon to be talking about that. This should be discussed after her trial is over."

"I agree. I just wanted to tell you that the government will ensure that you are taken care of. However, before we can bring you back to the capital we need to ask you a few questions of our own."

"What is there to ask us?"

"Like I said before, about the monsters entering the portal and how some are evil. We need to determine whether or not you are a threat to humanity. As with all races of magical beasts that now reside in the realm, we need to determine the threat level of each one."

"What do you mean by threat level?"

"As you can imagine, some monsters commit crimes such as murder and theft. Each race is more prone to commit specific crimes for example, Goblins tend to plunder and kill, while Gnomes are generally harmless. Gnomes have a threat level of one, which means they have the same rights as humans do. Goblins, on the other hand, have a threat level of three even though they are relatively weak. But because of their strong desire to kill and plunder, we have deemed it necessary to make it legal for anyone to kill a Goblin if they see one."

"So how are you going to determine our threat level?"

"Well, we usually have a bigger sample size to help better determine that, but being that there are currently three of your species, this will have to do. And since you can speak our language unlike the majority of monsters, it will make things easier."

He lets out another sigh. "Just by looking at your appearance and features, I would consider your race as a threat level two. However, your threat level could go up or down depending on your race's ability of self-control."

At this point, Luna and Skoll have managed to control themselves. Mortas motions to Elenor to come by his side. "Alright then, we will start to interview each one of you individually. Elenor here will has the ability to see magic aura, and will be able to tell if you're telling the truth or not. So I would highly suggest that you do not lie to her."

Fenrir was curious about what he meant by this. "What do you mean she can see magic aura?"

Elenor is the one to respond. "It means that I can see the magical energy flowing through your bodies. Everyone's magical aura is different, the flow of it is usually smooth, but when you lie to yourself or to others it becomes rigid. It's hard to explain, and I'm one of the few that can actually see it."

"You see Elenor is special, these types of special abilities are not something thst you can learn. They are abilities you have to be born with." Mortas says while trying not to sound annoyed by the fact that they are still asking questions.

"If there are no further questions then I suggest that we get started." She points to Skoll first. "Let's start with you, please follow me."

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