《Vil Agres Tunoi Agness Yvetal - Purusit of the Perfect Dream》Dorke Viers Alviv Melseo Trirviev - The Limits of One's Field of Vision


“This is highly classified information” Nova added.

“I can see why. So..has it been made?”

Nova shook his head. “That’s the problem,” he tapped the blue crystal, “This. Doesn’t. Exist.”

“W-What?” I staggered backwards, the maths seemed to work, it seemed to work in theory if such an element existed, to convert it into pure energy without reserve. “Are you saying that someone made a machine with a power source that doesn’t even exist?”

“I’m afraid so”

“Where did you get this?” I inquired immediately.

“From a child” Nova answered, looking at me straight dead in the eyes

“Nova” I chuckled, “I understand that this is a good time to make a joke, but I really need to know, where did this come from.”

“A child.” Nova responded, more adamantly, his eyebrows furrowing, annoyed.

H-He was serious. “How?”

“There was a prospective agent and we brought her to the fear room for a test. She imagined a battlefield of countless dead people and she was in the middle of it all. Once we analyzed the room again, we found this.” He tapped on the blueprint.

“How old is she?”

“7 I believe”

“That’s straight impossible”

“I thought so too, until I’m looking at what’s in front of me”

Silence brought upon the realization of the impossible. Silence filled the room, letting our thoughts fester. “So why did you ask for me?”

“I wanted to know if this element can exist in any of the universes we know or if it can exist at all.”

This element defies the 2nd laws of known physics. The conversion from matter to energy has inherent loss, and energy to mass has inherent gain determined by Mafiliakristo’s Constant.

“This defies the currently known laws of physics” I admitted


“Are there any circumstances which could birth this product?”

“Are you interested in making a planet destroying weapon?”

“This blueprint is getting locked up into the classified files. Security level 6.”

“It should be like this.”

“So, is there any place where this material can be found?”

”I-It’s not the material alone. It’s the equations. They literally ignore the second law of physics, and the numbers work out. We’re not looking at an entirely new civilization Nova, we’re looking at an entirely new brand of physics and mathematics. By all known laws, this shouldn't exist, at least not in this universe.”

“So, the child, would you say that she’s reincarnated from a different dimension?”

“More than that, it’s safe to assume she came from another Universe entirely.”

Nova’s expression darkened and grimaced.

“What do you think we should do?” Nova asked me.

“It would be best to have her get recruited by us” I replied hopefully, “If our interests align then it could be a beneficial partnership. Do you know her interests?”

“She seems adamant to return to her home world, Can you get that done?”

“Honestly speaking, I don’t know. From what I’ve seen the mathematics change between Universes so we can’t accurately open a gateway even if we wanted to. If the values shift while we try to pass through, then even I can’t predict what will happen next. Hell Nova, I don’t think anyone’s even passed through the Universal barrier. I didn’t even know there was a different Universe out there.”

“This is classified information once again” Nova reminded me

“Yeah I know, I’m just thinking about the implications this has on, well, science as a whole.”

“Which is why I’m saying you can’t reveal this until the time is right.”


I sighed, another discovery for the ages kept as another secret, “I know, this isn’t my first time keeping a secret. So where is the child now?”

Nova stayed silent.

“Nova? Do you know where is the child?”

“She….she disappeared once she fainted from the fear room.” Nova whispered.

“...what?” Nova, did you lose a person with classified knowledge of class 7 weapons?”

“It’s my fault, but these weapons can’t actually be built right?”

“In their theoretical universe, yes. In ours? Not a chance. She could try to replicate it, but I have to assume that the laws of physics are different and won’t give the expected results as their theory suggests assuming it works at all. Say, what happened to the personnel who wrote the blueprint?”

“They’re already top-secret researchers as well. As soon as Afereo noticed that something was wrong we directed the work to their department.”

“That’s a relief, well, do you need any more help?”

“Actually yes if you’re not too busy. We also acquire a lot of new cultural remnants from the remnants of the test.”

I skived this duty, I had much better things to do with my time. “Could you bring a copy of that to my desk? I have some pretty urgent business to do unfortunately”

“It’s all right, I hope you can find more truth in this world.”

“I hope you can carry out the Goddess’ will”

“I try my best to understand her will”

“See you Nova! Tell me when you capture the kid again, and um… go easy on her will you? You know people tend to live up to the expectation that’s set on them, just set high expectations for her, I’m sure she’ll live up to them, just well...don’t treat her as a monster!”

“It was never my intention. I hope to see you soon Lyssia”

“I hope to see you soon as well Nova”

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