《Dark Spine - Envoy of Darkness》Coming Back


Somewhere in the celestial realm.

Anton is lying on the ground unconscious. Herselim is looking at him nervously.

Anton started gaining consciousness opening his eyes.

"Aghh. Am I dead."

"Finally you are awake," Herselim replied with a smile.

Anton looked at Herselim with great disappointment. Anton knew this guy had taken him somewhere with him. Different thoughts rushed Anton's head.

'Why, why I am not dead yet it hurts so much and what is this place. This feeling it's making me sick. This pressure is going to kill me here.'

"Don't worry I won't kill you. If you answer my question seriously." Herselim went closer to his face and said.

"As.k. Ask Anything I promise I won't lie. Please Don't kill me." The and the pressure from Herselim and atmosphere were too much for Anton. His heart was sinking.

"Perfect, human now tell me what your real name is."

"My name is Anton."

"Anton, You said your name was Avril didn't you." Herselim's pupil changed shape to a triangle.

"I waa s li . Ple-as don't kill mee.e."


30 minutes Ago


Herselim is on his towards celestial realm he is currently flying above XSky's long sea range.

"hahaha, Freddie I told you there is no way you can win against me after practicing for just four months." There was a fighting session going on between two cultivation masters on a nearby island.

Herselim was bored because of flying for such a long time so he thought that it would be a good idea to watch them and pass the time. He was just thirty minutes away from the celestial realm. He landed on top of a tree and started observing them.

Herselim was looking at them from the tree top.


'Even though these worms can never get any stronger than Ancient God realm they keep working hard. though that's the only thing I can praise them for.' After watching them for a bit Herselim was satisfied.

Just before Herselim was about to fly, he heard.

"Selbes, Even though we both are at the stellar stage you have more stamina. Heh, that's truly impressive."

Herselim turned back at them from the tree and then looked at unconscious Anton.

'This can't be... How can I do such a fatal mistake? This guy was stronger than them, so this means he was above the stellar stage, but I am sure envoy said he was going to reach stellar stage soon.'

'Could it be... Shit, I got too pissed because of that bitch and ended up bringing the wrong man. I have to get to celestial realm quickly so he can be healed then I will confirm myself.'

Celestial realm's spirit energy had unique healing properties, so it was logical for him to take Anton there and confirm it from his own mouth.


'What am I supposed to do now. This was the first task given to me by envoy if he came to know that I messed this up he will never trust me again.'

'Herselim, You useless trash go clean Absolons cloth.' Bastien's disgusted face came to his mind.

'NO!!! I can't let this happen never. He might even tell Dion to train me again that will be a total disaster what am I supposed to do this idiot its all because of him. HE MUST DIE.'

Herselim turned towards Anton, and his tongue grew longer. Herselim licked his lips with tongue.

"Human it's all because of you I will make sure to chew your meat properly." Herselim was looking like a demon lord who after feeding on his own kind have come to the human world to fill his appetite.


Anton almost pissed his pants the pressure and fear made him speechless. He hoped that Herselim would eat him in one gulp.

Herselim grabbed Anton's neck, and before he could take a bite, someone came from behind.

"My My,... Younger brother look at you how bad your luck can be that it made you feed on a filthy human. "

"Absolon you." Herselim was surprised by Absolon's sudden appearance.

Absolon looked at Anton.

"Hey mister, do not worry he won't eat you anymore. Mister your name is Anton am I right?" Absolon asked Anton.

"Absolon you were here the whole time ?" Herselim eyes contracted.

"Herselim let me talk to him first please."

"Mr.Anton my name is Absolon and the person right there is my little brother Herselim. Please forgive his rudeness." Absolon got closer to Anton and extended his hand.

'This guy he made that monster stop.' Anton couldn't extend his hand because he was terrified to his soul.

"Sigh~ See Herselim I told you to be more respectful to humans even if they are worms," Absolon told Herselim curving his thin lips into an evil smile while looking at shaking Anton.

"Little brother envoy is calling for you."

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