《Go find this on somewhere else. Brick》Ch.8 Sleepy Boi


Basil continued down the pathway for a while, till he found his way in front of three pathways. The way they pointed reminded Basil of a bird’s claw.

Basil noticed that any goblin he came across ran away from him, it seems after seeing one of their kind scream in pain from being burned alive, that really does the trick to make goblins to nope this shit away from you.

Or maybe that he was on fire for a few minutes.

Basil looked at the three pathways, deciding on the pathway he should choose.

“What should I do?” — Basil questioned.

“Should I go left? Right? Or continue and go straight?” — Basil asked himself.

“. . . Well fuck it lets go left, left has been doing me good so far.” — Basil said to himself.

“Left side we go, but huh this itching feeling about stats do something more has been bugging me, ever since my first level up. My head feels way clearer and I feel a slight power swirling inside me, but I got no way to chec- Wait! I have Identify.” — Basil thought.



Int User has too low of authority to get full description, giving short description Int Related to the user's mental and magical capabilities. Can be raised through mental training or leveling up.

“Well fuck you too. I just wasted my mana.” — Basil grumbled to the blue screen in front of him.

“Well only good knowledge I got was how to raise it. So I’ll use it on my other stats to see how to raise them, but I’ll do that later once I have more mana to spare.” — Basil thought.

“Well anyways I’m wasting time thinking over this shit, I got to start my way down the path before something bad happens.” — Basil thought.


Basil started vibrating.

“a ligean ar dul, just what Ma would say.” — Basil thought

Basil went down the left pathway, and restarted his trip of dungeon diving.

Man, I hate this!

Being a brick sucks! I thought walking as a human was slow, but I was wrong.

And I thought being a brick you would never get tired, well you still can’t, but you still can get mentally tired.

. . .

*Mental Yawn*

At least I can’t feel anything, because if I could it would feel really uncomfortable.

. . .

I wished that something cool will happen, like ummm something otherworld-ish.

. . .

I think staying in the Enchanting room would have been more fun, than vibrating down a pathway for hours.

. . .



. . .

Nope it seems the walls weren’t closing in on me. It was me just having a small panic attack, but don’t worry Child’s heart stopped that, hehe I’m lonely.

. . .

. . .

Ugh, it feels like I’m getting a headache.

. . .

My headache is slowly getting worse, I'm kinda pissed now because of it.

. . .

I've gotten used to the pain of the headache.

I still wonder how long has it been? I wonder what will be at the end of this pathway?

. . .

I miss my bed.

I’m tired

I’m bored

Kinda want to watch some Irish drama or some shit, that’s how bored I am, and I hate Irish dramas! Can’t see why Ma liked them so much.

. . .

Wait what are those.

Hold the phone are those.

Basil stopped vibrating to see that the walls and roof of the pathways wee protruding out.

“Huh? They are fucking roots or whatever they are since well . . ., I’ma keep calling roots since they look like it. I wonder how deep I really am.” — Basil thought.


“I don’t even care anymore. I'm too tired, as long as they aren’t on the ground. I just don’t want my whole new me thing to be stopped by a little twig.” — Basil thought.

“Well before I set off let's check how much mana I have left.” — Basil thought.

Name: Basil

Race: Petty soul/possessed brick

Hp: Body

Mana: 3/8

Condition: Mentally Tired (Grand) Bored (Great)

Lv-1/5 till next level 62/120

Stats: Int 9: Wis 5: Dex 0: Str 16: Vit 15

Skills: identify [Lv.2]: Soul Vision [Lv.3]: Universal tongue and ears [Lv.1]: Dungeon map [Lv.1]

Body: dungeon brick

Body Dur: 12/25

Body Lv: 4/5 till next level 52/240

Body material: enchanters stone

Enchantment slots: ignite () ()

Body skills: Rune enchant [Lv.1]

Titles: 3rd generation: soul sealed by the gods: Newbie poltergeist: Murderous soul: A brick that wants to move: Dungeon explorer

Bloodline trait: A child's heart

“That’s a good amount.” — Basil thought.

Basil continued down the path, and if he ran into a root on the floor he would just move around it.

“I know I can’t ever get tired because of this body, but I'm getting pretty fucking mentally tired, and this headache isn’t helping.” — Basil thought.

I should find a wall not covered by the roots to rest, because I don’t feel safe right in the middle of the pathway.” — Basil thought.

Basil looked around to see if there was any wall not covered in the roots

“There’s one!” — Basil thought.

Basil vibrated over to a wall, and planted himself there, and took a small rest, but without knowing it he fell ‘asleep’ for the first time in his new body.

“Heyo.” — ??? said.

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