《Go find this on somewhere else. Brick》Ch.5 Oopsies


Basil’s mind finally snaps.

“ShitShitShitShitIKilledSomeoneTheyAreGoingTo. . . Ugh, my head it hurts!”- Basil thought right before having a wave of calmness wash over him.

“Huh? Why am so calm now, I just killed someone, did my bloodline tra- Ugh, my head hurts.”- Basil thought.

Basil focused his attention towards the dungeoneers. Basil’s head was throbbing and causing him not to notice that he was still vibrating.

Everyone get your weapons ready, there might be a monster with a core nearby! Also stay away from V’s corpse, just in case it’s a spirit type monster!- Hawn said, while reaching behind his back.

I told you that there was something here, and now V is dead. Weapons can’t do anything to a spirit type monster, and it’s probably evil spirit from the murderous aura I feel.- Asho said in a panicked tone.

Guys let's check the body first.- Clare said trying to calm them down, even though she was also freaking out.

No! Do not get anywhere near V’s body, I don’t want anyone else to die on my watch!”- Hawn howled in a deep tone.

After hearing that Basil broke out of his tranced state to stop himself from vibrating, but it didn't work.

“Shit shit, stop vibrating, stop it please, Spot vibrating you piece of shit!”- Basil screamed in his head.

After screaming that Basil’s body finally listened to him.

“I’m, so tired, my head hurts so much, why did the gods put me in this fucking body, I can’t even remember why they did anymore. When I try to remember it just feels fuzzy.”- Basil thought, noticing that some of his memories have become fuzzy.

Everyone in the Enchanting room was just following their emotions, causing them not to think straight.

{Calming Voice}, Bloody Christ you fucktards, if it was an evil spirit it would have tried to possess V, not kill the fucker. Read the fucking bestiary, if you did you would know evil spirits can only curse or possess people!- Said a loud voice in a deep tone, causing Basil and the other dungeoneers to snap out of their shock states, returning them back to a leveled head.


“Ugh, the pain in my head is finally disappearing, I can think slightly clearer now. Ugh, I can feel some of my memories are coming back.”- Basil thought.

What else can we do Darihr? Also thank you for using a calming voice on us, my thoughts have become a lot more clearer.- Asho said in a calm tone.

“Huh? Why is Clare still approaching me, even though Hawn said not to?”- Basil thought after he fully came back to his senses.

Asho, It’s probably just a loose brick that fell out of the wall, this dungeon is probably a few hundred years old. Don’t you remember the way dungeons form?- Darihr questioned in a deep but soothing voice.

Darihr, it might be that, but we can’t take any chances, we are only D rank dungeoneers.- Hawn replied to Darihr remark.

Clare crouches down to inspect V’s corpse with Basil lodge in his skull.

Hmmm? I don’t feel anything else but murderous aura, and a slight amount of mana.- Clare whispered to herself.

“Oh, it seems Clare finally snuck pass the others to get where V died.”- Basil thought.

Guys, this is just a normal brick that fell from the wall. V was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. In short he got a normal brick lodge his skull.- Clara said, while looking towards the others.

Told you, it wasn't a evil spirit but a loose brick falling from the wall.- Darihr said in a smug tone.


“Ugh, man I just regained a leveled head, but if I hear more of those dings happening I might lose it again.”- Basil thought, while making a slight chuckle to himself.

Basil turned his focus away from the dungeoneers to look at the system.

Calculations finished Host body has level up Lv.0⇒Lv.1 ⇒Lv.2⇒Lv.3 +3 int: +3 str: +3 internal mana: +5 dur


“Sorry V for killing and having your soul sucked into the ground by the dungeon, but killing you gave me so many benefits, pretty much all my stats have been raised. Also fuck yeah I have more mana!”- Basil said, while doing a little amen for V.



“Wait, why are the other dungeoneers coming closer to me?”- Basil pondered.

We should make a proper memorial for V right now by using the brick the killed him, he did save us from the Tunnel orc and shaman orc.- Clara said.


Clare, hand the brick to me, I’ll carve V’s name in with one of my tools- Darihr said, while grabbing something on the side of his waist.

Sure.- Clare said, while grabbing Basil then putting him in Darihr stretched out hand.

“Wow wow wow. Hold up, mister don’t do that- EKKKKK!”- Basil thought before being interrupted by a sudden pain.

Darihr turned Basil around, then using one of his tools he carved V’s name into Basil’s back. After Darihr was done carving into Basil’s back he placed Basil down with the carved side facing frontwards.

“That hurt you bastard *Mental sniffle*. Huh? If I’m a brick, why did that hurt so much, wait I remember after I leveled up for the first time I felt a complete feeling, am I slowly becoming one with this brick or do I only feel pain after a certain threshold is passed? Well, that’s too much work to think about.”- Basil pondered.

While Basil was pondering why he felt pain he started to hear a prayer.

*Praying, that Basil can’t translate*

After the dungeoneers stopped praying Basil saw them grab V’s corpse, after a few minutes of them packing stuff up they left.

We got to pack up, we need to leave before the tunnels shift again.- Hawn said.

“Finally they left, but now i can't see anything but black. Wait, I remember I don’t have a set pair of eyes couldn’t I move where I look? Why I kinda tried before but i wasn't putting my all last time.”- Basil

Basil focused on the thought of his non-existent neck moving, then Basil felt his line of sight move. Now Basil was looking behind himself.

“That felt unpleasant, but I do wonder why it didn’t work the first time, maybe I didn't put enough effort beforehand? Well doesn’t matter anymore I can move my field of view around now. ”- Basil thought, with joy.


Soul Vision Lv.2⇒Lv.3 User can move ones line of sight in any direction: Soul Vision has become passive/toggleable

“Oh, that reminds me I should check my statues. I wonder if i can change that ding sound to something else, it’s really pissing me off now.”- Basil thought.


Name: Basil

Species: Petty soul/possessed brick

Hp: Body

Mana: 3/8

Condition: Calm (Greater)

Lv-1/5 till next level 50/120

Stats: Int 8: Wis 5: Dex 0: Str 13: Vit 15

Skills: identify-Lv.2: Soul Vision-Lv.3: Universal tongue and ears-Lv.1

Body: dungeon brick

Body Dur: 12/20

Body Lv: 3/5 till next level 95/120

Body material: enchanters stone

Enchantment slots: () () ()

Body skills: Rune enchant-Lv.1

Titles: 3rd generation, soul sealed by the gods, Newbie poltergeist, Murderous soul Bloodline trait: A child's heart

“THAT BASTARD DID -3 DUR OFF ME!”- Basil screamed mentally.

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