《Go find this on somewhere else. Brick》Ch.4 Two new stories gained.


The five souls grew closer and closer, with every step Basil heard the more and more anxious he became. It didn’t help that the souls were just far enough to be out of his view.

“What are they gonna do? Am I gonna die, wait, aren't I already dead? I'm just a dungeon brick. Maybe they aren’t humans and monsters that were fighting over territory? Only if I could move my point of view to so I can use soul vision on them.”- Basil thought, while distressed of the maybe incoming doom.

Basil’s anxiety lessened after he could hear what the souls sounded like.

*Human voices*

“Ok, they aren’t monsters but humans, well I should say dungeoneers, since i don’t know what race they might be. But remember Basil you shouldn’t put your guard down they’re probably still on guard after the ‘duel’.”- Basil thought.

The dungeoneers mumbling grew louder and louder till Basil could make out what they were saying.

“Muhahahhaha, Finally they got close enough for me to understand them-ish. But it’s kinda weird their words aren’t translated to English, but it feels like I’ve been speaking their language all my life.”- Basil thought.

I wasn’t expecting to run in with a *mumbling sound* and Orc shaman together. My mana is pretty much empty after the fight, I need to drink a mana potion.- A silky sounding female voice said in a tired tone.

*other mumbling sounds that Basil couldn’t make out*

“Lies you fuckers, you fucking bum rushed the innocent Tunnel orc, where’s your honor or whatever it’s called. . . Huh, that ‘goblin’ sized thing was an Orc shaman.”- Basil thought.

The dungeoneers grew close enough where Basil could understand most of their conversation.

Did you guys hear that high pitch whistle sound?- Young male voice said in a nervous tone.


Yeah I did, but it was probably just the wind or another group setting off a trap, Asho.- Same female from before said.

No, it couldn’t have been the wind, wind doesn’t put people in a trance like state, we could have died if V didn’t resist it and attack the Tunnel orc!- Asho said, with fear in his tone.

Nah, Asho, the sound we heard probably just the wind, and us being in a trance was probably a magic attack from the Orc shaman.- Thirty year old male sounding voice said

Hawn, You're probably right, I’ve only been a dungeoneer for a few years.- Asho said, while giving up on his allegations about the sound, because he already knew he couldn’t get through their thick skulls.

We should be getting near the Enchanting room, we can rest there before going to the third floor. Once we get there maybe I can use this ruin I found to enchant my sword.- Hawn said.

Once the dungeoneer group got close to the entrance of the Enchanting room something in Basil’s mind told him to whistle to scare them, without giving it a second thought Basil whistled.

*whistle sound*

Ekkkkk, I told you guys it wasn’t just the wind, the wind doesn’t sound like whistle.- Asho in a shocked voice.

Hmm, Asho, you’re right the wind doesn’t sound like this Asho, what do you think Clare?- Hawk in a slightly freaked out voice.

“Huh, why did I whistle? Hmm, I dunno why, but it felt like I needed to. One thing I really want to know is why it felt so good to hear them freak out.” Basil pondered

Maybe it’s another dungeoneer using a wind-attribute magic farther ahead of us.- Clare said in a slightly nervous tone.


Basil let out a little mental chuckle because of the way they reacted to a whistle, at the time he didn't even notice he was the one who chuckled.

Shut your fucking traps, it’s probably nothing serious. So are we gonna rest or fool around over a little whistle in this dungeon.- A raspy voice said out loud in a slightly ticked off tone.

“Killjoy! Huh, why is he a killjoy. It feels like my mental filter is gone now.”- Basil thought, while pondering why he thinks/says whatever he wants now, even though he always tried his hardest not to offend people.


“HUH?”- Basil thought.

New title gained Newbie poltergeist Description: A title given to soul’s who found fun in messing with humans. Hidden blessing: Allows user to vibrate anything 10lb or below in a 5m radius. Paths open: Trickster

Basil moved his attention towards the system screen to read the title description, causing him to miss the dungeoneers walking into the Enchanting room.

“I don’t enjoy messing with humans, that's what I would have said if I was back on Earth, but now I’m doubting myself. But let's not think about that. It says i can vibrate anything that is ten pounds or under, so could i vibrate myself loose from the wall I’m in? I’m pretty sure i'm under ten pounds, well the only way to find out is to try.”- Basil thought.

Basil focused on the idea of vibrating his brick body, his body started to vibrate causing him to loosen from the wall, It seems none of the dungeoneers noticed him vibrating. After a few minutes Basil finally fell from the wall. He felt his brick body fall first, then felt his soul being dragged along with it.

“Shit! I don’t like how that felt. Feels like my gut was turning inside and out. If I would throw up I would have.”- Basil thought.

After a pretty big fall from Basil’s perception, he felt his body finally hit something. It was hard at first, then it became soft and squishy.

“Huh? What did I hit?”- Basil thought.

*Clare screaming out of shock*

*Multiple dings*

“Ugg, my head it hurts.”- Basil thought, while holding his non-existent head.

Slain Lv.5 weakened human giving exp on level of creature slayed. checking damage doer list. . . no one found giving all exp to user Basil. Splitting exp between body and main body 200 exp to body giving 50 exp to main body New title gained Murderous soul Description: Given to souls who committed the sin of killing a non-monster creature. Hidden blessing: Murderous aura Paths open: Darkness -2 dur from fall damage Calculating other rewards

“Oh FUCK, I’m dead, I’m dead, I just killed someone, SHIT SHIT!!!!!!!!”- Basil thought, with the shock slowly setting.

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