《Go find this on somewhere else. Brick》Ch.3 Level up Baby!


“Oh, wait I just remember I only have 5 mana, and I used all my mana to Identify that goblin, wait does mana even refill? Well let’s hope so.”-Basil thought.

(Few minutes past)

”Well since it’s gonna get boring waiting for my mana to refill let's watch the goblin fight the other soul for entertainment, I’m not a bad person for it I’m just bored.”- Basil thought, while not noticing that his bloodline trait changed his way of thinking.

*Metal clashing*

The goblin and the other soul clashed with their metal weapons that Basil could see, but they were both cautious of each other so every time one rushed forward to attack the other, one would step back or guard then launch a counter attack. This dance of block then attack continued on for a few minutes till the goblin seemed to slip causing it to fall to the ground, the other soul didn’t waste even a second, The other soul plunged itself at the defenseless goblin on the ground.

*Goblin screaming non-tangible words*

The other soul moved away from the dead goblin after confirming that the goblin was dead.

”That was morbid, but why is the goblin's soul sinking down into the ground?”- Basil pondered.

The goblins soul slowly sunk into the ground then started to slowly dissolve into nothing. After a few minutes went by there was nothing left of the goblins soul.

”What just happened? Did it pass on or was the soul destroyed. Will My soul be like that if my brick body gets shattered?’- Basil questioned, with fear looming over him.

(a hour passed)

“Well I should check my status to see how much mana I’ve gotten back, must be full by now.”- Basil thought.

Basil brings up his status to check how much mana he has gotten back, and sees he has only regenerated 1 mana.

“Wait what! It’s been pretty much an hour I think, does mana just regenerate extremely slowly for everyone or is it because I’m a brick? Man, I’ve gotta wait hours to get back to full mana, I think I’ve got to wait four more hours till I’m back at 5 mana.”- Basil thought, while frustrated that he has to wait five hours to get 5 mana.


(15 hours passes)


Name: Basil

Species: Petty soul/possessed brick

Condition: sealed (Permanent): Bored (Great)

Hp: Body

Mana: 5/5

Lv: 0/5 till next level 30/100

Stats: Int 5: Wis 5: Dex 0: Str 10: Vit 15

Skills: Identify-Lv.1: Soul Vision-Lv.1

Body: dungeon brick

Dur: 15/15

Body Lv: 0/5 till next level 0/15

Body material: Enchanters stone

Body enchantments: () () ()

Body skills: Rune enchant-Lv.1

Titles: 3rd generation: Soul sealed by the gods Bloodline trait: A child’s heart

“Man, it’s my third mana refill, So what am I going to identify now. I think it has been more than half a day since each refill is five hours. My first refill identified Altum moss that gave me 5 exp, it’s description told me that I’m pretty deep in a dungeon, My next refill I identified the room I’m in, and guess what it was a Enchanting room it gave me 15 exp, and told that it is used as rest stop for dungeoneers. And now I’m here in the present going to identify something because I can’t do anything else.”- Basil thought, tired with the same old same old he has been doing for hours.

Altum moss Material rank: G Description: This species of moss lives between the third and fifth floors of the dungeon, they are also the reason why most dungeons are moist because of the high amount of water they store. Enchanting room A small room that can hold around 15 Goblins. The enchanting room resides in older dungeons. The Enchanting room is always surrounded in enchanters stone, and in the middle there is a pedestal used to enchant items with runes. Note: Dungeoneers use the Enchanting room as rest stop from dungeons dangers.

*sound of steel hitting steel*

“Entertainment!”- Basil thought, with slight shock from the sudden sound.

“Good thing the souls are fighting ‘in front’ of me, but why is one of the soul’s red?”-Basil pondered.


5 mana has been consumed

“Let's see what new information I will get today.”- Basil thought, with glee.

Soul of High Tunnel Orc Status: Enraged (Lesser): Enchanted (Buff)

“Do souls change color from emotions or is it because it’s Enchanted?”-Basil pondered.



Basil moved his non-existent eyes off the battle to read the system screen.

”Exp exp, Oh yeah we’re getting exp!”- Basil thought, while rubbing his non-existent hands together because of his only joy as his brick has been getting exp.

Identify has leveled up after seeing a creature of great power. Identify Lv.1 ⇒ Lv.2 Allows user to look at the information of creatures of Lv.10 or below

“Cool, I guess. But I would rather have deeper detail of things.”- Basil thought.

Giving exp based on rank and level of creature Identified. Calculating. . . 70 exp given to main body

“Wait, I have 30 exp so if you add the 70 exp . . . I’m going to level up, but what does leveling up even do?”- Basil thought, with excitement of his first level up.

Main body has leveled up from Lv.0 ⇒ Lv.1 Users soul has stabilized

“Woooohooo, my first level up on the world of Ambra. My soul has stabilized? I’ll think about that later.”- Basil thought, with excitement of his first level up.

Level requirements met giving skill Universal tongue and ears to user Basil

“Know i can understand passing conversations, and if I ever leave this place I can talk to other peopl... Oh wait I’m a brick, Fuck. Well i can still understand passing conversations.”- Basil thought.

“WAIT, i just remembered because of Universal tongue and ears that I can whistle because of my bloodline trait, let's try to even see how it works.”- Basil thought.

Basil focused on his non-existent mouth thinking of whistle. The sound of a whistle came out like second nature, but it was more of a whisper.

“How about I put more power in it.”- Basil thought.

Basil started to concentrate once again on whistling.

*Loud pitch whistle*

“Shit that hurt! If I wasn’t a brick my eardrums would have burst, wait I forgot I’m missing my entertainment.”- Basil thought, in a confused state from his whistles sound.

Basil refocused his attention on the battle between the Tunnel orc and the other souls, but they weren’t fighting anymore, they were looking around trying to see were that loud sound came from.

“Oopsies daisies, however you say it.”- Basil thought.

One of the souls snapped out of their trance to take the chance to attack the Tunnel Orc while it was distracted, but another soul behind the Tunnel orc blocked its attack.

“Is it a Goblin because of its size or is it small orc because I don’t think Monsters would help humans or non-monsters out.”- Basil thought.


“Aw i can’t hear them just sounds like mumbling, but my instinct is telling me the ‘humans’ are going to win.”- Basil thought.

The other four souls and the Tunnel orc got out of the ‘trance’ of Basil’s ‘Majestic’ whistle. The other four souls came in to help the only one who wasn’t ‘tranced’ by Basil’s whistle.

(10 minutes later)

The souls fought and fought not as cautious as the Goblin and the others soul’s fight, but it was more of a bum rush than anything. But in the end the ‘goblin’ that protected the Tunnel orc went down first then the Tunnel orc shortly after.

Both of the souls sunk into the ground then just like the Goblin’s soul they dispersed into nothing.

“Interesting, it seems my theory was right, The dungeon is absorbing the souls or doing something with them.”

Soul Vision leveled up Lv.1 ⇒ Lv.2 Allows the user to see a soul's true shape.

“Oh, I can guess even better now. . . That is pretty good.”- Basil thought, with happy being able to see slightly more.

Then Basil noticed the soul’s that killed the Tunnel orc turned a corner and started to walk towards him.

“Wait, why are they coming here is it because I whistled. Oh forgot I’m in a restroom so they are probably going to take a break in here. Or they are coming to kill me, but I won’t worry.”-Basil lied to himself about not being afraid.

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