《The Demon Lord Candidate》Chapter 3.4 - Cornered


Samuel hurried back to the rock’s ore pub. He was pretty psyched for flaunting of his catch. He initially had planned to bring some wild berries as a token of an apology but instead, he was able to hunt down the boar. The boar happened to be munching on the berries when Samuel struck him down with his archery skill. He was actually trained to be a soldier and later infused with the jewel shard for increasing Abros military might.

Samuel mindlessly entered the pub. He didn’t notice the eerie door that was cut down.

“Guys I caught this boar would you like to feast some-”

To his surprise, the band of exorcist was also present who were loitering inside the tavern. Even the exorcist was shocked to see Samuel who was all cherry and tugging a boar in his arm.

They all stare at Samuel for some seconds. They were pretty much shocked, not expecting their own prey would just crawl to its predator's jaws.

Samuel then noticed, the broken down door and Rina’s dad uplifted by a mysterious well-endowed woman and Rina whose trying to stop her. He also noticed the dwarf and Pietra. He was petrified, because of the color of the robes and the crest of the exorcist.

“- I see, you have few guests to entertain! Well, I have to take my leave now! Bye-bye!-”, bid farewell as Samuel slowly bowed to place the boar on the ground so he could escape.

All the exorcist started to arm themselves in reflex.

Gilbert reached out for his sword holstered on his hip; Pietra reached out for his daggers inside his coat pocket.

Whereas Julia flung the owner she was holding by the neck across the bar counter.

“You nasty piece of shit!!!”, she howled in anger.

Rina ran towards her father who took a fall on the other side of the bar counter.

Samuel was about to throw aside the Boar, but before then Bhalthrum had already was just an arms reach. Samuel didn’t even notice when or how did the dwarf even came so close.

The dwarf then grabbed Samuel by his sweater as he tried to stop him from escaping. Whereas he reached out for the axe with the other hand that he carried on his back. Samuel noticed he was about to be butchered in half. The dwarf had an eerie smile but his eyes lit up. He was fueled by anger which clearly visible in his eyes. The dwarf after he grabbed the axe’s hilt, with all his might he slashed a heavy blow at Samuel.


The blow was so powerful that the door along with a side of the wall where Samuel stood was blown away. Blood splattered all over the place with lumps of meat and piece of guts and intestine flew across the surrounding area. The dwarf was drenched in blood. Now where Samuel stood a second ago was nothing but blood splashed and small pieces of flesh remained.

This all happened so fast just in a split of a second, that even the other exorcists were wondering what just happened. Some of the blood also splashed on the exorcists as well as the owner and his daughter. They were petrified in fear. The owner and Rina went under the bar counter table for cover, as he tightly embraced his daughter.

Debris of the blown away wall fell across the town. The people ran amok because of the loud commotion.

Gilbert then took off his glasses and started to wipe with the edge of his robe. The blood had splashed on his lens as well.

“Seriously! You should warn us beforehand in near future, Bhalthrum.”, said Gilbert.

Whereas Julia wasn’t pleased with Bhalthrum’s action,

“You numbskull! You really had to blast him apart in pieces! I don’t mind that, but you could let me had a decent cover, first! Now all my robes are drenched with that swine rat’s blood!”, complained Julia in displeasure as she used her handkerchief and wiped the blood over her bosom.

“Man this is so gross! I would retire myself for a month’s break spending time in the bathhouse!”

Julia had a well-endowed breast which was also her womanly pride. Although it was prohibited to dress unmannerly, she still likes to open her top two shirt buttons just to flaunt her cleavage and entice men with her big breasts. Sadly, now the splashed blood had also entered through her cleavage gap which she tried to wipe it off.

Bhalthrum had gone crazy, he danced with pieces of intestine he picked from the floor. The owner tried to take a peek from the counter below, just to notice his tavern was in shambles as well as the creepy exorcist all smeared with blood whereas one of them was dancing like a madman while he held an intestine. He again cowered under the counter table with his daughter.


Gilbert wore back his glasses as soon as he cleaned,

“Now! Now! Before we could celebrate, we need to collect the jewel shard, that was our main objective, to begin with. As for the mess we created, we shall let the headquarters clean it up, later. We at least deserve that much break once in a while, right?”, said Gilbert with a narrow smile.

Julia mood took just U-turn,,

“We deserve more than this! I at least need a two months paid-holiday! I hope there is a bath near this dump of a town.”, she said excitedly.

Bhalthrum started to eat the raw intestine he was holding in his hand a second ago. Its custom were warriors feed on their enemy, so they could even devour their soul. A tribal ritual practiced in the natives.

Gilbert than approached the counter table where the owner along with her daughter were hiding. He knocked on the table.

“Excuse me! You don’t need to hide anymore, you are safe now!”

The owner peeked out slowly, just to find Gilbert smiling on top of him.

“Like hell we are safe! I need safety from you guys. You tore apart my whole shack, you guys want to make me feel secure, then start by leaving my place! What the heck, is that guy eating… is he.. is eating the guts from the boy before?”, asked the horrified owner as he saw Bhalthrum eat the flesh and guts that were lying around.

Gilbert glanced at Bhalthrum like for a second and turned immediately to the owner,

“Oh, that! Don’t mind him. He is a bit creepy, but still, he is a good guy. Whereas for the repair fees, please send your bill to the exorcism office, now we will take our leave.”

The owner started to vomit after he saw Bhalthrum tore apart and munched down the piece of intestine like a hungry animal.

Julia than approached the owner who was throwing up all his stomach out, after he viewed a horrid scene. Rina rubbed her fathers back to show her support.

“Hey there! Sorry for strangling you, before! Could you tell me where your bathroom is, I would like to take a shower. If you don’t mind!”, asked Julia politely with her feminism charm with a cutesy pose, with her hands joined near her face as she winked one of her eyes while uplifted her breast.

The owner then tried to get up as he wiped his mouth with his shirt sleeves. Then he looked Julia in the eyes as she tried to be cutesy and enthrall him in her charms.

To her request, with a stern voice. The owner replied,


Julia continued to keep on the cutesy pose, as she was pretty shocked for a man to reject her request so harshly.

“Alright! You are so dead!!!!!”, said Julia calmly as she maintained her pose.

Gilbert grabbed Julia from behind,

“Stop this Julia! You can’t harm civilians or you want our long vacation to end before even it begins? Calm down!!”, urged Gilbert.

“I will kill this son of a bitch right now! You fucking scum of a human being trash!! I will kill you as well as your daughter!!! You pesky little shit!”, Julia screamed as she tried to free herself just to lash out on the owner.

“Lend me a hand, Pietra! Quit standing around!”, Gilbert called out to Pietra who was pretty much stood in a daze as he watched the sky.

“This is far from over.”, replied Pietra.

Julia also stopped her petty some quarrel, Gilbert was also pretty surprised.

“What do you mean by that?”, asked Gilbert.

Pietra turned to them,

“Test subject 07 is still alive, and on the move, as we speak.”

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