《The Demon Lord Candidate》Chapter 3.3 - Cornered


“Are you sure this is the right place?”, asked the exorcist in glasses, Gilbert Fluorescent.

“Hey! Pietra! You ain’t fooling around unlike this guys, are you?”, Gilbert points at the other two exorcists, one arrogant girl, and the other a gluttony dwarf.

The four exorcists now stood in front of the Rock ore's pub on the dusty dirt road, thanks to Pietra's tracker ability to sniff people out.

He continued on,

“Think through the escaped prisoners perspective! Would you stop by a pub for a drink when the whole country is after your head? NO!! If he had pass through here, we might already see a couple of bodies and destruction by now! He already has converted into a demon but we did not see any casualties yet, did we?”

Gilbert seemed angry which he should be, if not for their lousy teamwork. He glanced at his teammates, to get a reaction. But as always, Julia didn’t even bat an eye as she yawned carelessly looking the other way.

Whereas, the axe wielder dwarf, Bhalthrum scratched his head confusedly.

He had no clue why they were being chewed out by Gilbert in the first place.

Pietra also didn’t react, but maybe the hoodie and the mouth-cover that covered his face hid his most of the face.

The passerby stared at the weird band of the exorcist. It was very pretty rare to see a squad of an exorcist. Usually, an exorcist supposed to travel in pairs and only a few exceptions that travel alone.

Julia lost her cool,

“Could you stop wasting any more of my time! Let’s just capture him already, because if he escapes again coz of you shitting nonsense about teamwork! I swear I’ll mince you into bits and feed it to Bhalthrum for all I care!” she then turned to the dwarf, “ Bhalthrum! If you just hurry up and clear a path!”, ordered Julia.


Bhalthrum equipped his axe from his back in response.

“Hey Julia, you don’t have the right to order around! This badge here see”, Gilbert shows them a badge which was small circular, metallic brooch laced with golden and black color. It also had a symbol of wizard staff on top of it.

“This is my badge that means according to 147th law of the Compendium book of exorcist I have the authority to place orders over my squad members and they have to follow whatever the circumstances may be.”, said Gilbert as he flaunted his badge with a prideful face.

Julia snatches the badge, with speed and precision before Gilbert could even react.

“Alright, Bhalthrum! Now knock the door down by the authority of this shitty metallic crap! You can't even wear this as a jewelry!”, ordered Julia.

In an instant, Bhalthrum chops the thick wooden entrance that safeguarded the pub in half.

Gilbert was in a complete daze.

“You didn’t have to go this extreme! You could have just knocked on the door, instead of actually knocking down the door! Also gimme back my badge this instant!”, shrieked Gilbert, "Please!", he added.

The dwarf chopped down the door, so he entered first, followed by Julia, then Pietra and lastly Gilbert.

They glanced around the gloomy pub, which was dusty. It seemed business was closed down for a long time.

The dwarf eagerly approached the empty bar counter. He started to search between the shelves in the counter, looking for some food as always. Gilbert and Pietra were on guard as they searched for the test subject 07.

Julia took a seat on the bar counter, she seemed the least worried,

“Hey, Bhalthrum! Pass me that vintage beer!”, ordered Julia as she flaunted the badge. Bhalthrum did as told. Julia then opened the cork and starts to gulp down the vintage beer directly from the bottle itself.


“Hey! Hey! You cannot simply trespass and drink from other peoples booze like that! And that badge is also not meant to order drinks around like that, Give it back!!”, said the agitated Gilbert.

But Julia as usual ignored Gilbert as she relaxed back on the chair. She placed her feet on the table as she while she gulped down her bottle.

Whereas Bhalthrum munched on the peanuts he found from the shelves, as for Pietra glanced around the pub curiously as he looked for the test subject’s traces.

All of a sudden the shop owner comes down in panic.

“What’s the meaning of this!”, he screamed, armed with a broom in his hand.

Just to find some weird people who broke into his pub and making themselves at home.

“Get out of my home! THIS INSTANT!”, he exclaimed in anger, as he threatened the intruders with a mere dusting broom.

Gilbert raises his both arm,

“We are here just to ask some questions, please I apologize for my comrades' rude behavior, so…”

But before Gilbert could explain, Julia stood up and raised her right leg upwards that her knees almost touched her forehead. Then with all her power, she crushed the seat in front. The kick was so powerful that the stool crumbled in bits as well as she created a hole in the wooden floor itself.

Gilbert was shocked as well,

Now I even have to pay for the pub’s repairs, yet again!

The old man was terrified by Julia’s monstrous strength. She then grabbed him by the neck and lifted up in the air. The old man was now having problems breathing as he struggled to free from her grasp.

“Where is test subject 07?”, she asked.

“Julia stop this! How could he even know about 07 in the first place!”, persuaded Gilbert as he tried to stop Julia, but her grip was still tight.

The old man wriggled in pain,

“I… I don’t…. Kn-know! I don’t * coughs*”, the old man gathered last of his ounce of strength to reply as he struggled to catch some air.

Suddenly the owners daughter rushes to scene from the door,

“Please! Please don’t hurt my papa!!”, Rina exclaimed as she grabbed Julia’s legs.

“Leave my papa alone! Please”, she begs

The dwarf continued to munch on the peanuts, whereas Pietra just stood by there watching.

“See! This is pointless! I said already, Pietra might have made some mistakes while tracking. He could have gone the other way! No prisoner would stop by for a drink on a tavern while the whole country is looking for him, will they?”, said Gilbert as he tried to persuade Julia.

Julia got even more irritated, instead of calming down.

“SO THEN WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT LAB RAT! I haven’t even had a bath for about a week! Chasing that ass of rat, nonstop! My clothes smell like some horse stable and this tension is leading to hair loss! Do you know how much more frustrating is to team up with jack ass faced people, instead of the other handsome exorcists”, shrieked Julia in anger.

All of a sudden,

“Guys I caught this boar would you like to feast some- “, exclaimed Samuel as he entered the pub in haste. He had caught a big boar almost the same size as himself on his hand as he lifted the boar by the tail.

The fella exorcist and Samuel made an eye contact.

It became quite, all of a sudden.

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