《The Demon Lord Candidate》Chapter 2.5 - The hunters close-in


The tide had turned towards Samuel when he reunites with his trusty sword. He went through many ordeals to escape from the kingdom and this sword was the only thing that helped him to achieve it, until now.

Samuel picked up his sword with his demonic arm and swung in the air to practice. He wielded his sword with ease until now he had to use both his hands to simply lift the sword itself.

The werewolf was getting angrier by every second, his plan to toy with the human for his entertainment has come to bite back his own arse.

“Just because you acquired that lump of rust, doesn’t mean you could defeat me, could you? Don’t make me laugh!!”, shrieked the werewolf.

Samuel then stopped his sword practice and placed his sword on his shoulder. He then looked at the werewolf and responded with a taunting smirk.

“You shall pay for your insolence!”, howled the werewolf angrily, as it charged ferociously and pounced on Samuel.

In response, Samuel flung is sword like a bat with full his might, that sent the werewolf flying as it crashed into rocky walls of the hill. Samuel hit the werewolf with the flat side of his sword. Things have taken a turn, now Samuel was toying with the werewolf, he could have used the edge of the sword and slice the werewolf in half but he didn’t. He was testing is demonic arm’s capabilities and the werewolf was a perfect test subject.

The werewolf’s head got stuck in the rocky wall whereas his rest of the body was hanging in the air. He looked like same as the small shrubs struggling to grow in the cliff side of the hills.

Samuel did nothing but stood there watching the werewolf who struggled to free itself.

The werewolf eventually freed himself, his head was bleeding and once again seemed to lose a tooth or two.

“You insolent brat! Why didn’t you use the edge of your sword! Are you showing pity even after what I did to you? Or are you making a mockery out of me, Human?”, asked the beast angrily.

Samuel looked up in the air thinking deeply as he scratched his chin.

“The latter.”, replied discreetly.

“You bastard!”, grumbled the werewolf.

But this time he stayed his ground and didn’t charge blindly unlike before.


The werewolf went towards a pine tree that was the only some of the trees that had grown in the cold dry hilltop areas. With his full might, he cut off the trunk with his claws. The big tree fell to the ground with a thud. Samuel was confused with strange behavior.

“Oi! Oi! Why are you exerting your anger over that pitiable tree who can’t even protect themselves? You are just delaying the inevitable, come here SO I could kill you the dog’s death, you DESERVE!!”, said Samuel as he grinned, tauntingly.

To this, the werewolf laughed,

“You think I am intimidated just because you have a piece of metal in your hand? Don’t be absurd, you think, only you could have the upper hand just because you have your weapon!? Think twice!”, answered the werewolf, as he giggled.

Samuel was a bit confused,

“I think you have finally lost it, ha? Anyway, come here so I could put an end to your meaningless blabbering, once and for all!”

“You are no human!”, said the werewolf.

Samuel bit his lip.

“You are not a human, nor a demon! You are a joke! A being like you doesn’t deserve to live. From your look, I could tell you were chased out by your own kind, right. Humans are despicable, just a walking morsel for us demons.”, said the werewolf.

“You won’t say the same when I barbeque your ass after I slay you!”, replied back, Samuel.

The werewolf then picked the fallen pine tree by the trunk and swung it in the air and smashed it on the ground twice with all his might. The leaves as well pine cones broke apart and spread everywhere. Then he pointed the tree at the Samuel.

“You thought only you could have a weapon, human!”, said the werewolf as he grinned back.

Samuel replied back by pointing his sword back at the werewolf.

The werewolf ran and jumped in the air along with the tree using as a wooden sword but much bigger. He swung at Samuel with his full strength.

"Die!!!", it howled.

But during the middle of the swing, the tree trunk broke apart from the main trunk and fell off the cliff. The werewolf was shocked.

Samuel then jumped in and slashed his sword, it's as if Samuel knew what was coming beforehand. The werewolf was cut in half by the waist, his lower body and upper body were separated into two parts. Blood started to gush out and scatter around. The werewolf fell on the ground as he howled and screamed in pain.


“This is why dogs can’t be humans! There is a difference between a lump of metal called sword and huge ass tree. Just because you had a bigger weapon doesn’t mean you have the upper hand! This what separates the dogs from humans!”, replied Samuel.

The demon’s blood had splatter over Samuel’s face. A demon’s blood is black in color. It is said that because of their blood color, they have turned into evil, according to folklore. Samuel then grabbed the demons furry tail which was intact to his lower body. He started to wipe his blade clean with the beast’s tail.

“Werewolf stew seems a bad idea, already my stomach is a mess, anyway.”, Samuel said to himself as wiped the blade.

“Eh..uh... You bastard!”, said the werewolf in agony.

“You are still alive! You are one tough mongrel, aren’t you!?”, said Samuel amusingly.

“You human! Don’t you… Don’t you dare to get killed… by other demons or the humans or anyone else. You should rise on top.. and”, the werewolf coughs up blood as lay on the ground, “become the …. demon king yourself.”

“I have no clue what you are babbling, just die, already!”, replied Samuel.

“YOU BRAT! I won’t be the last demon.. to come after the.. the shard! There would be… many more demons hunting… hunting for the shard, for it is… it has chosen you… for the candidate for demon throne! Do you… get it! You could be... Be the next demon king!!!”, exclaimed the werewolf.

Samuel stabbed him in the head with his sword, piercing the werewolf’s skull.

“No thanks! Don’t lump me with you pathetic demons.”, and then Samuel removes his sword and again starts to clean with the werewolf’s tail, but then sword breaks by the hilt and fall on the ground.

The werewolf was defeated and Samuel somehow survived for another day.

“Damn it! Even the sword’s now broken, what should-” suddenly an excruciating pain hit Samuel right back on his neck.

This pain! Why now all the time? Why did you activate now!

The backlashes of the battle were just a part of the pain but the actual reason was that the enchanted soul orb placed behind his neck was now reacting to the shard’s power. It was trying to purify Samuel’s demonic arm which is quite a painful process.

Samuel collapsed down the ground beside the corpse of the werewolf. The pain was so intense that Samuel’s body went numb.

I have no time to waste! Somehow I got a bad feeling, I have to get moving as soon as possible.

It’s 4am and the four exorcist’s had reached the summit.

The female exorcist, exclaimed, “Four eyes! Check this out!”

She examined the dead demon, as she sat on her knees to take a closer look. Then she lifted the werewolf's upper body with its ear by pinching so she won’t mess her hand up.

The guy in glasses approached the scene immediately, followed by the other two comrades.

“Is this what I think it is!?”, said the guy in glasses then he lifted his spectacles, “A slain carcass of a werewolf! This explains the missing people case of the village near the forest. And I guess for that we have to thank, test subject 07.”

The fat dwarf noticed the broken sword, left below.

He picks it up, “I will avenge you, brother!”, as tears start to flow through his eyes.

The other member’s maintained silence, as they gave some time for the dwarf to mourn his brother. The gatekeeper not related by the blood, but he was like a big brother to the dwarf. That sword actually belonged to the gatekeeper until he was killed by Samuel.

“Let’s keep moving! The fight with werewolf should have weakened him, severely. Pietra, over to you, this is where you come in.”, orders the four eyes.

The tall and mysteriously quiet and gloomy person stepped forward. He stood silent for about a 5 seconds, then pointed a direction. He was their tracker.

“This is bad! He is heading towards another village, we have to hurry! Hope he hasn’t lost control and turned to a demon, already! Let’s get moving!”, ordered the exorcist in glasses.

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