《The Demon Lord Candidate》Chapter 2.4 - The hunters close-in


The werewolf was completely baffled after Samuel’s arm regrew once again from start.

He once again started to charge at the werewolf like a maniac.

The werewolf stood his ground,

“This time I shall chomp that head of yours, let's see if you could regrow that! Come here human!”, howled the werewolf angrily as he ready is only remaining arm to attack. That was ready to pounce off Samuel’s head.

But just when Samuel got close enough to hit the werewolf, he leaped back to a distance once again.

He went little further away from the werewolf as he clutched his head. He looked like as if he was in pain.

“You think you could escape me! Come here human!”, said the werewolf angrily and started to follow Samuel.

Just then,

“Get the hell out of me!!!!!”, he screamed as he clenched his head. His face turned red and he seemed in agony, struggling within.

Samuel was trying to regain his control and free from the control of the jewel.

The werewolf stopped at a distance, as it watched Samuel struggling within himself.

Is he really reverting back to his human self, after all that happened? This is no ordinary human, he got guts, I give him that.

His howling cries echoed throughout valley between the hills.

After sometime Samuel stopped screaming. He panted heavily, trying to catch his breath. It seemed he was back to his senses, but something was still off. He was back to his human self, but his right arm was still demonic.

Samuel was very exhausted, the demonic possession seemed to have taken a toll on his body. He was drenched with sweat and was on his knees, trying to get as much as rest he could. But he maintained an eye contact with the werewolf, despite being in so much pain.


“If you had continued to give in to your demonic power like before, then you might have a chance to defeat me! In this human form, you are nothing, just a puny rat in front of me. Ha!”, taunted the werewolf as a smirk resurfaced in its face.

“Hahaha! Puny rat!? The same worthless human that bashed out your right eyeball! In return, you haven’t even scratched me, yet! Did you?!”, retorted back Samuel with a much more derogatory response, which sure did fan the flames of the werewolf’s anger.

“If it wasn’t for that jewel shard, I would already have eaten you flesh by flesh and throw your bones to vultures by now! Either way, that jewel shard would be mine, then I don’t have to worry about my lost eye and the arm.”, responded the werewolf in its defense,

“Let’s end this, once and for all! Show me, what you got human!”

Samuel just giggled to himself to the werewolf’s response. While he sat on his knees, he examined his demonic right arm, that gave off some mysterious vibes. The demonic arm’s transformation had just stopped just at his elbow down. Somehow Samuel stopped the demonic transformation in midway.

He got up on his knees and stretched his arm. He was not still used to his demonic arm, as well as his left arm was newly regenerated arm, which was covered in slime.

The werewolf patiently waited for him to complete his warm-up because this last battle would be the deciding match who shall be victorious, a full fledged demon or a part-demon part-human.

“Let’s do this!”, said, Samuel, as he started to approach the werewolf, started to pick up the pace, as he rushed at the demon.

The werewolf also sprinted towards Samuel, he seemed furious but was still had this excited face. It seemed to enjoy the thrill of battle. Also if it were to be successful defeating Samuel, it would also get to keep the jewel shard for himself as a prize trophy.


The werewolf galloped its way, with just three limbs. Eager to end Samuel’s life.

He will use his demonic arm to punch me, but this time I have a better idea than dodging! I shall end this in one swift attack.

Just before they were close enough to hit each other, the werewolf gave an opening for Samuel and Samuel went for it. With his demonic arm, he balled his fist and went to attack the werewolf’s gut.

A grim smirk appeared on the werewolf’s face,

Yes! Come closer! This time I shall rea-

But Samuel changed the direction of his punch in last second. Instead, he hit the ground, with all his might.

The punch was powerful enough to create a huge impact that even the rocky floor left a crater.

The werewolf also was pushed away a couple of steps away from his previous stance. The punch also flung bits of rubble at the werewolf’s face. It covered its eye before it could go blind, once again. He had already lost its left eye and didn't want to lose an another.

“Where do you think you are attacking, human? Are you so weak that you can’t even aim?”, ridiculed the werewolf.

But as soon as it uncovered its eye, he was baffled. Samuel disappeared from his eyesight. It then looked around just to find Samuel running towards its cave, where the first battle begins.

The werewolf giggled, “So after all big talk, you are planning to escape! As if I would let you! HA!”

Samuel didn’t stop but continued to run with his full speed.

Then it struck the werewolf, why was Samuel running. It’s expression suddenly changed all of sudden,

“You human, come here!”, screamed the werewolf as it started to tail Samuel as he galloped like a mad dog fueled by anger.

“I won’t let you reach your sword! Showing me your back was a bad move!”, howled the werewolf as it took a huge leap! Its jump was powerful enough that it went flying and ready to pounce Samuel. The werewolf was just a couple of meters away from the werewolf's clutches. Samuel’s wasn’t able to outrun the werewolf and reach the sword in time.

All of sudden, just before the werewolf could land its claws, Samuel ducked and grabbed the ground with his demonic arm and used its inhuman power to launch himself at the sword. He leaped and threw himself using his demonic arm alone, escaping the werewolf.

Samuel went straight towards the sword but landed on his face down the ground before it could reach it. He somehow grabbed his sword and got up on his feet quickly. He was armed with his trusty rusty giant sword, that had helped him survive this long. This time he also had the demonic arm that might even increase his swords skill to another level. The odds have been shifted to Samuel’s favor.

“Enough with the Bow-wow! Time to rip out your barking tongue apart! You shitty tail-wagger!”, said Samuel who seemed pretty angry.

The werewolf was also furious and was on guard.

Now with Samuel’s demonic arm and the big huge sword, he could slice the werewolf's ass in half with ease.

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