《The Demon Lord Candidate》Chapter 1.4 - The remains of my humanity


“Alright, enough games. Time to show you my true powers. Sadly for you, tonight’s a full moon.”, yelled the werewolf, “Time to end your-”

But before the werewolf could complete its sentence, Samael sprinted toward the werewolf and punched him right in the gut.

The werewolf was astounded, His speed has increased.

Samael’s sprinting speed had increased his punches for about ten folds powerful than the normal. Although, the werewolf didn’t even flinch.

“That didn’t even tingle in the slightest,”, taunted the werewolf.

Samael fist was intact with the werewolf’s belly, suddenly his smile resurfaced. He opened his fists and grabbed hold of the wolf’s fur, tightly. With the tight grip, he leaped over once again at the werewolf and tried to climb.

This was happening so fast that the werewolf was dumbstruck. Samael once again changed his grip and this time he grabbed the werewolf right by his right ear. Now Samael was on top of the werewolf, and their eyes were just a inches apart from each other. He glared at the werewolf right in its eye, with his lunatic smile and dead eyes.

With his dominant hand, he held a big rock, big as a human skull. He bashed the rock in its eye with full force, about three times before the werewolf caught him and tossed aside. He had held on the rock before he threw the punch.

The werewolf bled from his left eye.

“MY EYE!!!!!!! What have you done!”, screamed the werewolf. It screamed in pain as it tried to stop the bleeding.

Samael also had sustained injuries when the werewolf grabbed and tossed him aside, one of the claws managed to wound his abdomen.

Despite the horrific pain, he yet again sprinted towards his sword. The werewolf was standing on atop the sword before, so Samael had to somehow have surprise attack and then reach the sword.


Samael’s surprise attack resulted in the werewolf losing its left eye. The werewolf moved away from the sword as it screamed in agony.

“You lousy human, you-”, the werewolf heard Samael sprinting footsteps and closing towards the sword.

Samael quickly leaped at the sword to catch its handle, but instead this time the werewolf caught him right by his throat.

The werewolf picked Samael up in the air, as he started to choke.

“YOU PUNY HUMAN SCUM! You took out my eye! Getting injured by the likes of you?!”, said the beast angrily.

Samael wasn’t able to breathe. The werewolf’s grasp got even tighter and its thumb fingernail started to pierce his neck and blood started to ooze out. Even the blood from his injured abdomen started to drip through his toes.

Samael had used all his last remaining ounce of energy to defeat the werewolf but was unsuccessful. He was on his last toes.

Despite his bleak circumstances, he continued to smile. He was actually enjoying the werewolf’s torment.

Seeing him smile the werewolf was losing its temper. It was hoping to enjoy killing Samael, but somehow it was the other way around.

“Quick death might be much too easy, I shall rip out your chest and feast on your heart.”, said the angry werewolf.

He loosened his choke hold and uplifted Samael.

Then he tore out the clothing that covered his chest.

But to his surprise-

“What’s this?”, said the werewolf when he saw Samael’s chest.

Samael started to freak out as soon as the wolf saw his bare chest. He tried to kick the werewolf but his legs couldn’t reach.

The werewolf’s mood changed drastically. It was delighted even though it was angry about losing its eye to a mere human, a second ago.

“Who would have thought that one of the devil jewel shards would come walking right at my doorsteps!”, rambled the werewolf to himself.


A weird grin appeared on the werewolf as it glared at Samael.

“So this is how you were able to dodge and attack me, with the power from the shard! I somehow knew it, that you weren’t an ordinary human.”, said the werewolf.

Samael wasn’t paying heed to werewolf’s words as he was desperately trying to free him from the clutches of the werewolf, with his hands.

The werewolf started to laugh, as it watched his pitiable condition as he struggled to free himself.

“Now that’s more like it! This is what I was talking about!”, said cheerfully the werewolf as he laughed.

“But how come a mere human like you, were able to use that shard in the first place?”, asked the werewolf as it laughed.

After listening to this question, Samael remembered the horrid failed experiments back home. The moments when his comrade turned into a type of mindless beasts as well as when the exorcist cornered and terminated the remaining test subjects until he was the only one that survived. He was almost paralyzed by the mixed emotions as he reminisced his past.

“Thanks for the food”, thanked the werewolf and started to claw his way inside Samael’s chest.

Samael started to scream in agony, and blood started to burst out his chest. He started to bite the werewolf's hands which held Samael, but the werewolf continued to slide his claws in his chest with its other hand.

He then grabbed the werewolf’s other arm and tied to stop him but werewolf’s strength was on another league.

His eyes started to roll upwards, and blood gushed from his mouth. Body started to go numb and pale.

Is this it? Am I going to die now?

Without avenging my comrades?

Without punishing the apostles who murdered my little brother and sister, thought Samael as he shut close his eyes.

The werewolf claws were now completely inside his chest.

After seeing the lifeless body, the werewolf started to cut open the jewel from his chest.

“At last, the jewel shard is mine to keep!”, marveled the werewolf as it celebrated its victory.

But suddenly Samael’s lifeless body raised his right arm.

“How come you are still-”, asked the werewolf but then realized, he was missing an arm.

The werewolf's right hand fell down on the ground. Blood started to gush out from his arm.

Samael had chopped off the werewolf right arm completely, which had held Samael in his clutches before.

Although free from the werewolf right arm, he was still stuck in the air as the werewolf’s other hand had pierced through his chest and kept him hanging

Suddenly, Samael gave off an intense bloodlust as he glared at the werewolf.

“You are not human anym-”, a solid right kick landed right at the jaws of the werewolf.

It then went flying and bounced on the rocky floor before crashing inside its cave.

Samael then landed on his feet.

The wounds suddenly started to heal itself. The cuts and bruises were all regenerating. Samaels arm and legs had changed color and shape. It wasn’t the limbs of a human anymore. His eyes were bloodshot red and he started to act like a demon himself.

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