《The Demon Lord Candidate》Chapter 1.2 - The remains of my humanity


The sun had set and darkness covered the horizon and slowly the stars appear in the sky. The moon along with stars lit up the sky. The great hills Einherjar were covered with mist and clouds. The cold hills of Einherjar were lifeless, not many living beings could sustain life on the barren hills. Although, the forest on the foothills were abundant with life.

In the meantime, a little dim light came through a dark gloomy cave situated from one of the hillsides. The source of the light came from the campfire set by Samael.

Two wolves whose fur was skinned out was placed on the fire to be cooked. Samael was busy munching the meat cooked beforehand. He had already gulped down about two of the wolf meats already.

The wolf had barely any meat, almost 60% of the wolves part wasn’t edible out of 35% were bones.

He even cracked open the bones, to eat the bone marrow. It’s a good source of nutrients and vitamins.

He was eating like a beast, the ripping sound of the meat when torn with his teeth echoed throughout the cave. There were several other bone fragments scattered through the floor of the cave. Presumably, the leftovers are eaten by the wolves in the past. Some of them contained human skulls as well.

It has been ages since Samael, eaten anything.

He looked like a little squirrel eating a nut, but minus the cuteness.

While eating, He peeked behind his back.

To his surprise, an eye stared back at him from the shadows.

He grabbed the sword’s hilt behind his back and squeezed his body behind the enormous blade of the sword as he braced for impact.

A gigantic paw twice as big as his head clashed straight with the sword's blade.

Samael came flying out of the cave and rolled on the rocky floors about 15 meters away from the cave before he came to a stop.


The impact was very intense that he was in a state of shock, as he tried to open his eyes. He then suddenly turned and vomited. The half cooked meat, as well as the sudden attack, was more than what his stomach could handle. For about first 15 seconds, he vomited to his fill before he got on his knees and glanced at the Cave.

The paw impact was so strong that any human would be torn in half like a pudding. Thankfully, the huge sword on his back absorbed most of the impact.

A giant creature stood on the opening mouth of the cave. The campfire behind him, cast a dark shadow which covered his entire body from the front. The eyes were visible as it refracted light, same as the eyes of the nocturnal animals at night. It was so tall that its head almost touched the cave roof.

“You dare to trespass my territory then eat my own kin in my own dwelling.”, said the beast angrily.

Samael got on his feet as he wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his clothing. He didn’t even have his guard up, he was acting as if got up from an afternoon nap. He shrugged off the dust from his clothes and pants, although they were nothing but torn rags.

“Is this how you treat your guest, you need to learn some manners or two.”, replied Samael in an antsy tone.

The creature came out of the cave, the moonlight unmasked the creature who came out of the depth of its cave.

Covered in white thick fur, sharp jaws, big paws with sharp claws. It was standing on his hind legs. Its eyes were locked on its prey as he growled in anger.

“Oh, you might be talking about the hungry mutts from before, I see. They were your kids indeed, both of you people certainly lack in the manner to treat your guest passing by.”, smiled Samael in a taunting manner. His smile and eyes were the same as of a lunatic.


The werewolf was certainly in a bad temper. It widened it both claws as he ready for an attack.

“You are death is certain, human”, said the werewolf angrily as he glared at Samael fiercely.

“Well, you are being a bad dog, guess no one has trained you yet. Let me beat some manners inside you,” answered Samael with a smirk. He then reaches out to his sword on his back.

But grabs nothing but the air.

He realized that he doesn’t have it on him. After looking around for a second, he saw the sword on the floor, a little further away from him on his left.

Samael puzzlingly scratched his head and giggled,

“How about we share the remaining cooked meat, and put our petty fights behind. The food is still on fire, it might get burned!”, replies Samael with a friendly innocent smile.

“That’s it! You are a dead man!”, exclaimed the werewolf.

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