《The Demon Lord Candidate》Chapter 1.1- The remains of my humanity


The sun has almost set and it looked as if it wept tears of blood as it looked down to the earth. The evil spread out within humans were spreading like a disease. Anger, resentment, hatred, dispute, and cruelty were the basic traits of human nowadays.

Samael was the living proof of the human's thirst for power.

He treads through the dry cold hilly cliffs of the Great Einherjar ranges, without any destination on his mind. His body was skinny and bruises all over, the clothes were also in tatters. He made a hood from a withered blanket to cover his face and suppress his identity. The toes on his feet were bloodied bruised and it left footprints on the dry rocky floor. He escaped about a week ago, and since haven’t stopped to take even a single break, fleeing mindlessly.

With a stick on his hand, he scaled the giant dry frozen hills. He carried a huge bloodstained sword on his back which he picked up after he defeated the brute gatekeeper of the prison.

His eyes were dead, the lips were charred, hair a mess and ribs were visible through his skin.

Although he looked like a walking dead and frail but inside he was still fighting and struggling. The red shard was embedded on his chest right in the center.

This piece of shard was one of the other seven shards that military got his hands on. The strong mana readings were the reason why it piqued the interest of the military.

The nerves near his chest turned black where the shard was embedded.

There was another green jewel artifact that was attached to the back of his neck.

The enchanted soul stone somehow nullified the devil shard's effects but not completely. It was placed where the spinal nerves and the brain nerves connected, which thankfully let Samael retain his control over his body. Sadly, the other test subjects weren’t so lucky.


Samael after a whole week’s trail stopped for the first time and glanced towards the sunset. He stood on the edge of the cliff where the entire forest which covered the bottom foothills of the ranges of Einherjar were visible. Its a very beautiful scene, but Samael’s dead eyes had already foreseen the ugly truth of this world. He looked coldly towards the scenery with his dead eyes.

It was if as the sun were ashamed and helpless, could do nothing but flee after looking at Samael’s pitiful condition. While Samael watched the sunset behind the mountains, the residents of the Einherjar hills came to greet the stranger.

They drooled and growled, as they surround Samael by all the sides. They were skinny, hunger was the only thing that kept them driving.

The pack of hungry wolves glared him as a morsel of meat.

Samael turned towards the wolves and stared back. He didn’t even flinch, even after being outnumbered by the savage beasts.

The wolves kept a distance as they studied their prey.

Samael reached out to the gigantic sword on his back and grabbed its hilt. A smile appeared on his face and his dead eyes rolled through the swarm of wolves.

“Do you know how a wolf meat tastes?”, Samael asks the wolves standing in front.

The wolves growl and stared as they slowly cornered him.

“I shall find out, soon enough”

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