《The Demon Lord Candidate》The birth of the devil jewel shards


The demon jewel is a very powerful heirloom passed from ancestors of the royal Demon family of Hellvoid. It was embedded on the royal crown of the king, which made him the most powerful demon with almost inexhaustible mana, that could easily destroy the earth in a blink of an eye.

But sadly there was no need for such destruction as the new demon lord was very kind-hearted. He ordered all demons to not to seek out war and lived peacefully for about 5000 years. Although it was a peaceful time, many other demons were against the king's ideology. They sought revenge against the gods who had defeated the demons and slain the previous king.

During the festival celebration for the Demon Lord's pregnant Queen, the minister’s and other officials ambushed and plotted an assassination. They hired a group of elite exorcist who eliminated the demon lord and the Queen, with the help of Holy Excalibur sword.

The pregnant queen was stabbed on the gut, as she threw curses before she was mowed down to her death.

The demon lord was stabbed with the thirty-four holy Excalibur sword. He wriggled in agony as he watched his beloved queen as she drew her last breath.

The Demon Lord mopped as he laid on the ground on the pool of blood of his own blood as well as the queen. The other demons laughed heartily and spat on his face.

The mercenary were paid with their promised gold.

The demon lord was very sad, not just for the death of his queen and the unborn offspring but also over his subjects.

He was sad because he failed to explain his ideology to his subjects. He wasn’t angry, even tho he was almost in the brink of death and was made to watch his pregnant queen die.


But before he could draw his last breath, he gathered all the strength in his right arm and uprooted the swords stabbed in his arm from the ground. The force was so intense that the other demons were blown away and scattered all around, They were clueless about what just happened.

With his free right arm which was gravely wounded, he grabbed his crown and broke it with his grip alone. He grabbed the devil jewel gem and gathered all of his last mana as well as some power from the jewel itself and flung it to the mortal realm.

The jewel went flying from the underworld to mortal realm’s sky. It was then shattered into 100 pieces of shards and scattered throughout the earth.

The demon lord died along with the last of the lineage of the Hellvoid family. The underworld had no king.

Without the devil jewel, no one could become the next demon lord.

The demons now, race to gather all the shards and become the next demon lord. The mortal realm is now also in chaos as the demons run wild throughout the human realm.

Not any demon could use the shard, as the jewel has a will of his own.

Hence the race to become the next demon lord begins.

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