《Spirit [Dropped]》Chapter 2 World Domination


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Chapter 2: World Domination

“As my apprentices, you must first gain insight about this world- you must know its history, geography, and everything inbetween!” Ezra said, pacing back and forth. Everyone once in awhile he would stop in front of the lined-up children.

They were currently inside an inn at Belmill City- a few miles north of Freyport.

“So tell me, what do you know?” Ezra asked.

“Ergh!” Kai flinched at that question.

“At the orphanage, we only received general information such as the continents, the biggest kingdoms, and the current king- nothing else,” Lilith supplied information about their current situation.

Ezra sighed, it looks like they’re more sheltered than I thought.

“Alright, first lesson! Listen up, kids…”

The world we live on is currently called Tellus- named after Terra Matra, who gave us the land we stand on today. Tellus is split up into five great regions: to the farthest west is Nereida- land of the naiads and aquatic creatures. Northeast to Nereida is Polymetis, the region of great technology and crafts. The central region is Ophir, known to create the greatest weapons and produce the strongest heroes. East of Ophir is Gwydion, the land of magic- it’s where we currently reside- known for the most advanced magic and is home to many magical creatures. South of Gwydion is Eradion, the largest region and home to the most humans. We have our capital built there. Currently, they are the strongest fighting force.

Tellus is larger than what humans think. In fact, there are still many undiscovered places beyond the waters. Perhaps this planet is made of 98% water and our lands are the minority? No one knows-

“Whoa, seriously?!” Kai exclaimed, interrupting the lesson.

“Yes, now be quiet.”

Around a thousand years ago, Polymetis had a technological boom. They created new weapons for the magic-less to use, as well as invent new ways to travel. This was all without magic. However, Gwydion would lose all of its advantages if magic were to be pushed aside. Therefore leading to a new magic-advancement frenzy.


By taking the newest technology and adding magic to it, new types of weapon were created. More and more spells and weapons were invented. It was the modernization of Tellus.

See, for example, this communication spell allows me to telepathically talk with someone on the other side of Gwydion- quite far, actually. Of course, it’s still under development and hopefully people will be able to talk across regions.

However, not only did weaponry and magic advance, but humans as a whole advanced. The standard infrastructure upgraded, as well as the education and military (for obvious reasons).

Unfortunately, talent has become even more important. Before, someone who’s hard working could achieve the same success as someone with more talent and a bigger mana pool. Now, those with more talent will be able to utilize the newly-developed weapons better- resulting in more power.

A clear line has been cut between those with talent and those without. Although talent is hard to find nowadays. The group against technology was called exigo, while the group for it was called novus.

Fights started erupting throughout the world and continued on for around a hundred years. At first it was small spats, then it turned to large injuries, and then finally they began to shed blood.

The rulers thought they wanted to vent out their anger, so they created a special type of battle-arena. Dying in this special arena doesn’t kill you, but teleports you to safety. For an odd reason, this was an extremely popular way to vent anger against those who used the new technology and those who didn’t.

The arena evolved into tournaments that are held every summer and winter. It became a sport. Finally, they added rankings to the world. They made it so that the easiest way to climb the ranking ladder is through the tournaments.


After hundreds of years, both sides backed down and accepted the new technology as well as the battle-arena that became an international craze.

“... That’s our current situation,” Ezra sighed. “Although I wouldn’t mind choosing kids without talent, it would cause too much difficulty and pressure on them. Ah… to be the apprentice of the strongest man in the world.”

Arrogant, the children thought.

“Master, what rank are you?” Eve asked, her eyes accusing him.

“Don’t have one.”

“Eh? Then how do you know you’re the strongest?” Eve asked.

“Please, the strong shouldn’t flaunt their strength. Although, being ranked 1 gives you a lot of benefits…” Ezra mumbled beneath his breath, “reputation, money, food…”

“Sir, what’s this about ranks?” Lilith questioned, frowning. She has never heard of such a system, but then again, they were isolated in a small city that did nothing. Only small amounts of information came to it. Heck, they didn’t even know their world’s history or geography.

“A long time ago, the rulers thought it would be fun if people were to fight each other in order to determine the strongest. At first, everyone disregarded it and only the exigo and novus used the tournaments. Then they added rewards: fame, reputation, glory, money. It became a part of life, you could say. In order to be ranked, however, you must register- everyone starts off with no rank. Your number starts to show when you reach a million.” Ezra sighed, “our rulers are stupid. Thankfully they died, but their system stuck around.”

“So… our rulers are stupid?” Kai asked innocently.

“Hmph, I wouldn’t say they’re stupid, but they’re not wise.”

“They’re not wise?” Eve asked this time, looking at Ezra for confirmation. The two children’s auras changing.


The three children looked at each other, sending signals from their eyes. As if they wanted to propose something to him, but couldn’t come up with a way to bring it up.

“So what do you conclude we do, Mr. Ezra?” Lilith asked, all three children’s eyes changing. Ezra noticed the change and a sudden thought flitted across his mind. He quickly pushed the thought into the innermost corner of his mind.

These children… are quite evil, but… The thoughts of them crying last night caused him to comply with their thoughts.

“What do you propose we do?” he asked.

“World domination!”



Shorter chapter, but here it is. :)

Any criticism and comments are welcomed- a must actually. Anything to improve the story is a big help (after all, this is my first fiction).

Map of Tellus below.

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