《Black Heaven Ascension》Ghost(47)


The trip back to the nameless ravine took Han Bei 7 long days. " I really should get my hands on a new movement technique or treasure one of these days, " he complained to himself although a big part of the reason why the trip took so long was that Han Bei killed and devoured any danger beast that he found on his way back. He found none at the 2nd realm, unfortunately, so he had little luck in reaching the next realm for body refining.

When Han Bei finally returned he found no sign of the old monk. Grateful for the peace and quiet he entered his cave-dwelling to rest. He laid down in a corner and very quickly his exhausted mind was overtaken by sleep. As before he was attacked by broken images of another him and all those he had failed or all of he had killed. Images of slaughter committed by him but willed by another plagued his mind even after he woke up, made more vivid by the flesh he recently consumed. It took hours of meditation before calm returned to him and only then he devoted himself to the practice of techniques and cultivation. He cursed his need for sleep and slowly started to curse the memories he regained.

The following day Han Bei sat crosslegged in front of the little yellow river and pondered his next steps on the great path. ' A shame I didn't manage to get my body cultivation to the 3rd realm, but with the help of Griefholder, it should be enough to get my spirit cultivation to the 2nd realm although I would rather not take any chances. ' He then looked around the ravine, particularly at the wandering listless ghosts. ' These fellas probably won't be as effective after I reach 2nd realm, might as well squeeze as much benefit out of them while I still can. '

Han Bei deliberated on what his action should be for a while longer before he entered his cave-dwelling and grabbed the ghost flag.

A single phantom floated through the air, alongside the little yellow river. A green and a transparent echo of a man that once was. Left without purpose or reason it blindly traveled through the neverdead world of Myris. Already it had traveled for decades or perhaps even centuries but tonight its journey finally came to an end.

Black smoke curled around the wretched ghost and pulled it away from its course. The ghost put up no semblance of a struggle and soon disappeared amidst the black smoke that transformed into a black cloth connected to a dark wooden shaft.

Han Bei sensed the phantom trapped inside the ghost flag and felt at least its remnant will still struggling against eradication. ' A stubborn one like just like the rest of them, perhaps the only quality of theirs that I like. ' Just as he had done on many previous occasions Han Bei immersed his spirit sense inside the spirit treasure and erased the small remnants of will that the ghost still had until it became a lump of yin qi free to be consumed as Han Bei desired, and Han Bei desired a lot.

On previous occasions, Han Bei had used the phantoms inside the ghost flag as a substitute for spirit stones after his qi reserves were drained either from battle or practice. For better or worse Han Bei's body rejected any and all alchemical concoctions, regretfully that also included pills that could help him with breakthrough to the 2nd realm. Instead of despairing Han Bei gathered that perhaps if he collected enough ghosts they might help him break through a bottleneck instead of a pill.


For that reason, Corpse traveled down south through the ravine where ghosts are said to be more numerous and more powerful. Although Han Bei had not yet seen anything more impressive than the blank-faced phantoms he was already used to. That didn't remain true for long, however.

As hours passed and more ghosts were caught inside his black flag he saw no end to the ravine its jagged fragmented walls seemed to eternally stretch all the way to the horizon. ' What a marvel, ' Han Bei thought to himself. ' And to think the old thing claimed this all was caused by a single attack. ' While the ravine itself never looked any different its contents and dwellers were another matter.

Eventually, the waters of the little yellow stream that constantly ran through the bottom of the ravine turned darker and darker until they were pitch black, while any light-giving plants drastically decreased in number. There amidst that darkness, Han Bei sensed the presence of another ghost. A Greater ghost. Unlike its wandering cousins, this phantom's form was less transparent and its aura was far more malicious.

A normal person might have dreaded finding any of these fragments of undying hatred, but as a cultivator, Han Bei felt a singular emotion. ' By the Heavens, finally, ' he joyfully thought. ' Something above the nascent realms. ' As Han Bei approached the greater ghost turned its gaze toward him. Han Bei stopped in his tracks and observed the ghost some 20 meters away from him. " This bastard seems quite similar to the young master of the Skeleton manor. "

Han Bei carefully readied his flag while the ghost's inhuman face turned more ferocious. Just as Han Bei poured qi inside the ghost flag the phantom pounced. The black cloth of the ghost flag turned into a large tendril of darkness that wrapped around the approaching ghost like a serpent. Unlike its meeker cousins, this hateful ghost struggled immensely.

The apparition immediately thrashed around like a caged animal and Han Bei's body tensed as he drew in the hateful phantom like a patient fisherman. The raging ghost was slowly caged inside the ghost flag but Han Bei was forced to use considerably more effort and qi.

The pitch-black smoke turned back into a solid cloth and the ferocious ghost was safely contained. Han Bei breathed out a sigh of relief and gently tapped the part of the ghost flag where the phantom was contained. " Well aren't you a stubborn one? " Han Bei still sensed the furious will of the ghost that stubbornly struggled against containment. Han Bei simply snorted, " Sit tight, once I get back to my comfy home I will refine you completely. "

Greatly pleased with what he caught Han Bei traveled further south in search of more ghosts to stuff inside his pitch-black flag, and ghosts he got. Almost a dozen of the nascent realm wandering ghosts were quickly snatched away from their gloomy habitat and placed inside the ghost flag. He even managed to snatch up 2 more of the ferocious 1st realm ghosts, yet as Han Bei merrily made his way forward his steps suddenly faltered and his good mood faded.

' What's happening? ' he questioned as the air around him grew cold, unnaturally quickly. Not even 2 steps back Han Bei felt like he had walked beneath the rays of the summer sun yet now it felt like he was surrounded by a snowstorm.' I've had this feeling before, ' Han Bei recalled as his eyes widened in shock. ' It was when I saw that damned Yin soldier mist. ' The surroundings didn't suddenly get cold, it was his own blood freezing inside his veins.


With great urgency, Han Bei looked around. He had to flee or hide for he held no delusions about fighting whatever was coming. Han Bei quickly pulled the ghost flag inside his bag of holding and ran back the way he came from, but no matter how fast he moved the dreadful cold still stubbornly clung to his skin. " Heavens damn it, " he cursed as he felt an ancient and malicious will follow his footsteps. He could use neither techniques nor talismans or the creature would immediately pinpoint his location. He could rely only on his physical prowess and nothing else.

As he moved with the speed of a wild beast he constantly scanned his surroundings for a place that could shelter him from the dreadful creature's gaze, but it was not fear that guided his actions. ' Fear muddles the mind with indecision and hesitation, ' Han Bei thought. ' And right now I can afford neither. '

Han Bei felt the hairs on his arm stand up as he heard a great rumble in the distance and because of that he almost missed his target. He violently came to a stop as he grabbed onto a side of a man-sized crevice lodged in the wall of the ravine. His feet skidded against the brittle ground before Han Bei quickly entered cover.

The crevice veered off to left at such an angle that anyone inside would not be visible from the ravine and Han Bei hoped that it would be enough. The space was cramped and Han Bei was forced to hunch his back forward and half squat but the moment he was in place he stood as still as a statue and he withdrew his presence and spirit sense as much as he could.

A few silent seconds passed before the rumble returned. Louder. Closer. The ravine quaked around him and Han Bei heard loose rocks and boulders falling from the top of the ravine down to the bottom. ' Let's hope that the damn ravine doesn't fall on my head although, who knows, that might be better than facing whatever the hell is coming. '

The quaking stopped as the source of that malicious will finally arrived. From his cover, Han Bei saw glimpses of an elongated insectile body as wide as a man's torso covered in a dark blue carapace that shimmered with a cold light and solidified into 10 000 pairs of long but sharp stick-like legs that protruded from the sides of the creature's long body.

Even from his hiding spot, Han Bei felt the power and hatred that radiated from the creature and darkened the environment. He suppressed a shiver as life itself seem to wane a bit upon the creature's arrival and he heard the whispers of a thousand damned souls flowing through the wind ' A good sign, ' Han Bei ultimately decided. ' It seems that damn thing hasn't found me yet otherwise all this love and affection would be concentrated on me not spread all around. '

With utmost calm Han Bei waited inside his cramped hiding spot while the ancient predator passed by. He waited, and waited yet the creature remained. It wasn't like the ancient predator stood in place, Han Bei clearly saw how its segmented body passed him by. He wondered, ' What kind of creature has come for me? ' He waited, he remained yet it was hard. To be a timid mouse, to be a sneak that hides in the dark. It brought unpleasant memories for Han Bei. . ' Am I to wait here until I'm dust and bones, ' Han Bei thought although he knew that nothing would remain of him if he faced the thing. ' I, at least, want to see what sort of creature is following my steps and forcing this embarrassment upon me. '

Determined, but still careful, Han Bei moved closer to the edge of the crevice and he cringed at every little sound that he made. Still, he wanted to see the ancient hateful creature. Slowly, as not betray his own presence a green eye set in pale face carefully peeked from the corner of the crevice and Han Bei's calm was almost broken. It would have been broken had he not already seen the likes of Yin soldier mist and the Wailing forest.

The hateful creature's segmented body abruptly rose up to the height of several hundred meters, like a serpent poised to strike it could almost peer over the edges of the ravine. As Han Bei finally had a proper look at the creature's back-side and its head he had an inkling of what he was looking at. ' With crimson insectile eyes full of hatred and two pincers filled with nether poison, the thousand-faced centipedes most eye-catching feature was the grinning skulls of its pray embedded inside its hard chitin shell, ' he recalled from the records he had gotten from the necromancer he had captured. ' But the phantom beast in those records pales in comparison to the heaven-damned specimen before me. '

The thousand-faced centipede was supposed to be no stronger than the 3rd realm, but Han Bei couldn't tell how strong was the creature before him and how many skulls were embedded on its back. For a while, Han Bei watched in silent fascination and alarm as the creature he had dubbed the 10 000 ghost-faced centipede angrily swayed through the ravine while its many legs brushed against the walls of the ravine and carved through solid rock like a hot knife through butter. Many times he felt waves of hateful spirit sense wash through his surrounding but luckily the ghostly creature never picked on his presence. Was it thanks to the dark cloak or his own special constitution? He wasn't sure.

Eventually after releasing one last hiss of unrestrained anger that cut through Han Bei's ears like a hot razor the 10 000 ghost-faced centipede retreated back to the depts of the ravine it had come from. Han Bei wasted no time and the moment he was sure the creature was gone he rushed back to his own cave-dwelling.

Now more than ever he was sure of a single thing. " I have to get stronger, only then will I have the right to permanently change my fate from prey to hunter. " As Han Bei thought of the ghostly horror that just a few minutes ago was out for his blood he dreamed of the day when he could devour it like he had devoured the wandering ghosts.

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