《Black Heaven Ascension》New friends(13)


With bated breath, Corpse awaited the reaction of the almost white maiden. Seconds stretched into hours as 100 different possibilities ran through his head. " Will she raise an alarm, or cook me alive with lighting?." His muscles tensed. If Corpse could help it, her next actions would be her last.

The almost white maiden waved her token in a casual manner. There was no ear-piercing alarm that summoned all of the fighters to his location neither was there lighting that danced through his body and charred his bones. There was almost no sound at all. Just a soft clang as something fell to the ground.

Corpse never broke eye contact, worried that the maiden might do something if he took his eyes off her even for a second. The maiden matched his gaze with a dispassionate almost resigned look on her face. Her facial expression didn't change when she found Corpse in the middle of an escape attempt, and it didn't change when Corpse tried to grasp a collar that wasn't on his neck anymore.

Corpse was definitely surprised, yet hid didn't dare to relax. " Even without a collar I'm far from safe, but at least it's a start. " He coldly looked at the almost white maiden. Her beauty was still breathtaking, but the black on the top of her head receded even more. and now she was left with just a few black strands of hair.

In a rough voice, Corpse asked the question that was on his mind, " Why? " The maiden opted not to answer and instead put a finger in front of her mouth. " Shhhhh. " She then pointed at the Shen Lang. Corpse narrowed his eyes but he didn't utter another word. Instead, he grabbed the unconscious youth like he was a bag of potatoes and threw him inside his previous dwelling. He carefully closed the door and looked at the maiden.

The maiden moved away and beckoned for Corpse to follow. He complied and in a cautious manner, he walked away from his dingy little cell. The whole damn facility turned out to be a maze. The path seemed to branch out and fork every 30 steps. Corpse walked a few paces behind the maiden because he quickly worked out that he wouldn't get out on his own.

They moved away from the cursed stage, the mad roars of the undead, and the guards with their green sneers. As they moved further away the surroundings became damper, and darker. The surrounding noise also disappeared until there was only the rhythmic sound that their feet made when they hit the ground.


The further they went the more Corpse increased his pace until they walked shoulder to shoulder. The maiden either didn't notice or didn't care. Yet she was forced to care when Corpse grabbed her by the throat and slammed her back against the wall.

With a cold look in his yes Corpse repeated the question, " Why? " The maiden didn't seem all that worried as she answered, " Is this how you treat your savior? " Corpse tightened his grip. He didn't look amused. " I don't like repeating myself. "

The maiden let out a defeated sigh, before locking her cold black eyes with his green ones. " Because you are alive. " Corpse stood in mute silence for a few seconds before he let out a chuckle that turned into full-blown laughter. " HaHaHaHaHa. Well, aren't you a fucking saint? " His grip didn't get weaker and the cold look in his eyes didn't soften.

Faced with ridicule and threats the almost white maiden didn't falter, " I and the people here took this curse upon ourselves. Time after time I gave away my blood so that this nightmare may continue. We defied the natural order in a rebellion against heaven. But there was no rebellion, just foolishness, and madness. If heaven chooses to punish us then it's our burden to bear. Our and no one else's, but I'm unwilling to see another soul punished for our.... for my foolishness. "

Corpse tightened his grip. This felt like a bluff, a tall tale you'd give to your prey. Only once the facade broke apart and the truth revealed itself would he have a chance of survival. He coldly looked as life slowly faded from the face of the woman that freed him. He tried to find a crack in her bluff, but all that he found was two unflinching black eyes that stared back at him. Defiant even in the face of death.

A few seconds more and the maiden's neck would snap like a twig. Corpse was faced with a choice. Kill a potential ally or spare a deceitful enemy. Didn't matter which he choose, there was a risk now. Maybe it was confidence in his own strength, fear of killing a benefactor, or just simply hope. But a second before the maiden returned to earth Corpse released her.

The almost white maiden slumped down to the floor and coughed up a storm. She gently caressed her throat where a palm print now was very visible. Despite what Corpse previously said, he softly asked again, " Why? "


The maiden took a second or two to regain her breath while genuine emotion found its way onto her face. " I do not wish to be a murder. Despite everything I have done I do not wish to be a murderer. " Corpse closed his eyes and he could see that failed possession before his very eyes. He took a few seconds to calm down, and when he opened his eyes he spoke with confidence. " I don't think I can give you the redemption that you seek. Only gratitude for saving my life."

The maiden nodded, " There is nothing else I could dare to ask for. " Corpse extended his hand and helped the maiden up. They walked away with their shoulders side by side like equals and a burden seemed to be lessened from both of their hearts.

Both of them walked in a slow manner. Careful not to make a wrong turn. The maiden must have known all the paths by hearth since the whole thing was made to confuse any escapee. Undead or otherwise.

Seemingly with no end to the maze, in sight, it was perhaps out of sheer curiosity that Corpse asked, " What is that you were trying to do here? " The maiden gave him an annoyed look. " Is this truly the time to ask?" Corpse shrugged. " Just wondering. Don't I deserve to know why my life was almost at risk? "

The maiden let out an audible sigh. " The ghost that you saw on the stage used to be the son of a once-great man. Now that man has been consumed by greed and madness. Everyone that followed him either accepted that this is how things are going to be or simply defected. It was his idea to revive his son in such a manner, "

Corpse raised an eyebrow. " You call it madness, yet you still go along with it? " She coldly looked at him. " You truly feel no gratitude towards your savior, huh? But yes, I still choose to follow him and his mad orders, in a slight hope that the man he used to be might resurface. but now..." She could only hang her head in defeat.

Corpe shrugged. " Seems pretty half-assed to me." For the first time, the almost white maiden smiled. " Thank you." Corpse seriously said. " That wasn't a compliment." Still, in a good mood, the maiden elaborated. " But you recognized that I made an effort. In a place like this, it matters. So thank you."

Corpse wanted to argue further, but he was interrupted by the maiden, " We're nearing the exit. Nobody should know about this path, but you never know. We should proceed with caution and in silence. " He didn't know if that was the truth, or the maiden just didn't want to pursue the subject further, so despite how he felt the remainder of the way Corpse kept his mouth shut.

Thankfully there were no surprises and the pair managed to reach the exit without much trouble. The end of that passage was covered by a transparent screen of light, an illusionary formation. Once you walked even a step outside of it and looked back you'd see nothing but an unassuming little hill.

Corpse looked towards the direction they came from, but all he could see was endless plains of the same glowing grass. Not even a glimpse from the massive opening above that demonic stage. The maiden also took a step outside the formation but no more than that. Her tone was a bit softer than before. " I guess this is where we part ways."

Corpse looked on in confusion. " Are you not leaving this hell hole?" The maiden shook her head. " My duty here is not done yet." Corpse questioned, " The duty that you see as a transgression against life, the one that's squeezing the vitality out of your body, that duty? "

The maiden made no excuses. " Some duties cannot be avoided, no matter what one feels. And some debts must be repaid no matter what." Corpse snorted, " There are quicker ways to end your life." Amusement still danced in the eyes of the maiden.," You should head north, if you're lucky after a week you'll reach a city named Last light, they shouldn't be able to touch you there. " She gracefully bowed. " Goodbye stranger in the dark. Best of luck! " With these parting words and a slight smile on her face, she went back through the formation.

Corpse didn't follow her, neither did he walk away. He just silently stood in place and scowled. The conversation from before replayed in his head again and again. After a long while, he silently muttered under his breath, " Foolishness." Corpse felt neither relief nor gratitude when he walked away. Just frustration, confusion, that ever-present hunger, and another thing. " Regret, " Corpse recognized. He also felt regret.

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