《Black Heaven Ascension》New friends(12)


A youth with a scornful gaze went around the facility. He wore a black cloak and underneath he had the same light blue robe worn by other low ranked members of the Skeleton manor. His name was Shen Lang, and currently, he served as a guard in the facility. A job he hated much like everything else on this rotten world.

At first, Shen Lang enjoyed the power he had over the prisoners, but since the undead reacted pretty much the same when tortured he quickly grew bored. That was until the new dead boy came around, and brought him back the enthusiasm for the job. Hell, he already got a sweet new cloak from him even if it was a bit too long. " I can't wait to break that bastard, " Shen Lang cheerfully thought as he approached the cell of his new best friend.

Corpse sat in a meditative position. His dingy cell was as silent as a graveyard. He still fruitlessly attempted to regain his cultivation, but that came to an end when the slot at the top of his cell door opened and an obnoxious voice called out to him, " Hello, my love. How are you today? " Corpse briefly opened his eyes, looked at the pest, and closed his eyes again, but internally he thought, " This one will do. "

Shen Lang called out again, " C'mon don't be like that. I even brought you local delicacies earlier, " Corpse let out a sigh and asked, " What do you want? " Shen Lang laughed in a sickening manner, " HeHe just wanted to warn you that in 2 days you are scheduled to have a date with our young master. " Corpse looked outside his window and Shen Lang confirmed his worries, " Yes, that young master. I can't wait to see you meet face to face. "

Corpse felt a chill go down his spine, yet he did his best to hide it. Instead, Corpse arrogantly laughed, " Good, I can't wait to finally get out of this cage." Shen Lang frowned. " You're gonna get torn apart and leave this place in chunks. You get that, right? " Corpse continued to act in the same confident manner, " Or perhaps I will devour that young master of yours, ever thought of that? " Shen Lang's frown morphed into a disgusting smile. " You've gone insane, haven't you? "


Corpse continued to lie through his teeth. " Heh, nothing but zombies and drowners in the other cells. What the hell do you think I am? I just decided that I don't want to deal with all this bullshit for a single meal. So how about you let me go? " Shen Lang still had that condescending smile on his face. " And why should I help you?"

This was where Corpse would sink or swim. He answered with a smile of his own, " Because I have that thing that you want. " Shen Lang questioned, " What thing? ". Corpse continued and each word dripped with arrogance. " Oh, you must have wondered how did I do it? How I kept my spirit even after I became a zombie? How I cheated death? " The arrogant youth didn't say anything and the smile from his face slowly faded. Corpse continued in a more friendly manner, " Don't worry I can teach you. "

Shen Lang was skeptical. " And why should I believe a word that you said? " Corpse just laughed in his face, " You don't have to believe a thing that I said. You don't have to do anything. really. You will only seal your current fate in stone, that's it. Dying for someone that doesn't give a crap about you, getting eaten by some beast, and getting shat out back into the ground. It really isn't all that bad of a fate all things considered. "

Shen Lang clenched his green teeth and struggled, For a long while he simply stood in front of the cell, before he angrily announced, " What do you know? " And stormed off at a quick pace. Corpse closed his eyes and was as silent as a tombstone. After several minutes he heard a silent voice. " Teach me. " He opened his eyes and asked, " What did I just hear? " Shen Lang now spoke much louder, " Teach me. " Corpse internally smiled. " I have this in the bag." Externally Corpse had a serious expression as he quickly demanded, " Show me your palm! "


Shen Lang was immediately hesitant. " Why do you need to see my palm? " Corpse slowly stood up, and briefly explained, " I'm not teaching you shit if you have no affinity for my arts. " Shen Lang hesitated but the last lie made the whole thing more believable for him. He slowly put half of his arm through the opening in the cell door.

Corpse slowly came closer. His body still felt heavy, so he naturally moved in a slow and nonthreatening manner. His right arm tensed as he prepared his move [death grip]. At the last moment, Shen Lang noticed something wrong, but it was already too late. Corpse grabbed Shen Lang and pulled his whole arm through the opening in the door while Shen Lang's face was pressed against the cold metal.

Shen Lang tried to call for help but he only managed painful moans." Aaaah....aaaaah." Corpse applied more pressure and his fingers dug into Shen Lang's flesh. He spoke in a cold murderous tone. " If you want to keep your life, you better unlock the collar and the cell door. "

The injured man tried to protest, "You lying sack of-aaarg." But he could only cry out in pain as he felt his bones break. Green qi surrounded Shen Lang's arm as he attempted to blast the hand that held him in place, but it didn't do a damn thing to the monster on the other side of the door.

Corpse applied more force until Shen Lang's bones shattered and a stuck out of his skin. His tone got colder as he demanded, " Listen up, If you don't help me you're dead. As simple as that. " The threat worked as Shen Lang finally started to comply, " I can't unlock the collar, only the higher-ups have tokens for that." Irritated Corpse asked, " But you can open the door? " Shen Lang admitted. " Yes, I can." Corpse then promised, " Do that and I won't kill you. "

Shen Lang hesitated. His face was red and he was close to tears, but he still fumbled through his clothes and found a palm-sized token with a drawing of a skull on it. He waved it against the door and there was distinct clicking noise. The cell was now unlocked.

Corpse sincerely said, " Thank you." He relaxed his grip and Shen Lang tried to get away, but the next moment Corpse grabbed him again and forcefully pulled his arm. Shen Lang's face collided with the steel door and his limp body slumped to the floor as he lost consciousness. Corpse finally let go of him after that.

Corpse quickly got out of cell and searched Shen Lang for any valuables. He only managed to get a hold of the token when he saw something white at the edge of his vision. His gaze shifted and he fell into shock. The white thing was actually a person, a woman to be exact. It was the almost white maiden he saw during that heaven forsaken ritual. She had a palm-sized token in her hands. It seemed similar to the one Shen Lang had, It also had skull drawn on it just more detailed.

Corpse didn't dare to presume but if someone were to put a blade on his neck, he'd bet it's a token that can unlock his collar

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