《Black Heaven Ascension》New friends(9)


A white blur broke through the hull of the wreckage and quickly wrapping itself around Corpse's pale neck. Before he could understand what happened Corpse was pulled outside of the wreckage leaving behind a sizable hole.

An unfamiliar man spoke in a high-pitched tone, " Uwwwie we got ourselves a pretty one ". The unfamiliar man was thin to the point he looked malnourished, with a boney face, several teeth missing, and a patch of messy brown hair. He wore baggy pants and a sleeveless light blue robe. There were 4 other people beside's him, all of them wore similar clothing and had a similar malnourished look.

The white blur unwrapped from Corpse's neck and returned to the thin man's hands. While Corpse violently coughed he managed to identify what it was. A bone-white whip that resembled, no, probably at some point was a human spine.

As Corpse struggled to stand up he spoke in a rough voice, " The hell do you want from me? " Seeing Corpse speak the thin man didn't answer instead he shared a look with his companions and rejoiced. "Would you look at that, boys, a talking one HaHa. He is going to earn us a lot of shinies. " While the men laughed Corpse noticed that several of them had green shiny teeth.

Corpse repeated his question. "Are you deaf, I asked what's your damn business with me? " The thin man stopped laughing and faced Corpse, "Oh my hearing is quite fine, thank you very much. And rather than having business with you. You are my business."

" What do you mean? " Corpse asked unsure if he even wanted an answer to that question. " You don't need to know. " The thin man smiled while the rest of his companions armed themselves with weapons made of bone and surrounded Corpse.

Corpse stood up and took a battle stance. " You're going to regret this! " The only response he got was laughter. Pissed of Corpse immediately rushed the thin man. The distance between the two wasn't big and Corpse felt confident in tackling the thin bastard. But before Corpse reached him, the white whip blurred and wrapped around his leg. He lost his balance and crashed past the thin man, while the later sidestepped him in a casual manner. Corpse crashed into the same wreckage he was pulled out of and created another hole.

" WOW! I'm really regretting this, " the thin man said in an unimpressed manner. Corpse grabbed a broken piece of the hull to pull himself up, but he fell down as the thin man whipped his back leaving a deep mark and shredding his cloak. Enraged Corpse shouted. "Try that again and I'll shove that whip where heaven doesn't dare to look!"


Again the group broke into laughter. This time another man, one with a bone spear, stepped up. "Don't get so cocky, dead meat." This one moved noticeably slower than the thin man, yet he still arrogantly tried to stab Corpse.

Just before the spearhead pierced his chest, Corpse caught it with his right hand. He held the spearhead tight enough that cracks spread through the weapon. The spear wielder struggled to free his weapon, while Corpse extended his left hand in an attempt to grab him.

The spear wielder barely escaped Corpse's grasp as the bone whip wrapped around his waist and pulled him backward. In shock, he looked at his weapon that turned from a spear to a staff. The thin man smacked his underling over the head. " Idiot! pay attention! "

Corpse, now reduced to a snarling beast, stood up and threw the spearhead with all his might. It cut through the air faster than the naked eye could follow. Brain matter and skull fragments fell to the ground. The spearhead passed through a human head like a hot knife through butter. Unfortunately, the thin man managed to dodge the projectile, but one of the mooks behind wasn't so lucky.

Corpse saw red as he walked towards the thin man. " I'll grind your bones to dust. " He killed one already and he would kill the rest. No other possibility existed in his mind, no other course of action seemed more correct. He saw the thin man wrap the whip around his left fist arm like a makeshift gauntlet and put his other hand behind his back. He didn't care. " Petty tricks. "

Corpse increased his speed and swung his fist, he was going to smash the thin man's face in. But before his attack landed the thin man's gauntlet extended and sent him sailing through the air. Before Corpse managed to understand what even happened he was on the ground. While Corpse was still dumbfounded the thin man rushed up to him and pulled out a talisman from his back that he quickly plastered on Corpse's forehead..

" SEAL!!! " the thin man shrieked in his high pitched tone. Corpse was surrounded by a brown light and he Immediately felt his weight increase to a level where he could barely move his head. The last thing he saw was the thin man's gauntlet growing to a ridiculous size as his face was smashed in.

Corpse heard nothing, saw nothing, smelled nothing. It felt like he was floating in darkness. A feeling that was somehow dreadfully familiar to him.



When Corpse regained his senses, he was welcomed by an old dilapidated ceiling made of some sort of gray stone. Corpse regained his senses but the seal on his body still remained, so it took all he had just to lift his head and look around. He was in a broken-down room lying on a large table made of rock. The room had a single entrance that currently seemed unguarded. If he could move he could just walk right out, but he could barely move much less walk.

He tried to undo the seal for several minutes until he finally gave up. " It's probably impossible to break the seal without Qi, and I can't gather any with a broken fucking aperture! ".While Corpse was frustrated with his current predicament he still paid enough attention to the surroundings to hear two faint voices. He recognized one of them it belonged to that thin bastard.

"10 spirit stones? Mo Wan, I'm telling ya this one is special, and worth way more than 10 stones. " A cold and unperturbed voice responded, " 10 spirit stones for a functional and complete body, was that not our deal? " The thin man continued to bargain, " Yes, it was, but I'm telling ya this one special. " Mo Wan continued in the same monotone voice," Special or not a deal is a deal. " The thin man continued to haggle, " Well I ain't giving it to ya for 10 stones. " Mo Wan was unwilling to waste more time. " Well, then I don't see what business you still have with me then. "

They were close enough for Corpse to hear their footsteps now but the conversation stopped after what the thin man said next, " Gotcha I'm just gonna take my business to the bone manor I'm sure the big bad lord of bones is gonna be curious why you ain't getting all the best for his special little boy. " There was a certain edge to Mo Wan's voice now, " Are you threatening me, Bo Fei? " There was a tense silence for a few seconds before Mo Wan sighed, " Show me your special undead then, before you do something that might cost you your own life. " The thin man, apparently named Bo Fei, was ecstatic. " You ain't gonna regret this. "

The two men walked inside the room and Corpse could finally get a good look at the mysterious speaker. The man was on the shorter side maybe a meter 60, he had shoulder-length hair with eye-catching light blue color, and he wore a matching light blue robe with wide sleeves that were decorated with drawings of skulls surrounded by a cage of bones, it made a nice contrast with the messy clothing that the thin man, or rather Bo Fei, had. Mo Wan could probably even described as handsome if not for the heavy bags under his eyes.

The thin man came close and stretched out his hand, Corpse lost so he was mentally prepared for whatever torture might happen but what came next still took him by surprise. That thin motherfucker started to pat Corpse's head like he was some pet and with a cheery voice, he made his sale pitch. " C'mon look at this mug, ain't he a cutie, you just want to lop off his head, fill it with cotton, and put it somewhere in your living room as a decoration. Can't tell me that alone ain't worth 30 spirit stones."

Corpse was shaking with rage, and the same thoughts pervaded his mind as he dreamed of bathing in Bo Fei's blood, he looked at the thin man with red eyes, and if a gaze could kill, Bo Fei would be impaled by ten thousand spears, but just like previously when Corpse tried to move it felt like he was trying to lift a mountain.

Mo Wan didn't seem amused by thin man's jokes man jokes but he was looking at the undead in front of him and considering, " There really seemed to be something unusual about this one. ". He shut his eyes and the thin man stopped the one-person comedy act leaving the room painfully silent.

Corpse felt sick, the feeling of others deciding his fate could only be described as disgusting. After a few seconds, his fate was sealed as Mo wan declared in his monotonous voice, " Let it be known that I did all that was in my power for this insane endeavor, fine 30 spirit stones it is then. "

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