《Black Heaven Ascension》A night to remember(4)


Fang Ming waved his finger like a disappointed teacher. " Tssk,tssk,tssk, don't you get it already? These puppets are nothing like the ones you fought before. " Upon his command, the puppets rose up again. Their bodies creaked with every movement, but there was no pain reflected on their emotionless faces, and they moved just like before despite injuries that would cripple or kill anything that's alive. " If you want to break them, you'll have to work harder than that."

Fang Ming talked in a grand manner as if his victory was already a forgone conclusion, but he still calmy analyzed his opponent. " His agility is no joke. Is it some sort of inborn talent, or perhaps something he cultivated? Either way, I hoped to slowly grind him to dust, but with how frugal he is with his Qi usage, I might be the one that runs out first, despite my greater cultivation realm. " Fang Ming could only smile at this ridiculous opponent of his.

With 3 puppets rising behind Han Bei, Fang Ming sent 3 more from his horde to join the fray. " Well then fellow cultivator, I'll just simply have to crush you with brute force then. "

While being surrounded Han Bei looked bitter. The attacks that came his way were much more precise than before. Any single opening left by an attack was covered by another puppet. While still being capable of weaving through most of the attacks he was now up against a well-oiled machine.

" Argh! " Han Bei clenched his teeth as he had no choice but to eat some of the attacks. Unlike his opponents, he was still alive. Any single mistake might cost Han Bei his life. Yet despite that, he didn't slow down. In fact, the injuries that he received reduced in severity and slowly turned into harmless cuts on his skin until he found enough room to even counterattack. He managed to land several blows that ruined the puppets' coordination and gain the upper hand.


The same way Fang Ming learned of Han Bei's patterns the opposite was true as well and now with nothing but a few quick punches, he threw Fang Ming's perfect control into chaos. Fang Ming exclaimed with amazement, " What an incredible fellow! " 2 more puppets joined the attack on the brute in yellow while he looked on. If one looked from the side it might seem like he had done nothing but stand around. In truth, it took all his concentration just to keep up with Han Bei. If he sustained this any longer, his brain might just fry.

Han Bei sadly chuckled, " No rest for the wicked, huh? " His gaze sharpened as he saw only 4 puppets remain with Fang Ming. " But I can work with this. " He gathered large amounts of Qi onto his palm with a shout. " Haaah! "


He landed the palm strike on one of the puppets with enough force to send it flying and also push back 2 other puppets behind it. They flew all the way to Fang Ming's feet, before heavily crashing to the ground.

There now was a clear path to Fang Ming but unfortunately, Han Bei stopped for too long. With his speed, it would be a tall order to escape the encirclement, even if there were fewer opponents now.

Fang Ming didn't miss this opportunity. " You're dead! " He immediately made the puppets pounce on Han Bei. They went high and low just so that their prey wouldn't have any openings to slip through. Fang Ming felt that he was close enough to victory to grab it by its throat and cut open its belly.


The ground shuddered as the puppets combined attack hit the ground. Rocks flew through the air and web-like cracks spread to the surroundings, the place where Han Bei just stood, now nothing but rubble. The attack was devastating and overbearing, but still, Fang Ming could only blink his eyes in surprise.


There Han Bei was. He stood 3 meters away from the point of the impact, totally unscathed and with an arrogant grin on his face. The ground trembled beneath him and with a yellow flash, he disappeared again.

" Dammit, he has a movement technique. " Fang Ming didn't bother with the puppets that were further away as he channeled his Qi in an attempt to revive the puppets that were just in front of him, but before he finished Han Bei appeared again.

" None of that. " Qi gathered on Han Bei's leg, and with a single sweeping kick, he blew the 3 puppets to the side before they managed to properly stand up. Fang Ming retreated backward and immediately commanded 2 of the puppets to follow him while the other 2 blocked Han Bei's way forward.

But they proved an insufficient obstacle, as Han Bei easily moved past the pair of puppets. Soon Fang Ming was face to face with a devil, armed only with 2 puppets and his own frail body, yet there was only excitement in his eyes. With bloodshot eyes and a hoarse voice, Han Bei shouted, " Let's see how much work it takes to break you instead! " But he didn't manage to do much else as the surroundings were drowned in a blinding white light.

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