《Transcendence》Chapter 49


Boom Booom Boooom!!!

*Explosion sound*


That is the sound of Mr. Author's mind.

It kollapst. (collapsed(


It seems I can't rememb what I was doin in this story. Oh well. Another arc wipe hehe


Darth woke up in strange new world. It was full of dinosaurs and pigeons.

"Heh, I eat you"

Darth ate the dinos n pigs, and he gained a skill.

Skill Gained: Eater

he also gained a title

Title Granted: Devourer

and a job

Job ApPointed: Main Character

"Heh. Of course I wouldn't be anything less than this!"


Name: Darth

Job: Main Character

Skills: Eater (active) Plot Armor (passive)

Strength: 200 Magic: 500 Mana: 1000 Speed: 350 Health: 600

"Info: Main Character"

Main Character: Grants skill Plot Armor (passive)

"Info: Plot Armor"

Plot Armor (passive): The user will get out of sticky situations miraculous ly

"Info: Eater"

Eater: The user may consume another entity and gain power from consumption.





Darth journeyd.

He travelled far and wide in this world and devoured and fought pletny of things.




10 years later

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