《Transcendence》Chapter 48


"That's impossible!"

Some arrogant brat spoke up to discredit Atama and his words. What a foolish jerk! He's totally gonna regret it!

"My dad is a doctor and he said that it's impossible to live without your heart!"

Arrogant kid's name was Super Max. He was a spoiled second generation young master. He was a talent in the class - a genius even. He was very poplar and all the kids liked him. yeah. That is SUper Max.

What the kid's sayin' is tru..." said Miss Teacher.

Miss Teacher was in tough position. Should she call the new kid out on his foolish wordings? But he was only just a 5th grader....

Atama sneered. Heh! You wanna go m8? Hahahhaha! I nev heard soch arrogance! I fought demon beasts, ya kno?

Atama got smacked on hte head by some annoying girl.

"Stop! Violance is bad! We shouldn't resort 2 iit iiif iiiit caaan beee aVoIdeeeeD!!!!!!"

This girl was was blonde and named Yellow Flower. She was the class star and all the kids liked her! Everyone respected her moral compass.

Atama was anoid. What up with this class? THey all out to get him or sumtin??

"Peh!" Atama spat and made a face. Then he found his seat to listen to lesson.

Snicker Snicker - The rest of the class





Five hours passed and everyone was feleing sleepy. It was last two hours of day left. Atama was looking out window for boredome and saw somehring exciting! Supah exciting!

It was a dragon king!!!!!!

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