《Transcendence》Chapter 46




Stomping footsteps stoming footsteps...

Stomping FOOTSTEPS STOMPING footsteps!!!!


Stomping footsteps stomping footsteps...

It is coming... !!!!

It come!





Meanwhile: In New York Streets.

A boy with one arm and one leg was wallking around like a foreigner - He didn't know where he was.

He looked lost.

Author San : I dk which arm and leg he lost and it's really troublesome having to go back to look up which ones are missing. *Pew* Now he's not missing anyhing anymores.

He B Goin reel lozt.

He ws lozt.

He was real surprized when he realized he had all limbz aggan.

His face Bee like Woah (0_O)

'I gotta get back and fight that guy' thought Atama.

That's right! I bet u could not not not guess that this misterous boi was Atama!!!!!

Readers: Shocked surrprised expression!!!!!

Atama kept on walking walkng walking until he got to the police station by coincidence by chance.

A big fatty cop who was eating a bagel saw him aand was all like: Ey, kid, be in school, no? What going you be? Hah?

Atama couuldn't understand what hthe kop said. he was confuse. ... but not everyone else.

Everyone else in gossipy whispers: Gasp, hahaha lol that boi don't speak our language. Stupid kid. Go back to school and learn how to speak our language Lol

Then they were all like to each other: Okie dokie gotta go back to workie. ttyl amirite? HAHAHAH kek

Atama felt sups embarass so he blushed red. He iddn't like this. A dark feeling starting welling up inside him started to form inside his mind.

Dark mind thoughts: U don't need to listen to theise chumps! You could wipe em out in an instatn! Beat em all to pulverine!

Atama thinking to himself: no that bad!

Narrator San - And thus Atama's reslove one.





"I need to go to the school to learn... !!!!"

Atama saw a car on the streets! Woah!

He got ready to fight it! he thought this thing looked much like the airplane that bombed his tribe. They must be related!!!!

He beat the car in a fight.

"Heh, kid you're pretty good. How about you fight me???" Said some shady punk.

"I'm the best fighter in this part of town. hehehe."

Atama squared up and oneshot the punk. No messin' with the boss Atama!

"Ouch ouch ok you win. Soz forr the trouble..."

"What? You think you can pick fight with me and just walk away like that??!?!?!?! Blood Spirit chains, activate!!!!"

A bunch of blood spirit tattooos attatched onto the punk and made him a blood spirit servant.

"Now you work for me. NOw call me mob baoss!"

"Okay sir!"

And thus the strongest gang in the city was formed.

The very handsome Author: Haha, you guys like? This ark I mean!!! Silly! This is the thrid arc of the series! 1 was the Darth arc. 2 was the Atama arc. 3 was the canyon arc. 4 is this city gang arc!! Oh wait... so this is fourth arc not thrid ark. Sorry my bad. lol

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