《Transcendence》Chapter 45


"Ah! So it's u!"


Atama exclaimed but then tilted his head in confusion. He didn't actully know this guy lol (Atama grew up in jungle so he didn't even know what Germany was)


Atama while still in shock was kicked back by Uberwaltigt.

Atama was knocked back real far!

'S-strong!' thought Atama

Atama thought he was already very super strong for a human... he didn't think there were any humans that could match him anymore... This was a surprise! He thought his only enemies would be the mechanical monsters and demonic monsters!

Btw, Atama considers Darth to be a monster - not human.




Bang! Atama crashed into the canyon wall!

Atama then used his blood spirits to fly! Flying would weaken his physcial power tho..

Uberwaltigt started speakin in german so Atama couldn't understand... Then Uberwaltigt pressed a button and his words got translated!

"Kid - nay! - Beast, what are you doing, climbing out of the depths of hell?"

"Hah?" Atama didn't understand.

Uberwaltigt snorted and pulled out his deagles, "Dual Madness".

Babang babang!

Poom Poom!

Atama got shot and his chest nearly exploded! He was at 40% hp!!! Very dangerous

Ahhh! said Atama

Blood sprayed, he was loosing blood quick! But that's a good thing too because that unleashed and powered up more blood spirits!

"Blood Spirit shard attack!" Atama used a special move! Normally he uses physical attacks so that means he recognizes his opponent!

Babang babang!

Splat! Tink! Splat!

Blood Spirit shards collissioned with the bullets, and metal and blood scattered everywhere! It was epic!

"Demon, quit crawlin out of your prison! I have business with your king... hey, didn't i already have a agreement with him? You demons aren''t aloud to attack me..."

Atama was confused.

"I ain't a demoN! I aint got a king!"


"Ah, so ur a stray.... Then that means I won't get punished for killing you!!!!!!!!!"

Babang Babang!

Merciless bullets with murder intent were shot forth!


Atama was prepared to get bodied.... but

SFX: Stronk Boi getting hurt and growling

Stronk Boi Took the hit! MVP of the year right here!

Stronk boii took the hit and gave Atama an opportunity to go on offensive!

"HAaaaa!" Atama went in for a bloody spirit slash!


*Ouches in German*

Uberwaltigt got a cut on his right cheek.

He was not confident in his close range fighting so....


Uberwaltigt used his teleportation device to transport Atama away!

"Few, that was a close one. Welp, back to visising the demon king. I hope I'm not late cuz of this"

Uberwaltigt fixed up the Mechanical Gorilla in a jiffy and descended the near endless canyon.

Meanwhile, Stronk Boi be lookin' confused. The fight was suddenly over and he was forgotten about.




Vrweeewooowwweeeewooooweeewoooo (SFX of gettin' teliported)

A boy with his left arm and left leg missing, blood spirit tattoos, and blood red hair was transported into the middle of a New York Street!

Cars had to quickly swerve around him!

He looked confused!


Atama turned his head this way and that.

"This isn't the jungle...."

To be


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