《Transcendence》Chapter 44 – Who dat be


It was Überwältigt!!!!

Überwältigt was his name!

Hah? You don't know who the great Überwältigt is? Heh, then lemme tell you 'bout him!


His parents were secret agents who were in Germany. They had to lay low because they did so many spy things in such a small time frame. They took laying low literally and went to the lowest place in Germany - the sewers. There, in the sewers, Überwältigt was born!

Überwältigt lived a swell life despite growing up in the sewers. He learned to be very educated by his super smart spy parents. He also learned to be very athletic by his super athletic spy parents. He made lots of friends like his friends Leonidas, Donald, Mich, and Ralde. They were cool guys, but the focus is Überwältigt, so I'll tell y'all 'bout them some other time. (P.S. The four trained under their master, master Splippy)

When Überwältigt turned thirteen, he got his first glimpse of sunlight. He was nearly blinded by the joyous event.

His pasty skin burned immediately, but it was a price Überwältigt was willing to pay in order to explore the world!

Überwältigt was bullied by his peers because of how much better he was than everyone else. It definitely wasn't because he was a pasty sewer boi...

Anyways, the bullying was too much for Überwältigt, so Überwältigt decided to drop out of school. He studied by himself and ended up becoming way way smarter than even the greatest scientists like Newton. Überwältigt became a famous German scientist that all knew the name of. He invented flying cars, he cured all diseases, and he invented a television that was eco friendly! Everybody loved Überwältigt now!

But all good things come to an end eventually...

SFX: Dun dun dun!!!

Überwältigt was being a classy fellow who was enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning. He was watching the grand scenery of his city as the sun rose... When suddenly evil aliens from another dimension bent space and time to invade! They blew up his home, destroyed half his body, and killed his fiancee! By the time the aliens moved on to the next country to destroy, Überwältigt was one of the last people in Germany... Überwältigt decided to invent weapons and stuff to fight back!


The Earthen countries were able to repel their alien invaders after a long, bloody war... but that was just the scouting party! The earth knew that if a real alien army came, they'd be wiped out! Thus everyone was in a hurry to find ways to get stronker. Überwältigt was super panicked and threw away his morals in order to get stronker! Überwältigt did illegal experiments on people... Überwältigt became evil scientist! He do anything he can to get stronger and to defeat the aliens... even if it costs him his humanity...

Author: Poor Überwältigt! He had everything taken from him. Now he's fallen into the depths of despair and desperation... now he became evil... boohoo.

How he be lookin'

Überwältigt stands at 7 foot 2 inches. He be a tall boi.

Überwältigt has pasty white skin and very pale blonde hair too. His hair is curly and short. He has purple right eye.

Überwältigt is very very skinny, but very very muscular too.

Überwältigt has a robotic left arm that is the color of steel. It has an in-built watch on the wrist. He also has a robotic left leg that is the color of steel. He also has a robot eye-patch thing on his left eye (It can zoom in and out like a camera. Super cool.). The lens is blue.

Überwältigt has raven wings on his back, but they are only the size of actual raven wings so he can't actually fly.

Überwältigt has unattached ear lobes. He has very big ears. Like the size of his hands. Also, his nose is big and pointy like a bird beak.

He wears a big white lab coat and a blue shirt. He has brown pants with a red patch on the right knee that was sewn on to cover a hole.


Oh! And give him a monocle that goes over his right eye! And he carries a pocket watch that's the color gold. Inside is a picture of his dog named robot!

He doesn't wear shoes because he thinks they're unethical.



He carries dual deagles that he keeps on his waist. He painted one deagle blue and the other orange. He calls them "Dual Madness"

He's lookin' cool, right?

Equipment and Abilities

Überwältigt is super duper smart. He can think of a way around any defense - even plot armor

He is also super athletic... and his robot appendages add like +900 strength and dexterity

He has his "Dual Madness" dual deagles

He has a bus-sized Mechanical Gorilla suit. It's the color of chrome with yellow eyes.

Oh! And Überwältigt is really very handsome! Make him handsome! He's so handsome it goes under abilities instead of looks!

Überwältigt has trained in and mastered every martial art on earth.

He doesn't require food nor water to live. He can photosynthesize.

He has speech 100 - very persuasive and can speak with nature.

What he be liking and disliking

Top 10 (Likes):

1. Dogs

2. Cats

3. Spinach

4. Tacos

5. Attractive people

6. Himself (He be a narcissist)

7. Power

8. Chinese food

9. Cartoons

10. Pizza

Bottom Ten (Dislikes):

1. Inter-dimensional alien invaders

2. Bad breath

3. Elbows

4. Walking

5. Oceans

6. Public restrooms

7. Bullying

8. Money

9. Raccoons

10. Mondays


Überwältigt is a narcissist. Not many are able to garner his respect. He is very rude and evil. If you mess with him, you better watch ur back!

He is very kind to animals... except raccoons for some unknown reason. He is a hardworking, diligent person. He also keeps all of his promises, no matter what!

He is so pessimistic that he's an optimist. He be like: This probably give me only a score of zero/100... so anything above a zero is good!

Plot twist!!!!

Race: Space Elf

Überwältigt's parents were actually spies from the other dimension!!!! He doesn't know that though...

This is why he has the power of photosynthesis. This also explains why he can speak with nature.

The reason he has big ears is because he be an elf!!!

It also explains why he be so tall.

Note: This does not explain his crow wings... He kinda just put those on himself for cosmetic purposes....

Ohhh! And i just thought this right now, but give him a blood red trident too! That'll be so cool!

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