《Transcendence》Chapter 43 - Who's dat?!?!?!


Atama dealt with the MG.

It was. Destroyed. Cue cool vicotry sound FX.

Atama turned chibi with a wink and his tongue out with his right hand doing a "V" victory symbol.

THe Mecha Gorilla fell down and crashed, inplanting itsef onto the canyon wall.

"Now to figure out what's inside!"

Atama was opening the robot. He wanted to see who was behind this bad thing.

Narrator: Gasp!

Narrator: M-masaka! It can't be!!!!!

Author: Spits out food he been Munching on.

Secretary Miss: Super shocked expression.

Everyone was super dupes surprised!

Readers be like:

Who's dat?!?!?!?!?!

Who is dat?!?!?!?!

Who be that person!??!?!?!?!

Ahhhhh! I wanna know who dat is!!!!!!

Telll meeeeeeee!

Don't leave us in da dark like zis!!!!!!

Cue Reader tantrum

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