《Transcendence》Chapter 42


Atama spoke with teh surviving two armored warriors then healed them. They were grateful.

"Thanks bro."


"Lol well cya later"

Then teh armored warriors flew back to their village that was somewhere in this canyon that Atama knew not.

Atama mounted Stronk Boi and rode away. He wanted to get out of this weird canyon.

This place has strong creatures further deeper into the earth, but I not ready for it yet. THat red demonic lizard was already enough to giving me hardattack. It scary was.

Atama rode Stronk Boi up the canyon. THey were making good progress. In only a few days, they were already halfway back up.

Half way up however, problems arose for the two.

SFX: Mechanical gorilla flying and shooting strong bomb bullets.

SFX: Eeeerrrrrrfrooooooooom booog booog booog booog!

Atama held tight on Stronk Boi's fur, and Stronk boi trying his hardest to not fall. He dodged but not dodged all. AOE explosions are real tough to avoid, ya know?

They had to hurry up and deal with this troublesome mechanical gorilla.

Stronk Boi raced up, quickly followed by MG (Mechanical Gorilla). Stronk Boi opened his mouth and let out a blue beam blast.

Direct hit! Critical hit!

The MG was hit on its left wing and had to use its hands to hold onto the canyon wall, else it would fall down.

Atama wiped sweat from his brow.

"Phew, We should be able to escape no. Things that are good at flight probs aren't so good at other means at travel, right? Afterall, birds aint knwn for their swimming ability, right?"

Alas, Atama was wrong...

"The gorilla sprouted robotic spider legs from its back!" -Narrator-san.

Sprout robtic spider legs from its back it did. THe MG was quick to gain on Stronk Boi again. It was only like ten meters behind Atama and the Stronk Boi.


It reaching out to grab Atama off Stronk Boi's back.


Atama unleashed some blood spirits to keep it at bay.

SFX: pshh pggg pggpg

"This thing is strong.... The only other thing I know this strong is.... !!!!!" Atama's eyes lit up. In fear or excitement, it was not clear.

Atama was reminded of that one jet that bombed his village.

"THese are the same people!"

Atama jumped off Stronk Boi and towards teh MG.

!!!! said Stronk Boi. Stronk Boi couldn'tn't not understand what Atama was doing!

Readers were in awe of Atama.. THey could not wait to see what Atama was planning! HE was spectacular and his story was interesting.

Munch munch munch. Even the author was waiting to see what this crazy kid was up to!

Atama launched a punch with his remaining hand at the MG's fist. Fists collided!

But Atama's was stronger! Much Stronger!

It crushed and destroyed the MG hand.

Atama kept going!

"I've got one inch so I'll take a mile!"

He didn't want to just desstroy the hand! He was going for the head!


SFX: Mechanical Gorilla head getting punched by eight year old kid's fist!!!

Atama broke the head in a single punch! SO strong! THis is proof of his training!

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